Saturday, April 3rd, 2010
- Bella and Magnes have an emotionally intense reunion, and then, well… (And Then They Got High)
- Brennan slips in to see how Delilah is and see if she needs anything to be brought by her potential future visitors. (Swinging By, Land Of The Blind)
- Magnes reads Runaways comic to the Lighthouse Kids and it comes with a super hero speech. But also, Gillian and him sit down and have a talk, about what can best be done to help people in this world. (Best Present Possible)
- Kendall and Melissa talk about parents, racism and Liette.(A Different Type of Racism)
- Bella goes in for therapy of her own, and Allison uses her specialty technique: hypnosis. (Specialties)
- Magnes comes to apologize to Peyton for seeing various things on the internet that he felt he shouldn't have. (Things Slipped)
- Huruma is waiting in Ryans' Hotel room, but at least she comes bearing a gift.(A Microwaved Wallet, Don't Look Down)
- Abby meets with Melissa to discuss green handprints and Kazimir. (Healing? Or Not)
- Idealism meets cynicism when the Times' cub reporter meets a veteran of the FBI. (Like Unicorns)