Hand Job


cardinal_icon.gif mortimer_icon.gif nataliya_icon.gif

satoru_icon.gif tuck_icon.gif

Scene Title Hand Job
Synopsis Parental Advisory: Rated B for Boner.
Date June 3, 2009

Tucker's Pawn Shop

Every shelf, every flat surface in the entire shop is covered with things. VCRs, DVDs, small pieces of machinery, cheap jewellery - all the kind of stuff worth little money. It's the merchandise that's not worth protecting, even here. If someone wants to steal a VHS copy of 'The Little Mermaid,' then so be it. The primary purpose of the clutter of items is a front - to distract from the fact that the real purpose of the shop is to sell stolen, high-value goods.

The front part of the shop with its knick-nacks and assorted low-value items is separated from the high value items by a counter and a layer of bulletproof glass. There is a slot beneath the window for exchange of money or small goods. At the base of the counter is a chute for larger items. Surveillance cameras keep a vigilant watch over every square inch.

There is a small arsenal of weapons up on a pegboard above the counter. Not just guns but knives, tasers, pepper spray, handcuffs, nightsticks, brass knuckles - all sorts of things meant to cause pain. There's a rotating case at the counter that holds many expensive jewellery pieces, including a few Rolexes and a large assortment of engagement rings. There are expensive cell phones, iPods, laptops and other various small electronics, including listening devices and CB radios. Just about anything worth stealing is displayed behind the glass and up on the walls. Many items however, are by special request. You gotta know what you're looking for.

Kicking the door to Tuck's shop open in the evening, Mortimer is dragging a chain net by the hook of his prosthetic arm, and within the net is a familiar young Asian boy. "Bones, boner, bony, boning, which I'm gonna do to my girlfriend soon, and of course, boned! Which my girlfriend will be after we're done boning." He tosses the net into the middle of the shop, letting the door close behind him. "Special delivery!"

"So, he should be here any time…" …now. Cardinal looks up as the door's kicked open from where he's standing at the back of the shop near the bulletproof glass, the counters, and the like informing Tuck that he should be getting his hand repaired soon. The man's dressed in a leather jacket, black and grey camo pants, a black shirt - and mirrorshades. There's a briefcase in one hand, the other paused in half-gesture of explanation.

A look over, and a faint smile curves to his lips, "Mortimer. Just in time."

"What the fuck." Those three words flop dull off of Tuck's tongue as he spots the sudden entrance of Mortimer with Satoru in a…net? "What the fuck! He's not a fish." He doesn't think. He looks to Cardinal. "What did he do? Troll the harbour for him?" His hand, his good hand goes for the pistol strapped under the counter, but he doesn't pull it out quite yet. "Lock the door," this to Cardinal, since he's currently behind the glass.

Nataliya, also behind the glass, looks up from her game of flipping a knife around. She's not very good at it, which is probably why she's got some cuts gracing her hands. The knife goes *PLUNK* to the floor when Mortimer and Satoru show up, and she's reaching for the gun in her jacket as well. "What the fuck," she exclaims in Russian.

Satoru is trapped in a net, as all parties concerned have been able to work out. He's also just recently gained consciousness; right about the time Mortimer kicks the door open, he starts to struggle in the net, trying to rip it apart while, at the same time, shouting and screaming angrily. Like a cat in a bathtub. "Let me out of this! What the fuck is going on!" He doesn't really even get a good look at where he's at, just blind rage at the moment. "I'll kill all of you!"

Mortimer suddenly draws his sword, just out of the blue, then starts lightly poking at Satoru with it. "Hey, that's a sharp sword, you keep flailing and you'll lose an arm. Oh, wait, your arms weren't in the deal." He starts to laugh maniacally, raising his sword, appearing fully intent on swinging it down. "I'll just cut one off, then burn the wound so you don't bleed to death, then you'll shut up!

