Events for Friday, August 6th, 2010
- Cat receives a visit to discuss the compass and its riddles in make, purpose and weakness. (Masks On Masks)
- Panucci's has never seen such an unlikely gathering of people sharing the same table. (The Get Lucky Pizza)
- Elle and Nadal meet…and neither offer the best first impressions. (Smoking is Bad)
- It's moving fast, but Liz is trusting her gut again when it comes to Jaiden.(Shooting the Rapids)
- The associates of Redbird Security Solutions happen to gather at their home office. Monica and Niki are reunited and Cardinal reveals that he has news for his hitter. (Redbird Reunion)
- Susan pays Odessa a visit to go over what they did, the success and failure :( How could you Odessa. Susan? Really? (Decide What You Love)
- Amato and Nick meet again, with Melissa as a spectator, and this time Amato's questions are answered. (Pride and Providence)
- Whether they belong to an individual or a crowd, they can mess up your day in a hurry as Nadira, Chase and Evan find out. (Unreasonable Expectations)
- Still recovering from his altercation with Nick Ruskin, Amato delivers troubling news to Raith about Eileen's family that happens to be in town. (Contending Troubles)
- Raith brings Amato to the Dispensary to treat his fractured jaw. (Call It Vanity)