Associated Press
Monday April 29, 2010
With the winter weather crippling the eastern seaboard of the United States, further crisis in New York City might seem unsurprising to some. But the early morning arrest of FRONTLINE Unit-01 Squad-02's logistics officer Elisabeth Harrison has eyebrows raised across not only the state, but the country. According to accusations made by the Department of Homeland Security, Harrison — a former member of NYPD's now defunct SCOUT Evolved task-force — had been covertly sharing sensitive intelligence information with subversive anti-government organizations since her appointment to the Squad in January.
Operations Director for Homeland Security Matthew Parkman stated to press earlier that Harrison had been the target of a month-long sting operation by Department of Justice. The nature of the information leaked by Harrison has not yet been revealed to the press, though it is speculated to be connected to the violent raids of CDC vaccine transports earlier this month.
Harrison is expected to be transported out of state for holding prior to her hearing as soon as Friday.