"I think you've scared him quite enough for one day, Mortimer…" Cardinal shakes his head slowly as he steps past the tangled net around the man's body, reaching out to clap a hand on Mort's shoulder in passing to the door - to lock it - suggesting casually as he does so, "Mister Toru, if you'll stop thrashing around and screaming so we can get you out of the net, then we can discuss business."

"Cardinal why are you associating with mental patients?" Tuck's face twitches and his hand remains gripped on the pistol. He doesn't pull it where it can be seen yet, however. "What…the fuck is this? This isn't quiet. Please tell me you didn't drag him across the Rookery in that thing. He's probably got road rash all over him." A beat, a glance to Nataliya, then down to Satoru in the net. "That is him, though."

"That guy has a chainsaw that can attach to his arm," Nataliya tells Tuck quietly in Russian. "He wanted me to find claws for him. That man is truly psychotic. This is not good. Not good at all." She shoots Cardinal a sharp look.

The sword doesn't really seem to bother Satoru at the moment; he's still thrashing about in the net, though when he actually hears his name he does stop, turning sharply towards Cardinal and staring at him through the chains, eyes open though somewhat unfocused. He's actually panting a bit, even. "Who the fuck are you? Where are we? I can't see." Vision is still fuzzy from the flash grenade Mort used earlier.

"First I tried to shoot him with my harpoon attachment." Mortimer explains, holding his hook arm up, which is clearly made to be unscrewed and removed and replaced with something else. "But he was a dodgy little Moby Bone. So I threw a flashbomb and had my men throw a net over him, then we tased him, bro. I used non-lethal force." He sheathes his sword again, and it's clear he could use lethal force, judging by the grenades and strange silvery ring devices on his belt. And if one looks closely, he clearly has two SMGs under the back of his jacket. "Hey! You're that mechanic!" he calls out as he points directly to Nataliya with his hook. "I finally found a hook."

"I know, I know…" A rueful look's shot over to the store's proprietor as Cardinal walks back along over to stand beside the net, asking quietly of the motorcyclist psychopath, "You… didn't drag him all over the Rookery like that, right? Tell me you had him in a car, or something. Right?"

Not waiting for an answer, he drops down to a crouch beside Satoru, briefcase thumping to the floor beside him. "Hi. Calm down and don't even think about using your power on anyone, and we'll get you out of that… net… thing. We got a business deal to conclude."

Tuck mutters a particularly foul curse in Russian that doesn't require a translation to get the meaning across. Then he moves to the door to tug back the heavy bolting that blocks the counter area from the front of the shop. "Toru? Is that actually his name?" Flashbombs or no, the be-netted guy might recognize his voice.

He casts a glance over his shoulder at Nataliya and gives her a look that she'd be able to recognize as an old mob signal. Stay back there and be ready to shoot if it goes bad. In addition to the pistol, there's a shotgun within easy reach of the counter. He squints up at Mortimer and then shoots Cardinal a dubious look. Psychopath. He sent a psychopath/ to pick up this poor minion. Brilliant.

Nataliya stays where she is, one hand wormed under her discarded jacket to close around the handle of her gun. Yeah, she's sticking back there. Mortimer is given a thin-lipped attempt at a smile. "So you did. Well done."

Toru takes in a sharp breath through clenched teeth as he turns towards the source of Cardinal's voice. It sounds familiar, though he can't quite place it.. but that isn't important now. "If you let me out of here," he replies, his voice strained, "I will kill you. I will kill you." Whether he was actually dragged across the Rookery like this or not, he's plenty furious with the situation he's in now. He turns towards Tuck's voice sharply, and that's when he resumes thrashing. "I'm going to kill every one of you!"

