Scene Title | Lining Up Replacement Feds |
Synopsis | Liz checks in to make sure the Feds know about Felix's situation, and that the case file is still being worked. |
Date | March 31, 2009 |
NYC FBI Field Office
The normal Tuesday business of the NYC FBI Field Office is well under way when Officer Elisabeth Harrison walks through the front doors. She called over and asked whether Felix Ivanov had been in the building recently, that she needed to speak with whoever he'd been speaking to last. It took some wrangling — what with the lack of interdepartmental cooperation and all, no one wanted to tell her anything. But finally getting through the red tape, Liz got Special Agent Sawyer's name, and now she signs in at the front desk and allows her firearm and credentials to be inspected before being given an escort up to his office. She's dressed casually, in khakis and a sea-green blouse, her badge affixed to her belt and her gun on the other side. It's an official visit in spite of the fact that she's actually taken the day off. Knocking on the door, she peeks into his office. "Agent Sawyer?"
The man she came to see, Daniel Sawyer, is currently standing next to a small cubby near his desk. He's pouring himself a pot of coffee, and looks over. "Well, I'm glad I made extra. Coffee?" He pours a second mug, moving over to his desk and setting the second mug at the front of it before taking a seat. He then gestures to one of the comfy chairs in front of the desk that the FBI has been kind enough to give him. "What can I do for you? Well, besides the coffee."
The blonde, her face bruised across the left cheekbone but healing up at this point in shades of green around the edges, smiles at him. "I'm Elisabeth Harrison, NYPD," she says as she holds out her hand to shake his. "I appreciate your time…. and the coffee." She looks a little … weary, maybe? There are some lines of fatigue around her eyes and her smile doesn't quite light them. "I've been going through some of the case files and following up on Felix Ivanov's… involvement in one of them." She hesitates, still not sitting. "I'm not sure if it's filtered up this far yet, but … he's missing, presumed dead, out on Staten Island."
Sawyer reaches over the desk, shaking her hand with a firm but not hurtful grip, before slouching back down into his chair. He listens, and then leans forward. Propping his elbows on the table, running a hand through his hair before finally looking back. "No, I hadn't heard. He came to me recently, asking for help on a kidnapping case.. young girl, I think. Is it connected?" He looks concerned, and equally as tired.
With a faint grimace, Liz moves to sit now, taking the mug of coffee he poured. "I believe so, yes. I can only assume that he was out on Staten Island doing something about Abby Beauchamp's case. An informant, one I find to be reliable, said he saw the dead body himself, though we haven't been able to recover it at this time. But so far as I know, none of his other cases specifically had anything to do with Staten."
Sawyer lets out a sigh, rubbing his eyes before taking a long drink from his mug. It's a cheesey little thing, solid black with "World's #1 Husband" written in a big, white font. "I didn't see Felix much. His work always took him out of the Field Office. He was a good man, though." He pauses a moment. "Look. I know the FBI and the NYPD don't always see eye-to-eye. But whatever needs to be done, I want to help. I'd say that for anyone in the FBI, but that goes double for Felix. He was.. he is like me."
Elisabeth offers a faint smile. "I have a feeling you are probably far less…. feral… than our Felix, Agent Sawyer." The expression of affection will give away, easily, that Felix was her friend and not just a Fed in the SCOUT office. "While the overarching divisions don't see eye-to-eye, I have generally found that like anyone else, some FBI agents are good people and some are assholes. Felix was one of the latter about half the time… but he's a good man, and a good agent. So… if you're the one picking up Abby's case, then I want to help you any way I can."
Sawyer says, "That might not be the case. Atleast, I haven't been officially assigned to it. Felix just wanted someone who could help, do some of the legwork. That sort of thing. They may have given the case to another Agent." He nods in understanding. "You're right, Felix was just like anyone else. He had his good and his bad, but if I'm never going to see him again.. I'm going to choose to remember the good that he was, and the good that he did. And so should you." He shifts some paper around on his desk, picking up a plain manilla folder and handing it across the desk. Inside is what he's been able to dig up, a traffic photo taken of Abby on a scooter. "That was taken in Greenwich Village, two days ago."
