In The Sky With Diamonds


wf_elaine2_icon.gif wf_magnes1_icon.gif wf_quinn2_icon.gif wf_sable2_icon.gif

Also Starring:

wf_unknown15_icon.gif wf_juniper2_icon.gif wf_lucy2_icon.gif wf_mala2_icon.gif

Scene Title In The Sky With Diamonds
Synopsis The sky is filled with diamonds for a little lady on her birthday.
Date April 13, 2011

In Dreams

The party has been over for a while.

There's still a sound of laughter and joy, even if most of the people have left. Tables and chairs lay empty, with various messes needing to be cleaned up, and most of those still in the room doing just that. The only food that hasn't been packed up yet is the large cake in the center of one of the tables. Or it once was large, until slices were cut away, leaving only one square left on the edge. The y in yellow gel is the only remaining piece of the original text. The rest has been devoured by many mouths. For the most part.

One piece, very small, is currently in a state of being devoured. A tiny hand grabbing spongy cake and frosting and trying to shove it into a tiny mouth. The baby sits in Elaine's lap, with more than a little frosting on her cheeks, and a handprint or two of frosting on the red haired woman's dress, for that matter. A ribbon wrapped around her scalp with a flower decorates her straight dark hair, long enough to cover her head, but not long enough to actually put in a ribbon on it's own.

Not yet, at least. She's just today turned a year old.

Most of the people who'd attended the party seem to have left some time ago, leaving only a handful behind to do the dirty work. Which is clean up.

Of those who haven't left, most of them are assisting in the clean up, while taking a few moments tosmile at the baby. A red head moves around the room, picking up debris and placing it in a bag. Juniper always was fairly responsible. She didn't cut out as soon as it seemed polite. Like most the boys.

She's already stacked the presents into the bigger of the boxes. Various handmade objects are folded up. Blankets, an embroidered pillow, baby clothes, booties. Most handmade, rather than store bought. Most of the gifts came without wrapping. Saves on things to clean up.

A dark skinned woman moves not too far away, putting up a folding table and lifting it with one hand to move over to the wall. The joy and happiness of a birthday party always gave Mala an extra boost of strength.

"Guess who's finally here!" a voice calls out from outside, peeking in the door with a bright cheerful smile on her face. Blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, she looks cheerful and sweet— Lucy's always been known for her ready smile. She's the first one that Magnes sees, as he approaches the side of the castle, carrying one of the few wrapped presents in his hands. "We saved a piece of cake for you, Uncle Magnes!"

"Thanks, guys." Magnes is smiling, looking around the room at everyone, wearing a long black thick cotton trenchcoat with a faded Gold Lantern shirt under it, blue jeans, and black Chucks. He sits his present with the others, right in front of Elaine. "Glad you're all here. And I'm glad you didn't eat all of the cake." he snickers lightly, then walks over to ruffle Lucy on the head. "Sorry I'm late, but I did bring a present."

There's something about watching a baby attempt to eat that always has fascinated Elaine. Even when Walter was a baby and she'd been hanging out with Dee, watching him stick his tiny food-covered fist to his mouth was adorable. So even now, baby on her lap, the redhead grins ear-to-ear as she watches the messy baby on her lap. She doesn't even care that her dress is all sticky from icing.

"Tastes good, huh?" She croons to the little one on her lap, a tiny kiss planted on top of her head. "You'll have plenty more of those in your lifetime." She smiles broadly as Magnes makes his way over, glancing in his direction. "You're very lucky, any longer and she would have started in on your piece," she says, glancing down at the sticky-fingered birthday girl.

It's a party. Quinn has cake. She always has cake. If there is cake, Quinn will have it. So on and so forth. Which isn't to say she isn't helping to clean up, several dirty, frosting covered paper plates are held in one hand, while her own piece of cake - sans a plate - sits in the other, Quinn somewhat barbarically take whole bites from it until there's nothing but a little frosting left on one of her fingers. Passing a tash can, the plates are tossed nonchalntly inside, the Irishwoman offering a wave over to Magnes.

"Glad t' see you could make it at last, "Magnes," she remarks with a smile as she starts over towards him and Elaine. And while he drops the present off, Quinn is dipping her finger down to the child's nose, leaving a littel dolop of icing right upon it's nose. "Is that mean of me?" she asks, looking back at Elaine. "That's mean of me." Making the poor baby try and get the frosting off it's nose, that is. Sucking the rest of it off her finger, she looks around for what she can do next to help.

