( Just as with most of the stuff on this board, everything is of course pending staff approvals! )
Just before everything went to hell there was a small start-up called Raytech Industries. There was also an up-and-coming private security firm called Redbird Security Solutions. Then Redbird HQ exploded, ostensibly an attack by Humanis First, and then the President exploded.
As mentioned, everything went to hell for a few years.
Steps had been taken to recover whatever assets remained from these two companies, though. Warren Ray's factory, supplies and gear from Redbird, personnel who'd worked for the companies brought back together. And when the smoke cleared, and the Reconstruction began, the merged security and technology company Raytech Industries emerged to lend a hand.
With the four children of Edward Ray as the board of directors, maybe the children of the mad mastermind of the last decade can make up for some of what their family owes the world.
Welcoming all sorts of characters and positions! From technological innovators to recruiters, marketing and PR people, board-room negotiators, corporate spies, Evolved that use their ability for the company (why not make some money with your ability?), members of the clean-up teams (go into irradiated and destroyed areas and try to clean things up or at least retrieve valuables and/or information from the area - mostly Evolved who have some way of surviving dangerous areas), et cetera.
People with horrible, dark pasts trying to find some redemption welcomed. We're done murdering futures. Now we're trying to build one.