"I used a van, I think, I'm not sure, I'll ask one of my men later." Mortimer sort of kept his eyes on a bit long, and inbetween the capture and arriving, well, he had a bit of a delusional trip. But his eyes are normal at the moment, and he's considerably saner. "You're gonna kill us?" He reaches behind his back and draws an SMG, pointing it right at Toru. "Just do what you're supposed to do and maybe I won't fill you full of holes. Oh, right, I'm not allowed to kill anymore, my girlfriend said so. Alright, do what we say and assume I'm just having some crazy delusion and might shoot you anyway! Does my girlfriend exist? Can I kill? Do you feel that lucky today?"

"I don't think he can see you," Cardinal says with a sigh, one hand lifting to pinch the bridge of his nose, eyes closing behind the shades. "Which doesn't make… never mind. It's so hard to find good help lately." The edge of the briefcase is lifted to rap against Toru's head, and he states flatly, "You do realize that just encourages us to fucking kill you, kid. Maybe you should get a fucking clue and start playing fucking ball."

"O…kay." Tuck rubs his good hand over his face and paces away. This is bad. He's got one of Logan's guys in a net and a crazy guy threatening to kill him on the floor of his shop. This is just the kind of shit he tries to avoid in order to keep his head on top of his shoulders where it belongs. "Look. I just want my hand back. And then you can take the cash to your boss. Got me? For god's sake, let him out of the net. We'll shoot him if he does anything stupid."

Nataliya sucks in a breath. Great, Dirty Harry's here. Sort of. With a hook hand. "I believe Tuck is suggesting the best plan, yes?" she calls out, forcing her tone to be light. This is some crazy shit!

And finally, there, Toru calms down a bit — when Cardinal hits him with the briefcase. He can see a bit, but it's still mostly fuzzy blobs. Nonetheless, he rolls over onto his side, facing the direction most of the talking is coming from, and looks as directly at Tuck as he can figure — which is about five feet to the shopkeeper's left. "If you shoot me, I can't fix yer hand," he notes, with a smile and mildly unhinged little laugh.

"I could use a new hand, I can't play guitar anymore." Mortimer says with light sigh, sheathing his SMG and letting the others handle it. "Some of my henchmen are outside," Yes, he used the term 'henchmen'. "You need them for anything?"

Cardinal glances up to Mortimer with a somewhat… wary look, that of someone who's just gotten a new pet and realized that it's not even close to housebroken. "Ah… I think we'll be fine without them, thanks," he shakes his head, reaching out - hands gloved - to start to untangle the net so that the young man can get out, "Christ. What the hell were you thinking getting a fucking job with… well, whatever, kid. C'mon, lets get you the fuck on your feet."

No, and we don't need you for anything anymore either, you crazy bastard. That's what Tuck's thinking, but what he says is, "No…thanks." He eyes Cardinal as he starts to de-net Satoru. "Don't touch him, unless you want to turn into Skeletor. Nat," he looks over his shoulder and nods to her. That means you can point a gun at him now.

He steps forward, towards Satoru, but not too close. "Now, precious. Here's the deal. You fix my hand, we give you the cash to bring back to Logan. And then I'm done with him. My debt is settled. And if you think he's going to be pissed that we roughed you up, then you need to really ask around a little more and find out his reputation. You fucked with me, we fucked with you. You walk out of here and we're all even. Got me?"

Nataliya pulls the gun from under her jacket and steps into the doorway of the little booth, arm raised. "Be reasonable and there is no reason for me to shoot you, da?" she tells Satoru, forcing a smiler that's lighter than she feels, tone pitched lower in a vague attempt to be soothing. Y'know. With a gun in her hand.

Toru doesn't help Cardinal with the untangling, though he doesn't hinder it either. Plenty happy being manhand—letting someone else deal with that particular mess. Even after he's fairly freed, he just keeps lying on the floor and sets to rubbing his eyes furiously, now that he can actually move his hands in a reliable sort of way. "That lunatic threw a flash bomb at me," he explains. "So solly if I can't see yer smilin' faces." And in agreement with Tuck's warning to Cardinal, he smirks and nods. "Yeah, man, better not touch me, I hear I'm a real live wire, yo. I'ma just hang out here for now, if that's cool." He's … just gonna ignore the rest of the business for the moment, apparently.

