Logs for August 2018

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64 logs posted for August 2018.

Date Time Title Participants Storyline
08/01 Later Afternoon Richard Ray Is From Mars Raquelle and Richard
08/03 Late Evening Dr. Seuss Didn't Write This Lance and Squeaks
08/04 Afternoon Half Solutions Des and Eve
Afternoon Proper Procedure Adel, Berlin, and Robyn
Late Afternoon Corny Brynn, Lance and Owain
Night Pink Glitter Hair Brynn and Lance
08/05 Afternoon Of Course You Did Des and Richard
08/06 Afternoon Mind The Roots Dequan and Eve
Night Twin Moons Delia, Eve and Gabriel
08/07 Night The 7th Day Claudia and Richard Garden of Forking Paths
08/10 Late Afternoon The Damage Is Done Deirdre and Keira
Evening Stuck Caspian and Keira
08/11 Early Afternoon Keeping a Monster Caged Curtis and Richard
08/12 Afternoon League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Chess, Jim, Lynette, and Robyn
Afternoon Terribly Normal Chess, Lynette, and Robyn
Afternoon Dead Telepaths Society Gillian, Justin, Lance, and Squeaks
08/13 Dawn Monkey Shines Emily, Hailey, and Joe
Early Evening The Princess in the Tower Des and Richard
08/15 Early Evening Everything You Touch Lynette
Night Reversal Lynette and Mateo
08/16 Late Morning Green Acres Dequan, Jim, Niki, Peyton, and Sue
Late Morning I've Seen Fire Jim
Late Morning Kind of Useless, But It's Mine Jim and Peyton
Afternoon Batteries Not Included Alia and Richard
Night ULURU Eve ???
Night What Have You Done? Eve, Gillian, and Lene
08/18 Afternoon Getting A Team Together Lynette and Richard
08/19 Morning Place and Time Squeaks
Afternoon Red or Blue Eugene, Ricky and Squeaks
Afternoon Water in the Blood Etienne and Squeaks
Early Evening Layover Des, Margaux, and Squeaks
Early Evening Secrets Like Curses Etienne and Margaux
Early Evening Wind Blows Eve, Jim and Tamara
Late Night Night Spooks Des and Squeaks
08/20 Morning An Unexpected Delivery Des, Gillian and Squeaks
Late Afternoon A Legal Guardian Gillian and Squeaks
Late Evening The Long Way 'Round Brynn, Caspian, Joe, Lance, and Squeaks
08/21 Afternoon ʇᴉqqɐɹ ǝʇᴉɥM Eve Garden of Forking Paths
Afternoon Where Goes the White Rabbit Alice, Eve, and Mira
08/22 Afternoon Mary Mary So Contrary Delia and Dequan
08/23 Afternoon The Good, The Bad, and The Weird Bowie, Joe, and Rhys Garden of Forking Paths
08/24 Evening Don't Break the Ice Devon, Emily, and Lucille
Night The Houseguest Devon and Richard
08/25 Morning Chicane Kravid and Rich Hunters
08/26 Afternoon Dinos and Dragons Emily, Jim and Peyton
Afternoon Unfortunate News Delia, Lucille and Ryans
Afternoon Interesting Faces Atticus and Brynn
Evening Of a Feather Des, Eileen, and Freyr
Evening This Is (Not) Fine Alix, Chess, Luther, and Lynette Fires of Creation
Sunset The Terror of Memory Barbara and Nisatta
08/27 Afternoon You'll Fit Right In Atticus and Richard
Afternoon Ripping Up Trees Huruma and Richard
Evening The Cup Runneth Over Delia and Nick
Late Evening Moment To Myself Lucille
08/28 Afternoon Games We Play Alia and Richard
Evening Like the Library of Alexandria Des and Julie
Late Evening We Need More Light Emily and Julie
Night Tired Mechanical Heart Kaylee
Night Doubting Heart Remains Kaylee
08/29 Afternoon Not Recommended Joe, Lance and Vernon
Sunset Crossing the Mississippi Dave and Kyla Hunters
Sunset Conversational Painting Caspian, Emily
Late Evening A Scene at the Market Brynn, Emily, Frank, Hailey, Lene, and Rue
Late Evening Time For That Now Emily and Lene
Night Fuck This Berlin, Colette, and Lucille
08/30 Morning When You Use a Bird to Write, It's Called 'Tweeting' Emily
Afternoon Blowing Off Steam Huruma and Lucille
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