Events for Saturady, August 7th.
- Melissa and Daphne visit Francois to offer both Daphne's speed to the upcoming mission to rescue Teo and companionship to the despairing Frenchman. (Eat, Drink and Be Distracted)
- It's an inside job and a spattering of Brooklyn's visitors and residents, get caught in it when a group of individual rob a banco populaire. (Banco Un-Populaire)
- Kendall, Ling, and Melissa collide for the first time together since the teenager ran away, and are left with just that after Kendall expresses an unexpected interest.(Something To Discuss)
- Francois visits Sadie and attempts to strike another bargain to get Teo's memories of that red headed boy back. But the cost, may be too high. (Harmless)
- Felix and Jaiden meet up and discuss Frontline, Registration, and Citizenship (Dinner Conversation)