Mortimer's smile suddenly grows, reaching to his side and grabbing a grenade, throwing it up and down like a ball. "Excuse me! Did I just hear someone say Logan?" Then, eyes completely locked on Satoru as they turn completely silvery. "As in, John Logan, of the Happy Dagger, the man I'm hunting? If so! I have something to add to the deal. No, it's not this grenade, I just felt like throwing it up and down, for some reason it makes people nervous."

"One thing at a time, Mortimer…" A warning note to Cardinal's voice as he gives the madman a sharp look, before pushing himself up to his feet. A boot lightly nudges into Satoru's side, and he states flatly, "Get up, Toru. Logan won't give a shit if you show up in one piece, or if he has to send you to Mu-Qian to put you the fuck back together."

"You don't have to be able to see to agree with these terms, kiddo," Tuck's jaw tightens. He holds up his bony, disfigured hand whether Satoru can see it or not. "Just nod if you're gonna fix me. And if you so much as make a sliver of bone more on my hand, the three people with weapons will punch you so full of holes that you'll sink the moment you hit the river."

He's a tough guy, see? Mortimer gets a look, then he shoots another one Cardinal's way. Where did you find this guy?

"Please do not," Nataliya calls over to Mortimer, voice gentle. "Most people dislike being exploded, myself included." She adjusts her grip on the gun, which is still pointed at Satoru, and sidles a little to the left to try to give herself more cover from the glass. "What the fuck, Tuck?" There's the Russian again.

"I ain't standin' if I can't see where I am," Toru replies, with some irritation. "And I don't recommend any you guys try and touch me, neither. I'm pretty pissed right now and can't really help it if I do somethin' y'all regret, dig?!" He hrmphs, adjusting his shirts a bit, pulling up the sleeves on the long-sleeved undershirt. Usually he wears gloves, but he took those off earlier, so his skin is bare down to his elbows. "Anyway, Gilbert, we ain't even. You borrowed money from Logan, you didn't pay it back, he sent me to get you to pay it back. You shoulda paid up in the first place! You're bein' selfish now, so this means I owe you another one." Pause. "And if I do make more of you bone and you shoot me then what're you gonna do?"

Mortimer is patient, somewhat, so he waits for them to finish their business first, still throwing the grenade up and down. "Here's the deal, Moby Bone," he says as he walks closer to the boy, hunching down to his knees, putting the grenade away, then drawing his sword again. "See, he wants his arm back, but I could care less if he gets his arm back. Now, I want you alive for something too, but I don't need you. I'll kill you if you don't do what he asks, well, no, first I'll stab you, a lot, non-lethally, over and over, making sure you don't bleed to death, and if you don't fix him by then, then I'll kill you." He raises his sword, holding it above one of Satoru's legs. "How about we start with stabbing an ankle?"

"See, buddy," Cardinal offers conversationally, in opposition to Mortimer's rather cheerful and morbid threats, "You seem to be under the misinterpretation that there's nothing anybody can do about your ability. Worse comes to worse, we can chop that lump of bone off his wrist and have a healer grow him a new one. We're just trying to be… good neighbors. Capische?"

"Like he said. The city is full of amazing people. I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find someone else to repair the damage you've done." Tuck twitches a grin, though it's hard to keep it there with the idea of it being chopped off.

"If you think debts get paid off right away, then you…really don't know how this island works, powder puff. I was on his books that long because he might've called in my services rather than the cash. If there was prompt repayment of debts, there'd be no system, y'see."

He eyes Mortimer and shoots Cardinal a look. A look that clearly says 'get this psycho out of here' without using words. He clears his throat and murmurs in Russian, "I really don't know. He just said he was calling a delivery service. Instead we got a Batman villain."

