Saturday, September 12, 2009
Plot Scenes:
- Len adds Teo to his merry band of men who are Humanis First bound. Because apparently he doesn't think anyone at work is good enough. (But We Still Need A Drummer)
Personal Scenes:
- Hours after Phoebe introduced Danko to the business end of her shotgun, Huruma catches wind of him in a bad way and sets to seeing juuust how far she can push him while he's off his game. Some day, some day Huruma will feast. (Running On Empty)
- There's a window of opportunity to talk, and Felix takes it and asks Joseph to hear his confessions even though they're both not of the same religion. (Friendly Voices)
- After their first date, Adam sings: Are You Gonna Be Mah Girl?! to Lola and recruits another for his posse. (Peanut Butter and Boxers)
- Linderman puts Lola and Mortimer on a new assignment. (Over Brunch)
- Len and Grim discuss the founder killings and his AWOL status that landed him in the cell in the first place. (Stripping Away The Mirage)
- Grim and Carrie talk in his cell, a little discussion about the way things are as he's heading to the infirmary to get his sytem flushed of the inhibitor drug. (Saying What Needs To Be Said)
- Eileen investigates a text message sent by Teo to see if there's any truth to it and to try and make what amends that he'll let her make. Which includes food! (Good Tidings of Rye Bread and Cranberries)
- Tuck and Logan pen a deal to get the pawnie off Staten and onto the mainland. But first, there's a discussion about giving up contacts. (I Don't Want to be Switzerland)
- Adam and Tamsine reunite after his trip only to split apart — their relationship just one more casualty of the violence. (They All End In Tears)
- There is some serious talkin' going on when Lola drops by Kaylee's place for a visit. (Yer The Baby Of The Family)
- Humanis First is discussed and Cat theorizes all while standing in Alley Cat Courier which Cat via her corporations now owns and is becoming a new HQ for Phoenix. (Burning Birds And Alley Cats)
- Several warm bodies of various connections bump together one evening in Burlesque. There's matters of auras and cocaine to be addressed. (Multiplicity)
- Raith comes hunting Peter Petrelli to ask him if he wants in on what they're doing.(Are You In?)
- Not all trips down memory lane leave a good feeling afterward. Gillian takes another venture into the past with Refrain, into the day of April 28, 2009, when she was dropped off in Hawaii.(I Will Be)
- Raith and Peter return to a designated safehouse on Staten Island; Eileen comes looking for Ethan and Gabriel.(Sold in Truth)