Scene Title | Like Dexter |
Synopsis | Elle and Warren hang out, and try a new experience: grocery shopping! |
Date | August 1, 2010 |
There is a large gate that surrounds the warehouse. A padlock normally on keeping them shut. Cracked and destroyed pavement surrounds the area. Just inside are a few abandoned cars and motorcycles. A garage door can be seen and is open, showing a 1967 black and red mustang. Various tools and machines can be seen in the place that point to this place being a auto shop at one point.
When you walk through the door from the garage there is a huge room filled with a few tables, couches and chairs. The windows have large, dark red curtains covering them. Candles sit all around the place, waiting to be lit.
Through another door, a makeshift kitchen can be found. With refrigerator, microwave, stove, and a table or two with some chairs.
Having felt he's gotten the garage a little cluttered, Warren did a bit of cleaning in Mas Mechanics today, at least enough to get it mostly back to how it was, except for the few robots that crawl around, and the work bench with various projects on it. But today in the middle of the floor, he's set up a bit of a project for Elle to play with. There's ten Tesla coils set up in a crescent arc, around four feet tall and roughly a foot away from eachother. They each sit in their own little speaker, which have all been no doubt modified in some way, with their own knobs on the side of eachother. "This is your musical instrument!"
As the little electrokinetic steps in, her eyes flit around the room, brows raised high as she examines the garage. They raise even higher when she spots the Tesla coils, slowly approaching what Warren calls her musical instrument. She pauses about five feet away, peering curiously at the devices. She's seen Tesla coils in her life, of course, but never one so close. "This is your electric music box, then?" She sets her purse down on a nearby surface, glancing to Warren with a small smile upon her face.
"No, these are new, just for you. They make ten music notes. I rigged them so they trigger specific electronic sounds. Very 8-bit sounding." Warren moves behind her so he can carefully position her in the middle, then nods down at her. "Fire a shot of electricity at two or three, test them out. Depending on the intensity, it'll raise and lower the tone of each note."
Curiosity piqued, Elle steps into the middle of the room, smiling through Warren's explanation. As he instructs her to fire some electricity at the coils, she offers a smile and a nod to the affirmitive. Lifting her hands…she decides to fire a small shot at each coil, a grin on her face. Nothing like some good old-fashioned zapping to make you feel good about yourself.
Each coil goes through a musical note, all different tones, finely tuned in their electronic sounds. The 8-bit-like sound is about what one would expect electric music to sound like, so it's almost fitting. Warren smiles and nods approvingly, then points to the one in the middle. "Now try to raise the power a little, for a higher pitch."
A smile upon her face as the notes play through the electricity, giggling a little. Okay, this is //really/ neat. "…Cool." She giggles a bit, and pointing toward that middle coil, she sends a more powerful burst of static toward it, grinning widely all the while. She can't help but enjoy herself. She's throwing her ability around, and it's making neat music.
The pitch goes higher when she adds more power, as Warren promised, and he moves to inspect the coils, eyes silvery as he does so. "I have my papers and the apartment today, I can move these over there with the rest of the stuff I'm taking, then you can practice. I can probably make much smaller versions, but I wasn't sure how finely you could control your shots." he states before walking back over to her. "I haven't been feeling very crazy lately, it's a bit unsettling."
Elle turns a grin toward Warren, stepping back a bit with a giggle. "Smaller versions would be good. I'm a bit of a sharpshooter with my ability." Glancing around, she spots an empty soda bottle. Reaching out, with her fingers clasped in the shape of a gun, she allows a thin bolt of electricity to fly out, sending the bottle flying. She then glances to him, suddenly leaning her head against his shoulder. "Not crazy? How so?"
"Haven't felt like going out and gutting someone for no reason. Don't know if it's the medication, this stuff just shuts off my hallucinations. Maybe I'm just bored with being crazy. I've been thinking since you started talking about being normal." Warren admits, raising a hand to run it over her cheek as he speaks. "You make it sound like a good dream. Maybe we can live together and be like that show, Dexter, the lab and the serial killer. Go out and kill other killers, then come home and have apple pie."
Elle doesn't seem to object to him running his thumb over her cheek, a thoughtful expression on her face as his words drift over her ears. Normal…sadly, something she's really given up hope on. The killing other killers then apple pie part does make her giggle softly, however, and she leans against him a bit more. "That might almost be nice." If only she could do something like that. Too many obligations, too many troubles.
"We can do whatever we want. Sure, I'll have to make things for those people, and you do whatever you do, but this time we spend doing…" Warren motions his free hand, to indicate the room. "This, we could try to do normal things. I have my ID now, you have an ID… so… let's go to the super market, right now! We'll get food for the apartment, like normal people!"
The young woman blinks owlishly up at Warren for a long moment, her head tilted to one side. Grocery…shopping? Certainly not something she's used to. In fact…probably something she's never done. "Supermarket?" She rubs her chin, peering quietly at the man. Then, she smiles again. "I…I think I might like that. Grocery shopping…never done it before."
The ride from Midtown to Roosevelt is pretty long, considering Roosevelt is an entirely different island. But they finally arrive at a Pathmark near the Octagon, and they walk in with a shopping cart. With his suit, it's almost like he just arrived from work. "I'm starting to think I've never done this either. Knowing all your memories are a lie really puts your experiences into perspective." he casually observes, moving out of the way to let her push the cart. "So, we need… milk! Let's find the milk!"
Elle's eyes light up as she enters the supermarket, glittering as they take in the sights. Well, this is new and amazing. "Yeah…I know I've never done this." Her eyes trail over the displays of different foods, beverages, and other products as she sets her purse in the cart's basket and starts pushing. "I think, from what I've seen on TV, you're supposed to get the unrefridgerated stuff first…"
"So, we need to get cereal. Cans are terrible unless you're stocking up for a nuclear winter, and I've already done that this year, so… cereal, potato chips, microwaved popcorn…" He's already heading down the cereal aisle, motioning for her to follow. "What's some healthy stuff that doesn't go into the fridge? Do vegetables go into it?"