Nataliya suddenly laughs; she replies to Tuck in Russian. "Batman? Of course. Comic books have come to life. We may as well have the Batman." Her wry amusement puts her aim off a few fractions of an inch. Not so great.

Cardinal's threat is enough to get a nervous sort of twitch out of the Japanese lad, but rather than acknowledge it he instead shrugs. "Which way would your friend prefer it?" Turning towards Tuck's voice again, he answers, "Right, but then Mr. Logan saw fit to call in on it and it took you this long to get to him. Aight?" Another shrug, but he pushes himself to an upright sitting position, knees up, arms draped over them. "Can you get this crazy guy outta here? All he does is just blah blah blah. I ain't helpin' you out with nothin'," a glance over to Mortimer. And, to Nataliya, "«I can talk funny too, you know.»" In Japanese, so odds are nobody understands anyway. "Why all the secrets, baby?" Hey, she at least sounds female.

"He's not getting it. Stab!" Mortimer, still on his knees, swiftly slams his sword down, aiming right for Satoru's ankle, the spot right inbetween the tendon and the bone right above his heel.

A subtle shake of Cardinal's head shows a hint of exasperation himself - with both of the non-regulars to the shop, possibly - and he turns towards Mortimer just as the sword is coming down. One hand lashes out to try and grab his wrist from where he's still crouched beside Toru, and he states in a whip-crack of voice, "No." A breath's exhaled slowly, when the madman doesn't chop off Satoru's foot, "Thank you… Mortimer… but I think that's all we need you for right now. I appreciate the assistance. Let me know when your little project goes down?"

"That's cause I didn't exactly trust you or Logan to actually fix me after you had your cash. So we had to find you. To persuade you. To - " And then the psycho is getting more psycho-y. Tuck's eyes go wide at the stroke of the sword and Cardinal's attempt to stop it. "Yes." He barks, "…please, let us deal with it." He corners a look to Nataliya. One hopes she doesn't have a twitchy trigger finger.

She kind of does. It's better than it used to be, but not all that great. The gun is pointed at Mortimer's back out of instinct - shoot the crazy motherfucker - then jerked away and back to Satoru. Lips pressed together, Nataliya's expression is grim.

"Dude, you borrow money from the dude and then you don't even trust him to keep his word? That's cold, man. Why should we trust you if you can't trust us, huh?" Apparently, Satoru and Logan are an autonomous collective now. "We totally planned to fix things up, yo. I mean hell, he even told me I could come by and do your other hand if you didn't pay up soon, so that I could fix one too when you finally did. That's neighborliness, yo." He looks around through creepy, unfocused eyes, notably towards Cardinal and Mortimer. "What are you two doin', anyway?" And then back to Tuck again. "So how can I trust you not to go shootin' me if I do fix you up?"

"Fine, I'll take care of Logan later." Mortimer stands, jerking his hand away from Cardinal so he can sheath his sword again, then starts walking to the door. "Good night, Natasha and gentlemen." Then, without another word, he casually tosses a grenade into the store, and exits. When the grenade explodes, it's loud, but apparently it's just noise, as all that comes out is a large cloud of smoke.


As the grenade bounces - then explodes with a hard POP - Cardinal pulls back sharply, nearly toppling over before catching himself. "Fuckin' lunatic," he mutters under his breath, pushing himself up to his feet and hefting the briefcase in his hands. It's slapped against Satoru's chest, and he states flatly, "Six thousand dollars. Just fix the man's hand before I give you to the crazy motherfucker for happy fun time games."

"Because we're not the bad guys, sport. You are. We don't attack people if they don't make the first move. Well," Tuck glances sidelong to Mort. "…that guy might, but he's not really with us." He lifts a shoulder. "That, and we need you to take the money back to Logan. And - JESUS CHRIST…"

When his hands go to his ear to block the pop, he brains himself with his own bony hand and nicks the side of his ear. Ow. That was. Stupid. "Yeah. Card? You ever bring that fucking lunatic near me ever again, we're going to have issues."

