Events for August 12th, 2010
- Among the expected visitors at her bedside, Tasha finds a stranger with an even stranger connection to her as she meets her mother's Russian. (Foxes and Wolves, Every Prophet In His House)
- Gillians tired of being kidnapped, used, batteried and tortured. Gillians child died at the Hospital and she's going to remake herself. (Gillian Childs Is Dead, Every Prophet In His House)
- Do not look behind the curtain, unless you are absolutely certain you're prepared for what you will find. (The Great And Terrible Oz, Messiah Complex)
- Teo wakes up. Francois supposes it could be worse. He could have none of the Teo's instead of just the frinkle one. (50%)
- A few surviving elements of the Vanguard convene at the nature center the morning after the joint-assault on the Institute only for them to have a disagreement about how to handle one of their associates. (Hostile Country)
- The triage area of the nature reserve where the injured were brought post raid, is busy and hopping. (Longest Two Hours Of Your Life)
- Bao-Wei survived the raid and washes up upon the shores of Staten Island. (The Rose, As Icarus Descends)
- These two women - Lynette and Elisabeth - just barely met, but sometimes one shared tragedy is enough to skip the pleasantries (Support System)
- In the aftermath of the Hospital take down, Daphne follows her instinct. And Corbin lets her. (Too Long, And Not Long Enough)
- The long-ago of the half-forgotten past, the fears and joys of the present… and a new tattoo with Quinn and Ygraine. (Y Ddraig Goch)
- Elle and Warren watch the news, and have a generally interesting conversation. (All Mine)
- In the aftermath of tragedy, Peter Petrelli and Niki Sanders agree to a fresh start, and seem to have very little trouble reconnecting. (What Rarely Is)
- Two baby thugs - Luke & Tru - meet on a train, get in a fight, and almost crash it.(Train Brawl)
- Melissa returns home after the Institute raid, and discovers that Kendall is, in fact, growing up. (Not a Kid Anymore)
- Logan bumps into someone who isn't a stranger, recent past and farther future. (Prosaic, Every Prophet In His House)
- Nick is questioned concerning his identity and his soul, but the newly transplanted Brit is reluctant to cooperate with the two wolf-hunters, Amato and Raith. (Peep and Pincer)
- Kelly invites Logan out for drinks and to get some questions answered. At one point, he chooses to sashay out, not stomp. (Sashay, Not Stomp)
- Delia finds herself in her father's dreams and meets a woman thought dead. She also learns one her father's deeply kept secrets. (Dream Scar)