Hello all! Happy New Year! - Thank you for creating this forum opportunity. Going to preface this by saying, that tone doesn't translate well through text so I hope that people knowing who I am as a person will help create the tone for this being me sharing my honest experience and hopes for the future as I work on how to better intergrate as a player on the game. I have no complaints, and I am not unhappy or frustrated. This is just a summary of my observations and what I'd like to see or figure out for this year.
On String Theory, I kinda feel since aftermath kicked off and the time gap stuff wrapped up for me personally, that is where people's interest in storylines and RP involving my characters as more than the occasional side social scene, sorta ended. The plans for aftermath RP seemed to fizzle and with it the connections with the characters and factions I built connections with. I will follow this up by saying, I have been following and reading other stories with those characters and factions. And those stories have been epic as all get out, but for a minute made me feel like bringing Raquelle through timegap and into aftermath had no purpose or reason. I've had a very hard time keeping up with what's going on because there are multiple factions and multiple timelines and etc going on. I think this mainly has to do with me only being involved in one faction and one timeline. For me, this makes perfect sense so I've been trying to come up with a way or something to make Raquelle and Dequan have a point or be more engageable in 2019. If that makes sense? So my plan with both Raquelle and Dequan has always been creating interesting enough backstories and histories to always have plothooks and opportunities for character engagement and growth. And this is where my disconnect seems to be, with the amount of RP that seems to be going on all the time, what am I doing wrong?
With Raquelle, I got excited with the missing food situation in the Safe Zone, and the riot scenes and so on because it created the feel that RPing the day to day challenges and triumphs of the people trying to restart and rebuild here was storyline in an of itself with the mystery added in. Then I dont' know where I lost track, and it probably did go somewhere but it seemed like if there was RP about resolving that situation, I was not aware of it. Then it didn't appear that very much else was being done with that faction. So the question is - Are there plots/plans/interest in stirring up more RP in or with the Safe Zone Cooperation? I may have missed /a lot/ because I always do.
With Dequan, I created a backstory and started fleshing out the Native American side of that engagement because I was very excited in exploring another facet of the 'world situation' in this game's timeline. So in 2019, I am super interested in pursuing and putting all of that to work.
So, the things I am pondering/plotting for 2019 for my own characters has to be leveraged on what opportunities will exist for the type of characters I have to get involved in things.
For Raquelle: I'd like to see more Safe Zone Cooperative based RP, challenges, issues,and connections. I'd like to see and work out some more things about his daughters abilities possibly eventually manifesting, or more about their maternal sides and the questions there. Especially with Diana's mystery mother. I'd like to eventually get his shop on grid again, and sorta slowly get away from him being almost like an NPC.
For Dequan: I think I'm going to see or try to see if he can get involved in the Providence like RP, and want to thank you all for creating that new avenue for RP and storytelling.
Is there anything else that people want or would like to see from Raquelle or Dequan?