d'Sarthe Group Complex
Owner Gideon d'Sarthe Established 2018
Purpose Trading(Smuggling) Hub, Other facilities
Status Occupied; Appointment Only
Employees Marie d'Sarthe
Jason Mines
Ace Callahan
Silas Redd
Affiliation d'Sarthe Group

The D'Sarthe Group took the old Howland Hook Terminal and through investment and industry has revitalized it into not only its original purpose, but also a complex taken root in the new Staten Island. The main facilities include the Howland Hook shipping yard, the industrial and warehouse park, and the D'Sarthe Group's New York headquarters. Despite the repairs and extensive occupations, there remains some locations still to be demolished or raised; there is a sense of perpetual construction, between the silhouettes of the shipping yard over the green-blue river and the cousin cranes on land.

Vessels come and go, traffic moves in and out, containers of metal and wood exchange back and forth; there is now a consistent hum of activity behind tall metal fences and razor-wire, pockmarked with armed guards and sign-in stations at the various gates.

The central buildings are industrial in style and have tempered windows on the outside; on the inside, they are modernized if still industrial, with localized electric and water, backed up by the newer Staten Island utilities. The central complex building houses mostly administrative spaces and a few storage arenas, with a below-ground level acting as quarters and bunker should the need arise. This same location contains the New York offices of Gideon d'Sarthe himself.

Outlying buildings are smaller, such as supply stations and workshops; there are several dwellings outside of the complex perimeter with signs of occupation by sister companies associated with the Group.

d'Sarthe Group Complex


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