"Oh believe me…. I'll remember the good. He's been a friend for quite a while now." Taking the photo, Elisabeth looks up at him and asks, "You're surveilling her?"
Sawyer says, "That might not be the case. Atleast, I haven't been officially assigned to it. Felix just wanted someone who could help, do some of the legwork. That sort of thing. They may have given the case to another Agent." He nods in understanding. "You're right, Felix was just like anyone else. He had his good and his bad, but if I'm never going to see him again.. I'm going to choose to remember the good that he was, and the good that he did. And so should you." He searches around on his desk, pulling out a manilla folder and looking at it. "He said something about a.. here it is, a John Logan. Runs a brothel.. although you probably know this."
"Oh believe me…. I'll remember the good. He's been a friend for quite a while now." There's a nod as Elisabeth replies quietly, "Yeah, I know of him. I know he and his buddies have been staying on Staten Island because they know that the NYPD isn't touching the place with a ten-foot pole in spite of the fact it's the biggest freakin' suburb of the city. The sides that are still connected to the mainland aren't doing to bad, but that swatch of Staten closest to Manhattan has literally turned into Criminal Central. Even the cops based over there are laying real low for fear of getting shot and having no backup." She grimaces. "It's a mess."
Sawyer cracks a wry smile. "Well, as it happens I'm not a member of the NYPD. Or their liaison with the Bureau. I also have been shot at many times, once successfully." He chugs the remnants of his coffee, setting his mug down. "I'll go in their, and I'll get whatever we need to take these people down one peg at a time."
There's a faint snicker as Liz sips her coffee. "Only once? Wow… either you're really good, or they're really bad? Usually the latter, I'd bet. Taken three myself in the past six months. Thank God for Abby," she murmurs. "She's a friend. Helped me out each time." She sighs heavily. "Frankly…. I have it in the back of my head that Ivanov's death can be laid at their doors, but there's just no way to prove that without a body and good forensics."
Sawyer says, "Probably a bit of both." He sighs, the slight departure towards humor gone the moment the death of his coworker is brought back up. "Supposed death, don't forget. If he's alive, and out there, we'll find him. And this Logan might be the key to unraveling everything." He scratches the slight amount of stubble forming on his jaw. "I'm going to do this the old fashioned way. Go in there, bust some heads around until someone talks." He leans back. "Unless you disapprove?"
There's a pursing of her lips, and Elisabeth seems …. hesitant. "If you could wait on it for a couple of days, that would help. We've got someone undercover over there right now, and one of the detectives on the squad is trying for a warrant. We're hoping it comes through in the next day or two. It'd be better to see how it plays out, since it's already in the works… if you don't mind, that is."
Sawyer nods his head a few times, understandingly. "Believe me, I don't want to go in there and blow anybody's cover. Or worse, end up putting them on the wrong end of the law. Keep me informed. If the warrant gets served, I want to be there when it goes down."
Elisabeth grins. "I'll do what I can, but no promises. It's not my warrant, and *I* may not even get called. No way to know until it goes down." She sips from her coffee and sets the mug on his desk. "What I can do promise is that if the warrant doesn't come through, I'll put you in touch with the undercover guy over there. Could be good for the two of you to work together. I was over there and checked in with him last night… had to tell him about Ivanov. He said that would change his plans some, so I think he's reorganizing himself. Not sure what he's got up his sleeve, but I'll let him know you're interested, most assuredly."
Sawyer says, "Anything I can do for Felix." He stands up, walking across the desk to offer his hand. "Thank you for coming to see me and filling me in."
Elisabeth stands up and takes his hand. "I'm sorry it wasn't under better circumstances." And she takes her leave of his office to go handle the rest of her day.
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