December 8th, 2010
- Marjorie receives visitors interested in her brother's whereabouts and when it seems like she might have to make a decision between one or the other, someone ultimately chooses for her. (Duty to Country or Family, A Brave New World)
- A bit of unintended advice goes a long long way as Danko finds himself the victim of a former groupie. (Do What You Do, In Dreams)
- When searching for a father, Colette Nichols instead finds her life further spiraling out of control. (A Staleness in the Air, A Brave New World)
- The Nichols sisters meet in the abandoned subway tunnels beneath Midtown's ruins for what they hope is not the last time. (I'll Be Home For Christmas, A Brave New World)
- Ygraine comes calling, to find that Sable's called elsewhere. (A Call to Answer)
- Barbara is glad to see that Cat is alive and well and now on POllepel and the two converse in Bannerman Castle. (My Name Is Barbara...)
- Cat visits Lynette and Ryans to discuss the situation that is Delia and her flitting through the dreams of others. She doens't much care for the answer. (We're Running Out Of Time Fast, In Dreams)
- Cat approaches Shannon to see if the illusionist might be willing to play the part of her, to see if there's anyone who's watching the Verb or watching for Cat. (You Want Me To Play Bait?)
- Joseph and Kaylee make Hannah a proposition on behalf of the Ferry. (Something of an Invitation, Four Quarters)
- An unexpected meeting between two friends - Quinn & Sable - occurs at the most predictable place they could manage. (Strawberry Fields Forever)
- Tess approaches Abbot in her unique way to propose a unique opportunity that she thinks he would, and she would, benefit greatly from. (Fame and Fortune)
- Melissa tracks down an old friend to find some answers. Odessa enlists her as an informant of sorts. (Not Okay, But Safe)
- Found, evaded, and then sought again in a new form…. Trouble seems to be very much part of Koshka's life but Ygraine points her in a direction that may help.(Some Kind of Trouble)
- Looking for fresh air, Nora finds an improvised pasture and a shepherd. (Struggling to Sustain, Four Quarters)
- Kendall seeks a council member in Abby to see about how he can join the Ferry and finds out that he is already part of it. (Wanting To Pay It Forward)
- Brian and Samara reconnect, as two living people. (Can I Be Lazarus?)
- It's what keeps some people going through bad times. Melissa's no exception as she makes sure Junko's going to have a good christmas regardless of her motherless state. (Little Things Like Christmas Trees)
- A small band bonding session between Adel and Quinn, considering of chicken wings, soda, lesdar, and movies. (Chicken Wings and Wingwomen)
- Drinks and discuss take a turn for the confessional, their subject absent, when Ygraine and Sable talk. (Good Kid)
- Humanis First doesn't get to carry out their plan to precision when a quartet of individuals (Paint Me A Glue-By-Four, A Brave New World)
- Following up on advice from Jessica, Barbara goes to see Elisabeth Harrison. (He's Underground)
- While in the ER after a Humanis First incident, Tess asks for the one cop she knows and likes. (A Good Samaritan)
- Brennan comes across Koshka who would be better served not at the suresh Center. (You Never Saw Me)
- Griffin answers a text, but it is too late for one family member. (Rosary)
- Teo wants Felix, Abby wants Robert. Each asks the other to get them their respective men for Christmas, even if they won't be able to wrap them and put them under the tree. (All I Want For Christmas Is Him)