Also Featuring:
Scene Title | Fucking Antarctica |
Synopsis | …is fucking cold. |
Date | December 17, 2008 |
Antarctica: Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Fucking Antartica…
Not many people grow up thinking they will one day visit Antartica. Ethan has been all over the world, but he never truly intended on visiting this.. place. And now he has been here twice. Twice in a month. He and Elias had been here earlier, searching for Sylar. And nothing came of it. Nothing but ice, snow, and exotic animals.
Fucking Antarctica…
The chopper blades cut loudly through the air as it flies through the air. Ethan sits next to Elias, both equipped with state of the art binoculars. Dressed snugly, extremely so, the man's mobility is limited. He came prepared for the bitter cold.
Fucking Antarctica
He has to prove Kazimir wrong. He has to take things into his own hands. His faith is all but gone in the old man. Calling in others using 'people' that are hidden from him, saying he's replaceable. He's as replaceable as the Sun is. The man brings his binoculars up to his eyes once again, peering through them. "Yancey.." He calls out leaning forward. "You got us going to that.. place right? The station? If 'e's alive, 'e better 'ave found some type of 'civilization' to keep 'imself alive. We can land and ask some questions." He then leans back, still speaking loudly over the sound of the helicopter. "Now, we're going to 'ave to be careful with our words, Eli. I mean who looks for fucking people in fucking Antarctica." Seriously.
"You know," Elias begins, "We could've just taken a couple days extra and kept this completely secre-FUCK, it's cold! Have I mentioned that I hate the cold?!" In this situation, the teleporter is perfectly to have something to complain about, if only to distract him from the fact that what they're doing is insane. Completely off-the-wall fucking nuts. "If he's not there, I will find him and beat him shitless and FUCK! It's cold!"
"We'll be touching down in the Amundsen-Scott Station in just a few minutes, boss," Yancey says into his microphone. Not every day you get to fly a helicopter over Antarctica. Fucking Antarctica! It's too damn cold but it's pretty awesome. He gives a laugh at what Elias has to say, and adds, "Caught over the airwaves that they got someone injured and they was callin' in favours to get 'im out of here. Reckon that could be our boy. If it ain't then maybe we should be checkin' the North Pole or some shit. It's about that time o' year anyway."
The descent is fast enough to feel, and people huddled in large winter coats are coming out to greet them from the research facility they're approaching. "You know it's summer out here?" Yancey adds, jovially. For a Southern man, he's not seeming to mind the freezing cold.
"Is it fucking cold? I 'adn't noticed." Ethan says charmingly in response to Elias' assessments. Looking to the front he laughs a little bit. "Yeah, Yancey? You like it, do you? Then we'll 'ave to get you assigned out 'ere permanently. I'm sure there are lots of fucking things to do out 'ere. Hit up the strip clubs, do a little golf, wrestle a polar bear. Fuck, you'd fit right in." Ethan says into his own headset. Looking out the door to the station. "Fuck me, if we 'aven't found em. 'Ow many injured stragglers can there fuckin' be in FUCKING Antarctica." Then the helicopter sets down, and Ethan nods to Elias as he shoves off and ducks out under the blades of the chopper to greet the Eskimo people.
"I don't care if it's him or two penguins blowing each other!" Elias clambers out of the copter after Ethan, now even more unhappy because he has to actually brave the snow and ice, instead of just looking at it. "The sooner we find them, the sooner we can leave!" He's even wearing an extra layer of thermals, and to him, it's still too cold. How does he get dragged into this bullshit?
"No sir," Yancey says with a laugh, and otherwise stays with the chopper. Fuck no is he going outside if he doesn't have to and he kicks back, as much as one can do in a chopper, cowboy boots and about three pairs of socks crossing together. The people outside are not, apparently, eskimo people, but Caucasian scientists who are officially even more insane than the two Vanguardians for the simple fact they're here willingly.
"Hi there, welcome," says one, not bothering to extend a hand to shake. It's probably female, but the clothing and the coarse quality to her skin sort of makes this very hard to tell. And she has excellent bone structure; That and her name-tag says Clara on it. "They were saying they couldn't send out a chopper for another six hours. Come inside." It doesn't seem to take a lot of convincing. You don't exactly get a lot of suspicious activity out here in Fucking Antarctica. The research station isn't particular seething with people as she leads the two indoors, where it's substantially warmer. "Guy just appeared out our doorstep. We're only equipped to do so much."
Ethan nods at the woman. "'ow long ago? And 'as 'e said anything to you?" The man doesn't bother disguising his voice. They've seen Sylar. Either they will be of no consequence, or there will be no survivors by the time they get back in the helicopter. He doesn't bother greeting the woman. So fucking cold. Control, it is always about control. Even when you want to hug yourself and shiver until you piss your pants. Ethan's exterior is the picture of calm and control.
Following Clara, Ethan glances over his shoulder to Elias. "Is 'e stable? 'ypothermia or something?" He doesn't very much sound like a rescue person. But it doesn't really matter what these people think of him…
Elias, for all his (somewhat disguised) shivering, keeps his mouth shut. This time, he'll let Ethan do the talking. He's not even sure he could get his brain working enough to formulate words without shouting and screaming 'fuck' every five words, in any case, and that probably isn't going to help them.