Nataliya dives down and to the side, into the little glass-encased booth as the grenade gets tossed. She hits the floor with a thud, an unglamourous bellyflop that knocks the wind out of her. And then there's smoke, and she's coughing. "Never again," she protests in thick Russian. "Maniac!"

The sound of the grenade elicits a surprised shriek from the Asian, who lowers his head and holds his hands to his ears — but then settles down again once the sound is gone, and coughs as he inhales the smoke. "What the hell is going on here?!" But when no quip from Mortimer is forthcoming, he turns back to Tuck's voice. Shape is starting to come into focus, at least. And then the briefcase thumps his chest, and he oofs with surprise. "Man, I can talk pretty about being a good guy too. It was provoked, you weren't payin' up!" But ultimately he shakes his head and sighs. "Fine, whatever, commere."

"Trust me, I don't plan to…" Cardinal's fingers rub against the side of his head, around one ear as he tries to clear the ringing from within his ear canal. Just over the edge of his shades he looks at the door with a glare for a couple heartbeats of time, before noting dryly, "Just get this over with, kid."

"Provoking is not not paying, spud. Provoking is this." Tuck holds up the bony appendage and then shoves it out towards Satoru. "Tali, come over here, please? If you see any bone going up higher than the wrist? Be a dear and pop two into his skull. Thanks." He flashes a toothy grin.

He glances to Cardinal sidelong. His ears are ringing too, and the right one is bleeding a little where he smacked a sharp edge of his deformed hand against the lobe. But let's not draw attention to that, shall we? Then he looks back to Satoru. "Fix it." A beat, and then a somewhat wry, "Please."

Nataliya's head pops back into view; she slumps into the booth's entrance again, gun in hand, face flushed and lip curled back with annoyance. Her mutterings are low, Russian, and foul.

"Already forget how much it hurt, yo? I think you'd be screamin' before they saw it." He shrugs. "Plus I'd probably gotta touch you there anyway." Rubbing his eyes a bit, again, Satoru then cracks his knuckles and starts to extend a hand to take Tuck's bone … then pauses. "…Look, er, it's kinda gonna hurt going back, too, so maybe make sure your moll over there doesn't shoot me when you start crying on account of it workin' backwards?" Rubbing the back of his head with his other hand, he then admits, "Also I ain't never done this backwards before so it might not work."

Cardinal's shaking his head slowly, his own expression stormy as he looks back away from the door, and then at the admission that it 'might not work' his jaw tenses up. "For your sake," he bites out flatly, "You'd better hope it does."

"What he said," says Tuck dully. He tries not to look too angry at that. At Logan. Of course they'd risk permanent damage. Cause they don't really care/. "See. This is exactly why we had to kidnap you." He wags the bony appendage in Satoru's face. "Fix it." He's nervous, it's easy to tell. Then again, there seems to be a distinct possibility he'll end up even more deformed.

Nataliya digs the heel of her palm into her left eye and rubs. "As long as you are reasonable, there will be no shootings," she says wearily. Tuck is shot another glare. His fault!

"You had to kidnap me 'cause when I came to collect legit-like it might notta worked, so you figured puttin' me through a shitty day and gettin' me all pissed would make it work." The sarcasm oozes. "Got it." Shaking his head, Satoru reaches forward and thus grasps Tuck's boner between both hands, figuring maybe two will make it work better. "Shut up, alright," he adds, closing his eyes and frowning a bit. Concentrating. Holding Tuck maybe a bit too tightly, not that he can tell anyway, and gritting his teeth; if nothing else, he might really want to do right by all this. Maybe. Also, nothing happens yet.

Nataliya's hand itches to shift her sights at Satoru's sarcastic mouth. Itches. She just watches Satoru cup Tuck's boner.