Elle's eyes light up as she enters the supermarket, glittering as they take in the sights. Well, this is new and amazing. "Yeah…I know I've never done this." Her eyes trail over the displays of different foods, beverages, and other products as she sets her purse in the cart's basket and starts pushing. "I think, from what I've seen on TV, you're supposed to get the unrefridgerated stuff first…"
"So, we need to get cereal. Cans are terrible unless you're stocking up for a nuclear winter, and I've already done that this year, so… cereal, potato chips, microwaved popcorn…" He's already heading down the cereal aisle, motioning for her to follow. "What's some healthy stuff that doesn't go into the fridge? Do vegetables go into it?"
Elle thoughtfully pokes at her chin as she follows him down the cereal aisle. "Oooh, get some Lucky Charms! I love those things. Oooh, and some poptarts. Those are good, too." She grins over to Warren. Then, she peers up at the ceiling. "Some do, I think? I think you can keep like onions and tomatos out. I don't do cooking, though."
"Lucky Charms are good, and Cocoa Pebbles! I'd get Cocoa Puffs, but I think we're already walking stereotypes enough." Warren decides, grabbing one of each and dropping them into the cart. "I can't cook either, so… do we… buy a cook book?"
Who doesn't have a cook book? The very last part stirs the redhead at the end of the aisle browsing pasta bags, and she halts her observations and pasta notes to peer up over her shoulder towards the voice. For the moment, Delilah just watches the man who spoke, one hand on her cart and the other perched along the curve of her spine, shoulders back. She doesn't hide that she's staring. No sir. Well, at least they started making the cereals multigrain, right?Elle grins. "Cocoa Puffs are really good, too." That said, she throws a box into the cart with a grin. The second quetion prompts a rub of the little blonde's chin. Cook book might be good…if she wasn't worried that she'd burn down the house. "Yeah, let's try to get a cook book. No promises, though."
"Hey, I don't know what I'm doing either, we'll figure it out if we try hard enough. Maybe my ability makes me a good cook, never tried to use it that way…" Warren averts his gaze to eye the redhead down the aisle, then suddenly waves to her. "She's pregnant, probably knows about cooking and shopping."
As if those two things were constantly correlated. Dee doesn't hear him, but she lifts the hand from her cart to wave back, somewhat bewilderedly so. Her eyes track over to his companion, taking a moment to recall if she may know either of them or not. The blonde seems familiar in one of those 'maybe I've seen her picture once' sort of ways, and the man- well, Lilah can't place him at all.
The little blonde blinks, turning to peer down the aisle at the redhead, before looking back to Warren with a giggle and a grin. "We should get some, like…hamburger helper, or something. That might be easy to make…ooh, we need macaroni and cheese, too!" She grins widely, leaning against the cart as she throws a box of pop tarts into the basket. Elle is having fun!
"Oh yeah, boxed stuff!" Warren agrees, heading down the aisle as they get closer and closer to Delilah, until their discussion of food is finally in earshot. "If we get boxed things, the instructions are already there, we can't burn that! We won't have to bake cakes either, we can just buy a cake and microwave it, then it'll be warm." he states with a firm nod. He's not exactly using his ability at the moment, not considering all of the implications of cake-in-microwave.
Delilah picks up a couple of packages of multigrain pasta, putting them on the front part of her cart. When she looks up again, Warren is browsing closer and no doubt with Elle in tow. The younger girl can't help but actually correct him.
"You can't microwave a cake, I'm afraid. Unless you get those dessert bowls- but if you can't bake I suggest buying your cakes from a bakery." Lilah rifles into her cart, rearranging a couple of things and smiling off to them as she does. "That way, no explosions, no terrible cakes- you'll always get what you want."
The little blonde smiles warmly up at Warren, nodding. "Well, cake is good hot or cold, so we can just get cake!" She grins, before blinking over at Delilah. She tilts her head to one side, before nodding slowly to the other girl. "Thank you for the advice!" She grabs several boxes of Mac & Cheese.
"We live nearby at the Octagon, if I see you around, I'll be sure to buy you cake." Warren says as if cake were possibly very serious business, then starts walking on ahead. "I'll go check the ice cream, catch up when you're finished." he calls back to Elle, offering a wave.
Day-glo cheese is a once in awhile thing for Delilah, and she shuts up before saying anything about the boxes. While the man goes off to find ice cream, Dee is left to quirk her eyebrows to Elle. "I love there too, third floor. I'm glad other people are taking advantage of the place as the summer goes on."
Elle smiles after Warren, raising her hand and offering a wave. "I'll just grab things that look good I guess." She's not sure if she can manage to make such things, but she can certainly try. A smile is offered to Delilah. "Well…he's living there. I'm just going to be hanging out there whenever I'm not doing my thing." She shrugs, peering quietly at a box of instant ramen with a small frown.
"If you don't know how to cook pasta, ramen is as good to start as anything." Delilah smiles and peers over, down at Elle. "They joke about it being college kid food, but really it's a simple man's noodles." A small shrug comes next. "If you can afford it, buy fresh or frozen things to put into it, really helps. And I heard something about hamburger helper. Good idea. Just be sure to buy the family pack of burger."
The girl listens thoughtfully, nodding. "Definitely. I'm just…not sure how good I'll do." She shrugs, grinning, and places a few packages of Ramen into the cart. "I do appreciate the advice, though." She stares at the packages of food with a mild amount of dismay. Ugh, cooking.