Saturday, July 4th, 2009
terrenaamah 23 Jul 2009 07:40
Plot Scenes:
- Elisabeth and Felix talk to Jessy Delany's RA and roommate in their investigation into her disappearance. The plot thickens. Not Just A Family Issue
Personal Scenes:
- After the incident at the Lighthouse, Gillian makes it to the mainland and tries to make sure one part of Brian remains intact. And spills all his secrets to the kind old lady he's been helped by. Hush Now
- One of Arthur's shadow clones finds one of the Gillians. Duhn. Duhn. Duhn. And another one bites the dust. Gillian's down a clones once more. Shadow Hound
- Even when losing so much, at least Gillian and Winters, the remaining Brian, still have each other. Have Each Other
- Carrie in a two-piece suit…. And Magnes in the same space. Need I say more. Happy fourth of July. Swimsuit Issue
- Just because an encounter isn't planned doesn't mean it isn't a strange coincidence. Adam meets a curiosity in the form of a metal woman, Gillian sees a boat ride back to Manhattan. Unplanned
- The Fool's Journey is a metaphor for the journey through life. Each major arcana of the Tarot stands for a stage on that journey - an experience that a person must incorporate to realize his wholeness. Helena has reached the Hermit thanks to a dreamwalking Hokuto. The Fool's Journey
- Wendy wasn't Cook to come to the Hamptons with her. Even if it'll cost her 200 bucks for his last five minutes of shift. She also wants to know what the hell it is that he does. 200 Dollars For Five Minutes
- Not how it sounds. Joseph meets his (other) savior, and she makes him an offer he actually can and does refuse. But maybe later. The Greenwich Village Bicycle
- A rooftop in Chelsea is the witness to a great many things between Victor and Abigail. Te only sparks though, are in the air and going up in smoke. No Sparks
- Tracy's need for Pinehearst information comes at a very high price as Robin Hood finally puts a price tag on his services. The Price for Knowledge
- Raith finally gets his meeting with Ethan. Can we say… awkward? Chest puffing? Too Close to Midnight
- Hokuto visits Logan during a fitful night of dreaming, and delivers an ultimatum. Change. It Never Snows On Christmas
- Kivuli; Shadow, ghost, vision. — The retreat that is Huruma's dreams is intruded upon by Ghost.Kivuli