H5n10 Outbreaks

Associated Press
January 18, 2011

HARTFORD, Connecticut — Doctors at the Saint Frances Hospital reported the first outbreak of the H5N10 virus in over a year in the state of Connecticut. Six patients were diagnosed with a new strain of the H5N10 virus, a disease fatal to individuals with the Suresh Linkage Complex, in the last week. This follows unconfirmed reports of an H5N10 related death in Spokane Washington late last month.

Howard Lemay, Homeland Security liaison to the Centers for Disease Control cites that a late-season outbreak of a new strain of the H5N10 virus could cause considerable damages in communities where SLC-Expressive populations are high. Cities such as Boston, New York and Los Angeles were cited for the top three risk centers for the disease in a study released by the CDC yesterday.

Isolated incidents of the H5N10 virus have been recorded this winter across the United States, but nowhere near the pandemic levels seen in the winter of 2009-2010. Analysts in the CDC warn that the lull in the appearance of recorded H5N10 cases is likely due to an aggressive immunization policy following the 2009 outbreak, but the emergence of a new, more resilient strain of the virus could spell grave danger for hundreds of thousands of SLC-Expressive Americans and millions more worldwide.

Effects of the virus globally have been staggering. The 2009 outbreak of the H5N10 virus in the UK caused massive panic and a riot in the city of Liverpool. Further outbreak of the H5N10 virus in 2010 in the war-torn country of Haiti ground conflict between the local military and insurgent militias belonging to the nation's SLC-Expressive warlord "Baron Samedi" allowing for the pause in violence to open diplomatic relations with US officials seeking to end the two year long conflict in the country.

Fears in the US of another pandemic-scale outbreak of the virus has many people wondering just where or how the virus could strike next. Governor Robert Malden of New York has begin preparation for the distribution of new H5N10 virus vaccines to all centralized SLC-Expressive populations centers. Malden's plan, like many similarly organized efforts around the country, will center on the distribution of the H5N10 virus to where it is needed most, SLC-Expressive neighborhoods, like New York City's Roosevelt Island community.

It is expected that US delivery of the limited vaccine for the potential new strain will be limited to those who can prove Registration status as Evolved Humans, much as it was during the 2009-2010 pandemic.

The CDC is urging for calm, however, and stating that there are not yet signs of a pandemic outbreak of the H5N10 virus. According to CDC liaison Howard Lemay, "We're considering all possible roads, checking all possible infection vectors we know of. The sooner we can get inoculations out to organized communities of Evolved like those in New York City the better off we'll be and the better off the country will be."

In 2009 and 2010 the H5N10 virus was blamed for over 500,000 deaths worldwide.

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