Golden Luck Dragon Restaurant
The Golden Luck Dragon Restautant
Owner Chen Wu
Hours of Operation 11am - 9pm Monday-Sunday
Current Status Open for Business
People Come Here For… Asian Cuisine, Triad Dealings

On the surface, there is little about the Golden Luck Dragon Restaurant that seems unusual. The two-floor and upscale restaurant is one of the finest eateries in Chinatown, serving traditional Chinese cuisine alongside the more Americanized "Chinese Food". The restaurant's ground floor is an open-concept structure, with the majority of the tables and booths visible from the entrance. Much of the decour is themed with rich browns of stained wood framework around the large doorways, deep crimson carpets, and gold trimmed curtains that give the restaurant a dimly lit and intimate quality even during the day.

The restaurant's second floor is a balcony that overlooks the ground floor dining spaces, usually reserved for large parties and functions, it is often closed off by a velvet rope.

Major IC Events


The Golden Luck Dragon Restaurant is a cover for the Flying Dragons.

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