Events for 1990 - 1999
February 1992
- February 14th - Hiro Nakamura takes Richard Cardinal and Jonas Zimmerman back to a monumental epoch in the Zimmerman Family's timeline, but the interference of an unexpected third party changes the scope of their journey. (The Plan, Butterflies)
- February 14th - One tragedy begets another and the Zimmerman family is forever shattered. (Weighing the Values of Life, Butterflies)
- February 14th - Richard Cardinal, working in cooperation with the Company, is partnered up with an unexpected agent to protect the Zimmerman family from an assassin sent through time to kill them. What Cardinal uncovers in the past, however, may well be laying groundwork for major events in the future. (The Slippery Slope, Butterflies)
- February 15th - Richard Cardinal's journey through time concludes with an unexpected reunion with Broome.(Exodus, Butterflies)
May 1992
- May 12th - Hiro and Kimiko's journey through time comes to a close, and the secrets of the Catalyst and the Formula are revealed. (And Then There Was Light)
Summer 1993
- Teodoro Laudani is 11 years old and spending a few summer days with his aunt Lucrezia. Sets precedent for the boy's tendency to set himself on fire, and the woman's stupefyingly loving wrath. (The God of Small Things)
Summer 1994
- In a predicted action, fate chugs along when a dying Frenchman meets a little girl too far from home in the backwoods of Louisiana and passes to her a parasitic ability that will help save the world fourteen years down the road, knowing full well what burden he heaps upon her shoulders. (Human, All Too Human)
April 1998
- April 2nd - Sable and Eileen are recruited to rescue a 10-year-old Magnes before a mysterious villain can erase him from the present day forever. But first, they have to get through a formidable foe: Mrs. Varlane. (Cakewalk, Butterflies)
- April 2nd - Sable and Eileen steal Magnes away to safety, or what they presume it to be. (Submissive, Butterflies)
- April 3rd - Sable is stuck in a basement with the thing - Magnes - that will become her best friend. It could be worse. Eileen could be there too and she could be having to pry the woman away from Magnes. But she's not. It's just Sable and bb Magnes. (Rank Three on the Official People Ranking System, Butterflies)
December 1998
- December 29th - Deckard breaks out of hospital and confronts this episode's damsel in distressed with mixed results. (The Weather Today Is Slightly Sarcastic, Butterflies)
January 1999
- January 2nd - Deckard plays surveillance and John opts to keep him company. (Observation, Butterflies)
- January 2nd - January 2nd - On a bridge that still stands, Jaiden appears in the past, and goes over the details of the days to come. What few there are. (Prepare For Rain, Butterflies)
- January 3rd - Jaiden's negotiating the tricky waters of the past and trying to meet his quarry. (Icy Patches, Butterflies)
- January 3rd - Rhys appears to fill Flint in on the real reason he's been asked to keep his enemy close. The accident that makes John limp never happened and as such, Deckard needs to make it right. Deckard is not happy :< (Can't Say No, Butterflies)
- January 3rd - Logan shouldn't be alone at night, and Deckard shows him why when he corrects the course of the former's history. (Change of Plans, Butterflies)
- January 3rd - After meeting Elizabeth, Jaiden takes a walk through the park only to meet up with a young family called the Benjamins. (The Australian Giant, Butterflies)
- January 4th - Another steps out of the time-space continuum. Someone who is looking for Elisabeth Harrison too. (Isolated, Butterflies)
- January 5th - Some folkes wish they were cameras, so they could keep the images in their heads forever and ever. Jaiden brings Mrs. Ryan's wallet back to her and spends time with bb Delia. (Orla's Camera, Butterflies)
- A lovely evening shows Jaiden who Liz was ten years ago. She's not so different. (Some Things About A Person Remain Constant, Butterflies)
- A date at a hockey game with Elisabeth goes wrong… just as expected. (Make Me Believe You, Butterflies)
Spring 1999
- Once upon a time, Izzy came to her foster-mother - Hadley - with a question or two.(Advice To A Teenaged Izzy)