This isn't the first time Sable's had to help take care of an infant, a fact pronounced always in reply to some unspoken, imagined accusation that she is unqualified for child rearing. While she is the first to admit she had a shitty upbringing, part of that very shitty upbringing was the actual diaper changing she was pressed into doing for the baby in her second foster home. That she performed this task, one she found odious, when she was about eight years old isn't considered any blow to its resume-building worth, at least not in her mind.

Decades have passed since the yellow eyes of Raven Diego glowered down at their first baby turd. In only a year, she has added considerably to the series, and this gaze has shifted to one, if not of joy, than at least equanimity. Babies had best be cute when they eat - the adults still have to deal with the end product.

Even though the party is over, Sable still has her guitar on her knee, hand tapping fingers against its hollow wood belly. She hasn't had any cake. She doesn't seem to want any. "Don' worry 'bout me," she'd say, "more joy in seein' joy." And this aphorism would have to do, as anyone familiar of Sable's will know. Perched on a chair with one leg under herself, her slight slouch evens into a straight sit as Magnes arrives. Finally.

"Y'all better have gifts, avoid grave insult! Who taught y'all manners, boy?" There's no attempt to hide the toothy grin that belies her words.

"Ma-ma, kay-key," the year old baby says with sticky hands trying to find the dollup of icing on the tip of her nose, big brown eyes looking up toward those gathered with her hands reaching out as if trying to grasp air. The cake is forgotten, for the moment, while her frosting shrouded mouth tries to form words.

"Huu gaaa! Huuu gaaa!" The word seems wrong, even a little incomplete, but Elaine can translate the baby-talk, even without needing her ability. She knows the girl has trouble with ending 'g's. And most words, really. She's only just turned a year old.

The little girl wants a hug from Magnes. Just like she wants a hug from most everyone whenever they appear in her tiny baby world.

"Wow, wrapping paper even! You probably went to an actual store, didn't you!" Mala exclaims as she dusts off her hands and looks at the tables that still need to be washed and moved. Food crumbs and the like still stain many of them, but she decides to stop in her work for now, moving to help Juniper with a gentle smile and Lucy wanders in to hover near the present with interest.

"I wouldn't dare show up without a present, who knows what Sable would do." Magnes grins at her, then reaches down to take the baby, looking to Elaine for permission first. "Come on, up you go. Who has my bass?" And then he's looking to his present, nodding in its direction. "You can open that up, Elaine."

"That's right, cake," Elaine says, though she sticks her tongue out at Quinn for having put the icing there in the first place. "Just wait until she's old enough to get you back, Quinn. Then you'll really be in trouble." As the hug is requested, she looks down at her daughter before looking back to Magnes. "You'd better give daddy a big hug for this present…" She hoists the girl up into Magnes' arms before taking the present and carefully unwrapping it. No need to rip up wrapping paper.

Quinn can't help but laugh, shaking her head at the child as she demands hugs and cake in her alien baby language (at least, that's what Quinn always jokingly calls it). Her own present had been two fold - arguably neither apprpriate for such a small child, since a old CD of music might not do anyone much good these days, and a small, child sized practice violin, just like Quinn had received as a child, was something she wouldn't be able to make use of for probably a few years. Incentive, maybe, for mother to make sure her child follows in her footsteps. Really, it was more important that intials had been carved into's side by Quinn herself.

With Magnes coming over, she most ly watches, a smile on her face as her eyes move between the trio in front of her, a moment passing before she looks up. Mala's, of course, got the ehavy lifting done. Plates are cleaned up… so instead, she's just going to take a seat on the floor with her friends.

Quinn can't help but laugh, shaking her head at the child as she demands hugs and cake in her alien baby language (at least, that's what Quinn always jokingly calls it). Her own present had been two fold - arguably neither apprpriate for such a small child, since a old CD of music might not do anyone much good these days, and a small, child sized practice violin, just like Quinn had received as a child, was something she wouldn't be able to make use of for probably a few years. Incentive, maybe, for mother to make sure her child follows in her footsteps. Really, it was more important that intials had been carved into's side by Quinn herself.

With Magnes coming over, she most ly watches, a smile on her face as her eyes move between the trio in front of her, a moment passing before she looks up. Mala's, of course, got the ehavy lifting done. Plates are cleaned up… so instead, she's just going to take a seat on the floor with her friends.

