Events for August 15th, 2010
- Dante with Flora, descend on Homesec to interview/interrogate Acton Reed, and find their list of suspects, go down to Zero once again. (Acton Reed, Red Herring, Severance)
- Sunday, not so bloody Sunday, in the Nite Owl with a mish-mash of individuals and a tattle taler of skills. (Sunday Shenanigans)
- Elle reveals a truth she learned ten years in the future, from the very woman she's telling it to now. (New Chances)
- The admissions of a sinner are not absolved in confession and Amato finds himself unintentionally, the confessor when Delia comes to confession. (The Kingdom is at Hand)
- On a whim, Robyn Quinn stops by Ichihara, and ends up getting her palm read by Lydia (Books and Palms)
- A fugitive safehouse operator joins an ex-patriate Briton for a bit of ceiling-based electronic maintenance. About as normal as New York gets, these days. (Back to Normality)
- Amato has a run-in with a little girl who turns out to be so much more than a little girl… (Flashbacks)
- John Logan confronts Kain Zarek about his summoning of Gideon d'Sarthe to New York City, and while Logan questions Kain's sanity, Kain pays Logan back for a prank Logan helper perpetrate on his apartment while he was away. (Pack Mentality)
- Alia surprises Cardinal with a Tarot Reading. (Chariot, Empress, Lovers, Hermit, Page)
- Quinn collides with Ina in front of April, who remains cagily wary in the face of an offer of help. (Random Awkwardness)
- Cat gets Gillian out of triage so she can go through withdrawal in private. They discuss her possible name change, and Gillian gets caught up more on what the Institute used her and Joseph to do when they first took them. (A Possibly Invaluable Service, Every Prophet in His House)
- Huruma travels to the Ryans household to talk to Benjamin, she finds Delia instead (Lowered Expectations)
- They say you can never go home again… (Temporary Fix)
- The Remnant converge when a stranger's body and an enemy's mind shows up at the Old Dispensary. (To Give and Receive)