The quiet click of Cardinal's gun is audible in the sudden quiet of the shop, his thumb drawing back against the hammer of it as he pulls it from where it's ordinally tucked away inside his jacket. He lingers behind the osseokinetic, glaring holes into the back of his head.

"I thought you might need a little incentive to try hard to fix this…" Tuck's not going to say it. They all know it. They're all thinking of crude ways to describe his condition. Because it's horrible but funny in a juvenile way. Sort of. Figures a guy who turns things hard would work for John Logan.

"Why isn't it working?"

"It isn't working?" Nataliya echoes, eyes narrowing. "I do not have the patience for this." It's true!

"Maybe," Toru grumbles, "'cause I got a headache, and I can barely see, and I've had a long fucking day, and you won't shut up," he speculates. He grips harder, sort of rubbing the bone a bit, maybe that'll help; basically just trying whatever he can think of.

Eventually, there will come a bit of a burning, tingling feeling, that accompanies the slow softening of Tuck's bone back into proper flesh. Toru himself even seems rather surprised once he notices it, and grips rather tighter at the same time, to make sure Tuck doesn't pull away before he's done. Since it hurts, and all.

As the bone begins to soften and colour, Cardinal's chin dips in a slow nod. "There you go," he murmurs in quiet tones, "See? Wasn't that hard, kid…" Of course, it may hurt, but whatcanyado?

It sort of feels like getting sensation back after frostbite. Tingles, hurts. Tuck makes a tight sound of pain and does start to pull back, but given he doesn't have proper control over the muscles yet, he's pulling from the shoulder. That means if Satoru keeps his grip, he can't pull away. "Nnnghgfuckit."
"Stay with it, Tuck," Nataliya says softly, easing her grip on her gun. Her gaze flicks to Satoru's face, trying to guage motive, reaction, and then to Tuck's hand.

That surprised expression leaves Toru's face quickly enough, replacing itself with one of concentration. To ensure that a, this doesn't stop in the middle, and b, he remembers it for later. He keeps up with fixing the bone, stopping finally when he can just sort of tell that it's all gone - since the bone had penetrated most of the hand as well, and not just the surface. Have to make sure the whole thing is good to go.

Once it is finally done, the boy lets out a quiet sigh, releasing Tuck's hand — ignorant as to whether or not that will result in Tuck pulling himself backwards. "There, was that heartwarmin' enough for ya?" He rolls his eyes, rubbing them with one hand, and, gripping the briefcase, rather suddenly lies back down on the floor, where he passes out.

There was a breath half-held, released finally as the hand's restored to… hand. Cardinal shakes his head just a bit, giving the pawner a serious look, "You all right, Tu— " Thump. He looks down at Satoru, then asks deadpan, "You want me to shoot him?"

Tuck's hand still kind of feels…weird, still kind of hurts, but at least he can feel something. He holds up his hand and flexes the fingers in front of his face. "Well, that's… - " and then Satoru's passed out. Passed out. Fantastic. "Nnno. I…" he looks down at the unconscious minion. "Fuck. What should we do with him? Chuck him in the Dagger? Someone might make off with the cash." So much for their delivery boy.

Nataliya sets her gun down and heads for Tuck, moving over to kneel beside him and offer him some support. She's reaching for his hand to inspect it. "I suppose he gets to stay here for a night, then. Which means he will have to be watched." Another sour look for Tuck. All your fault.

Cardinal nudges the unconscious asian with the tip of his boot. "I can take him back to Miller," he says dryly, "Keep him under guard'n all until he wakes the fuck up, and have a little talk with him about shit."

"Damn," says Tuck as he looks from his fixed hand down to the unconscious Satoru. "I was really hoping to punch him after he fixed my hand. But he had to go and pass the fuck out." Ruin the fun. "Take him," he says to Cardinal. "But do me a favour and make sure Logan gets his money? He might send someone worse than this kid if he doesn't get it soon."

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