Sable casts the baby a smirk, never able to fully expel the role of sibling even from this caregiver's interaction. "Next stop, recitin' th' Gettysburg address," she quips - Elaine's positive enough, she's sure, to make up for her smartassery. Plus, gotta get the kid used to the realities of life quickly. These are tough times.

"I got it-" Sable answers Magnes, craning her neck, "over- aw, hell, jus' gimme a sec." She clambers off the chair. No inches taller for all her extra years, her gait and bearing have changed only so much. She sidles over to one of the big hall's doorways, emerging with a well used but well maintained B.C. Rich Warlock. A guitar Sable has never once stopped giving Magnes a hard time about. Widowmaker headstalk indeed!

"Mag-nee daa, kay-kee," the baby lets out as her fat little hands try to wrap as much as they can around Magnes' face. Sticky baby-drool and sugary frosting happen to cover much of what touches him, but it's a baby hug, and in some ways a baby kiss from the way she seems to be trying to eat his cheek much like she was trying to eat the spongy bits of cake. Just without guiding it in with her hand.

Yes, that's cake getting smeared on Magnes' face. Before he can even get his hands on the cake.

Juniper drops a few more pieces of trash into her bag— though most of it is actually plates that will be washed later, and cups. And napkins to be washed as well. But for the moment they're practically trash. At least til they get taken down to the kitchen. They're a waste-not group, as far as most things go.

Just like the wrapping paper. "You're totally going to see that again come Christmas," Lucy says with a joke, looking on with anxious eyes. Under the wrapping paper is a simple cardboard box, also reusable, with tape that's easy to peel off holding it closed on the top.

And inside is a white and brown cow, with black eyes, little white horns, and ears sticking out like a helicopter.

Magnes kisses her forehead and smiles, cradling her in his arms quite protectively as she smears cake on his face. "She'll grow up and be a little Batwoman III." he says while leaning down to touch noses with her, snickering. "I'll get my bass in a minute." He's too busy being distracted with baby! And he starts to walk in a slow circle, quietly singing Lucy in the Sky.

"Aw, look, she even shared her cake with you, Magnes," Elaine giggles, but her eyes go to the box, carefully pulling out the stuffed cow. "Oh, she'll love this! She likes things she can squeeze. Needs a good name, though… I don't think she'll be able to just say 'brown cow' so easily." She peers at the animal, laughing. "How now, brown cow? Short syllables.." She pauses. "Can you say Bò Bò? That should be easy for you." She moves near Magnes and the baby, holding up the stuffed cow.

"Oh, that's adorable," Quinn replies with a laugh when the brown cow comes into view, smiling and watching the baby as Elaine tries to get her to repeat the phrase. "Lord, now she's going t' be sayin' taht all time," she remarks with a role of her eyes, hands folding in her lap. Much more practical than her gift. Why hadn't she thought of that? Oh well.

"First this, then that, then this, then that," Sable grumps, long suffering, propping the bass guitar against a nearby column, "guess y'all c'n get it yer damned self, here on out." She shuffles back to the table, retaking her own instrument. She plucks out a melody to match, unable not to at least mouth the words. Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes, and she's gone.

Sable pauses, reaching out to brush back the baby's dark hair. "See now," she says, casting a chide towards Magnes, "sharin'. That's proper manners," she turns her strange eye on the infant, "ain't that right? Ain't you a proper lady?" smile slanted, the fondness of family, "Lady Adel," gaze darting down to the newly christened cow, "'n' her royal steer."

"She's very happy," Mala says with a grin, looking around with bright cheerful eyes, likey drinking in the happiness that's radiating off the small form. Everyone is happy, but the baby seems to have her own kind. Carefree happiness.

At least until she wets herself or gets sleepy, but for the moment…

Frosting and drool covered fingers reach out toward the brown cow, already seeming to want to squish it just like her mommy said, but the papa singing a Lucy in the Sky for her acts as a minor distraction. Likely once her hands have been washed off she'll be squishing it and chewing on it's ears. A lot.

A few attempts to say the name finally find the right sound, big cake covered smile on her face as Adel repeats the name, "Bò Bò. Bò Bò!" It continues like that for a few moments, even with the singing. "Say-be-ma-ma, Bò Bò!" She adds, gesturing at the yellow eyed woman, as if trying to make sure that she sees the Bò Bò.

A joyful day— just like so many seem to be for a baby girl with sunshine in her smile and flowers in her hair.

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