"A few hours." Not, say, ten days or so. "He went into shock," the woman says, looking over her shoulder at Ethan. Uncertainty is written into weathered features. "He's since slept it off, but he wasn't dressed at all for out there. It's a wonder he's even alive. Bad shoulder injury too, which…" She trails off, as if unsure of what to say, and shakes her head. "Listen, it's a mystery we've been trying to puzzle out and I'm just glad you're here to take the poor guy off our hands. He hasn't said a word. Couldn't find any identification on him at all either." They turn into a corridor and she pauses by the door, looking from one man to the next, more uncertainty showing. She opens her mouth to speak, then seems to decide it's against her better judgment, and opens the door.
It's a basic clinic, with a couple of cots pushed towards the corners. Sylar, who was seeming in his own little world and apparently did not hear the sound of Ethan's voice approaching, snaps his head up to look. Awake now, he sits on the edge of the small bed, a blanket wrapped about his shoulders, and beneath that, a very out of place looking BDU shirt, stained with oil, dirt and blood as well. He's obviously had better days, unshaven and pale and apparently, very pissed off if one can get a good read of body language. His hands are bandaged, and his feet are in— slippers, scuffed boots set at the end of his bed. Uncaring about how suspicious it might look, he immediately gets to his feet, blanket falling away. Clutched in his hands is a tattered looking envelope, and he grips this tightly. "How did you…" He looks towards Elias, blinks, to Ethan. Anger seems to shift immediately to tired relief. An impatient sigh escapes him. "…can we go?"
"Right. And 'ow many of your people 'ave seen 'im? Is everyone on the base aware of 'is presence?" Ethan asks curiously. Though once they enter a slow grin pulls up on his lip at Sylar's presence. A low chuckle emits from his lips. "I spoke with Gillian." Comes the answer to the unasked question.
Pausing he turns to the woman. "Right, so 'ow many saw this man, again?" Ethan asks, with a cute little tip of his head to the eskimo woman.
"Why does that matter again, Jake?" Elias asks, and while he doesn't travel in the company of anyone named 'Jake', it's clear from his body language that his question is directed at Ethan. "Look, I don't know a lot. I know this. These people will probably be all too happy to let you take whatever credit you want, okay? Who cares who saw him or who found him? He's alive, and now, he's going to go home. For once, just, once-" He raises a finger to illustrate his point- "Can that be enough?"
Sylar watches the two banter, his left arm clasped to his body with his right as well as trying to keep a fraction warm. The humid underground from where he'd spent almost a week is nothing compared to an ice desert, even inside the facility with its attempt at central heating. He moves, then kicking away the slippers— to reveal more bandages about his feet— and slipping on his boots with a visible wince.
The woman, meanwhile, slooowly raises an eyebrow at the two, and holds up her hands. "How about you boys settle this while flying this poor man back to somewhere safe, huh? But to answer your question, all of us know about him. There's only a handful here right now. And of course," she adds, with a nod to Ethan, "your people at McMurdo Base."
Ethan's brows flicker for a moment, as one arm raises slowly to go around Elias' shoulders for just a second. He turns his head to the woman. "Excuse us for just a minute." With that he steps away from the woman to speak to Elias in hushed tones. "You're not here to think. So let me take care of that, or I'll tie a ribbon on your forehead for our friend 'ere. Don't you dare argue with me in front of people again. Alright love muffin?" With that he turns to face the woman again.
"Right, well.. What was your name again? We wouldn't want tales of strange men flying everywhere. So hows about you people keep your tongues quiet on this and not go blabbing about it on the internet. We will get the mans story and release it to media on our own time. We will send you all Christmas bonuses for your cooperation, alright?" He gives a charming smile to the woman before motioning for Sylar and Elias to follow him out. "Let's get out of 'ere."
Fucking Antarctica.
Elias takes the reprimand in good stride; not for nothing, it did give them more credibility, if only a bit. Hopefully, the woman will figure that their brains are just a bit addled from the cold and not think anything of it.
Temper or no temper, Elias isn't terribly concerned with Ethan's threat, because while it's true that the Wolf can get most of the things they need, including medical supplies, Elias can get them much, much faster. The fact that he has a significant stockpile in his apartment already is probably also a huge help. Besides, let's face the facts; this whole operation would've fallen apart without Eli providing sandwiches and vicodin for everyone. And speaking of vicodin, Sylar is probably going to want some real soon.
The woman - who introduces herself as Carla Francis to Ethan - pushes a coat at Sylar. It is bulky, and has a furry hood, and though he puts it on gladly (though he doesn't bother with his right arm's sleeve, just keeps the limb tucked like a wing inside), he suspects he may never feel warm again. Limping after the other two men, he's completely silent after those first initial half-questions, and seems to intend to stay that way.
The helicopter is a welcome reprieve from the outside, which Sylar endures for about four seconds before near running for the comfort of warmth again. Fucking Antarctica. Fucking Peter and Edward. Inside, Sylar barely gets himself secured before slumping into his seat, eyes closing. Apparently intending to pass out right then and there for a while. Before he can drift off, however, a voice sounds through Ethan's head. A very simple: Thank you. And that's all she wrote - mysteries as to how he got there, where he's been, and the envelope he'd stuffed into his pocket will have to remain unsolved for another time.
![]() December 16th: Ab asino lanam |
![]() December 17th: Spy Versus Spy |