Saturday, September 5th, 2009
Plot Scenes:
- Information is passed between Eileen, Gabriel and Minea. Wisely, there is no attempt made on Sylar's and all three walk away unharmed. (Completing The Triangle)
Personal Scenes:
- Azrael visits with Cassidy. In Coren's body. (The Final Game, Part I)
- Cat shows up at the Guiding Light to make a small apology for always going by a different name. (Cat's Confession)
- Hokuto Ichihara visits the home of Detective Elisabeth Harrison in an attempt to ease her pains and fulfill her end of a bargain with Abigail Beauchamp. (What Dreams May Come, Part I)
- Sanctuaries are places of the mind where you are safest and Hokuto takes Elizabeth there during her visit. (What Dreams May Come, Part II)
- Cardinal, thanks to help from Hokuto, finds his way to Elisabeth's sanctuary in her dreams to help her take control of one aspect of her life. (What Dreams May Come, Part III)
- Cat and Leonard check in on Max and warn him off of registering and offering him help. Help that Max turns down and tells them of his plan to register. (I'm A Hockey Man, Myself)
- Mortimer sends a message to Azrael, Elisabeth gets to read it. (Hello Azrael)
- A lesson that everyone learns one night at the Rock Cellar.(Booze And Politics Don't Mix)
- Brian and Veronica meet at the ruins of Primatech for important secret business; Grimalkin is discussed, to Brian's annoyance, as he has more pressing issues on his mind. (Covert Engagement)
- Len wants a tattoo touched up and Xiulan comes highly recommended. (More Than A Little Ink)
- Adam visits Kaylee in her room. A certain crazy doomsday spewing man is talked about and Adam gives her a gift. (Like A Daughter To Me)
- Peyton stops in for some pub grub and gets an unintended guilt trip and advice from the bartender Andrew. (A Meaningful Job)
- Amongst the chore of gardening, the trio discuss what they'd love to do with Danko and Linderman. (Conspiracies, Murder and Gardening)
- Who knew losing your mind could be this educational? Deckard is lead to a bookstore via Francois as a hallucination. (Yours To Give Away)
- Felix may be chained, but his mind is wandering here and there. (Fever Dreams)