Eve: would have been active in the war. The reputation of the Murderimp or Explosive Songstress spreading like wildfire among people. After, during the reconstruction (and I'm picturing a rather funny scene of Eve giving a testimony for a tribunal) she would become a wanderer for a couple years. Traveling around the country spending a few months on the west coast. Staying out of New York for a year. Always on the lookout for any sign of Adam Monroe she's definitely heading towards Australia and however that ends up.. who can tell (Manny). I'm toying with the idea of Eve’s artwork being discovered and it starts getting bought. Maybe art gallery events to ensue (as well as block parties thrown in the Safe Zone with Kase). Maybe she somehow finds it in herself to release an album finally. She returns to help with the rebuilding of the community in the Safe Zone. Lending a hand to the Lighthouse Initiative as well as Liberty. She is often found in the Exclusion Zone when she isn't perched on Gillian and Chicken’s couch. I'm looking forward to people utilizing Eve’s ability as I see her just peeking in and helping people with that (murder)impish smile. There are a couple more things I am ironing out but all of Eve's badass lady friends can expect to be getting a message from the seer sometime during timeskip.
Lucille: would have been involved in the war as well. Staying as close to her father and Auntie Huruma as possible during the fighting. If possible she would be checking on Delia, Russo and the rest of the Ryans clan. After all the fighting and receiving pardons Lu would join in on Wolfhound testing if she could really learn to take orders. Hopefully Codename Loose Cannon and Codename Little Miss Badass can be reckless together. (Still working on other hooks for Lu)
Molly: I have recently been thinking to give up and to promote my Evie to FC. I have loved playing Miss Walker but there's another alt idea I have been sitting on since game shutdown so I might very well be exploring that.
Tibby: Meet Tibby Naidu, cousin to Remi and the teeny tiny feisty smuggler! She's an animal telepath that can communicate and control felines. She might have brought over a couple cats from home.. Born in South Africa, she was on the west coast (California) during the war and was making her way across the country separated from her boyfriend leaving her stuck to get by on her own again and smuggle and fight to get by. Maybe not necessarily in the big fights like trying to take down the government but the local and wild west that the highways and waters of the US must have been during that time. I figured the crime world would be a good hook if you character has shadiness in them you might know her! I'm wanting to say she's been to Madagascar for a few smuggling deals with her father so Hooms hmmm? Atop of using her ability to fight and smuggle goods to people during the war, I figure she would use her ability to spy on people be known as the cat lady with the secrets. Magnesplayer was mentioning a similar concept for his CATMAN alt so maybe fun trashy teamups?!