By now some of you have likely seen the bbpost indicating that food was stolen from the Safe Zone on two occasions. Once from the Red Cross food depot and a second time from the Red Hook Market. This has facilitated a food shortage crisis across the Safe Zone. SESA has assigned investigators to the thefts since, after the Red Hook theft, it appears an SLC-Expressive individual may be to blame.
Players with SESA characters who are interested in investigating these leads should check out the SZC faction page and reach out to PCs listed therein, who have all been given info pockets on what they may know about the theft.
Additionally, if there's an NPC you'd like to reach out to, check out the NPC List to see who the staff contact is.
If you're not a part of SESA and want to investigate, reach out to me here or via an @mail and we'll get something going. Joe and Lance already started getting their Scooby Doo on, and I've directed SESA Agent Bowie in their direction for their snooping intentions ;)
The results of this investigation will determine the next course of the storyline!