January 1st, 2010
terrenaamah 12 Jan 2011 03:58
- <spoilers> makes a New Years <spoilers>. (I Resolve...)
- <spoilers> seeks <spoilers> but gets nothing more than polite (and a little impolite) <spoilers> from two of the castle's <spoilers>. (Trained to Listen, Four Quarters)
- <spoilers> and <spoilers> discuss the latter's new (metaphorical) <spoilers>, and the former pulls no <spoilers>. (A Smart Match)
- A <spoilers> is called to discuss business where <spoilers> aims to showcase his newly acquired <spoilers>. A slightly weary <spoilers> opens up just enough to show that she still has a <spoilers>. Late comers join in on the <spoilers>. (How Best to Proceed)
- Roundabout talk about simple subject over a first(?) glass of <spoilers>. (Feeling Special)
- A <spoilers> purchased from its original owner for its original owner finds its way home. (Remembered)
- <spoilers> tells <spoilers> what she's found out about <spoilers> situation, and shows off her new <spoilers>. There are no <spoilers>. (The Way It Is)
- <spoilers> have <spoilers>, too. (But Not Forever)