Events for August 9th, 2010
- Elisabeth Harrison and Sarisa Kershner are on the same page regarding a prospective operation… (Darker Than Black, As Icarus Descends)
- Enemies, allies, kin and kind — the ties between Hana Gitelman and the entity called Rebel are complicated and contradictory. Soliciting her aid in his current endeavors doesn't seem to clear any of the air between them. (Negotiating Relationships, As Icarus Descends)
- Cardinal gathers the members of Endgame to go over the plan to strike the Staten Island Hospital. Peyton is struck with nightmarish images from within and warns about what's in store. WARNING: Not for weak stomachs possibly. (Setting the Tone, As Icarus Descends)
- Messiah and Endgame appeal to the Ferrymen's organizational council. Reception is mixed. Susan's snitty - No surprise, Joseph is neutral, Abby's all for it by volunteer only, the list goes on. (A Matter of Choice, As Icarus Descends)
- Two high-profile cases are presented while Harper's profile is broken when he insults dead agents and Martin's had enough of his yankee ways. (Deconstruction III, Severance)
- Jaiden's all-in real damn fast — and he may as well get the full briefing with everyone else. (Feet First Into the Deep End, As Icarus Descends, Every Prophet In His House)
- Once again Melissa runs into Nick. This time she gets a bit of information out of him, and presents a foreign notion to him. (A Foreign Notion)
- Kendall decides to play with his powers a bit, heavily influenced by a deoderant commercial. He's the teenager your teenager could smell like. (Old Spice)
- Corbin Ayers seeks out Lydia Taylor for her tattoo-ing skills, rather than her fortune telling. He's been learning how to play tricks from the Cheshire Cat, who also makes an appearance. (Cheshire Cat Scratch)
- Joseph catches up with Susan after she leaves behind a meeting. (Right or Wrong, As Icarus Descends)
- A high Sable comes to ask Tasha for the former and the two discuss the meaning of the latter in a philosophical sort of way. (Signs and Semblances)
- Bryan catches Allison after the meeting, and gives her a dressing down that she doesn't appreciate. (Internal Matters, Severance)
- Lynette gets a visit from her favorite captor (no joke!) and they discuss things like… loyalty and death and Madams… (He's -My- Hero, As Icarus Descends)
- While both are rusty when it comes to the 'hook-up,' Peyton finds the companionship she needs after a rough day with Smedley. (Remembering the Steps)
- Decakrd + Bella + Apartment that's too expensive for it's location but they take it anyways so they can try playing house. (Cohabitation)