Monday, April 6th, 2009
- None
Plot Scenes:
- Elisabeth consults with Trask about the possible security breach, strike that, security breach that Alec Bonder is and what to do about him. (So... I'm Dealing With It But We Got A Problem)
- Veronica and Katherine recruit Schuyler into the Company. (Too Cute To Say No).
- Mason Chesterfield watches on as a co-worker and patient of his dies during research into the Formula at Pinehearst Headquarters, revealing Pinehearst's involvement in the Rage-Dementia virus incidents of 2008. Afterwards, he decides to call his daughter, Cat.
- Mason Chesterfield is having some issues with his experiments. He's also needing to talk to his daughter. (To Err Is Human)
- While holding one conversation, Cat has a surprise second, both of them causing the title question to form in her mind.(Are There Really Any Coincidences?)
Personal Scenes:
- Out on a call, Liz hears a familiar voice in an unfamiliar context. Jake that is. (Cops and Homeless Vets)
- Simon meets with Mallory for the first time since his disappearance. (So Not Hair Kids)
- Pastor Sumter swings by The Lighthouse to offer his assistance. Brian is apparently happy to have it. Deckard is not. (In the Darkness of Everybody's Life)
- Lunchtime at Moab. Elle and Django hit on(???) each other, Alexander is an amnesiac, and Doyle is BOUNCING WITH JOY TO SEE AN OLD FRIEND except not really. See title for details.(So Mature)
- Sebastian and Tamsine meet at a support group and find an odd camaraderie (Wounds a Mile Wide, a Fathom Deep)