Logs for January 2009

425 logs posted for January 2009.

Date Title Participants
01/01 Still a Lump of Coal Abby, Baxter, Eve, Sylar and Wu-Long
Invisibility Times Two Claude, Hagan
Kismet Amato, Dantes
Stray Cat Adoption Cat, Claude, and Helena
The Man In The Box Helena, Matt, and Peter
Lab Rats Matt and Mohinder
Scar Tissue Alexander and Sonny
All You Need Is Loyalty Ethan and Yancey
Trust the Illusion Rami and Tamara
Firestarter? Elisabeth, James and Maria
Drowning Sorrows Helena, Isabelle, and Teo
The Stages Claire and Julian
01/02 En Prise Mohinder, Odessa and Sylar
So We Fight Elisabeth and Teo
Hidden Ace Ethan, Sonny and Yancey
The Balcony Scene Elias and Wu-Long
Half The Villain Magnes and Sylar
Knowledge is Power Mohinder, Odessa and Sylar
Where Do We Go... Cat and Teo
Helena In Hang Over Land Ben, Cat, Claude, and Helena
Sharper Than Knives Eileen, Sylar and Wu-Long
This Kid Needs Help Elisabeth and Paul
Foxhole Eve, Grace and Jezebel
Be Honest Rickham and Steve
The Corpse of Josie McCallum Sonny and Zachery
Some Days You Feel Like The Bug Alexander, Elisabeth, Maria, and Teo
Get Used To It Mallory and Maria
How Do You Refine A Blunt Instrument? Charity, Claire, Hagan, Isabelle, Julian, Rupe
01/03 Helping People Who Need It Eileen and Matt
In God's House Abby and Miriam
Identical Triplets? Cat and Niki
Low Man Hagan and Porter
Devious Little Duckling Amato and Odessa
Do It In Reverse Cat, Jennifer, and Claude
Between The Stacks Abby and Victor
Hell or High Water Eileen and Elias
Nothing Fancy Abby, Dantes, Hagan, Laura, Maria and Teo
Prelude to Armageddon, Part II Ellinka, Hans, King, Rico
Of Course Velvet Elvis is Art Lou and Minea
Little Bird Eileen and King
Aunt Nancy Huruma and Magnes
01/04 Next Time Eve and Teo
Pain is Life Eileen and Sylar
Dreaming in Color Eve
More News is Bad News Matt and Sabra
Was This An Error? Cat and Elisabeth
Get Used To Disappointment Ben and Helena
The Others Eileen, Ethan, Odessa and Sylar
Apollo Spat Tamara and Teo
Regular Everyday Normal Guys Deckard, Jezebel and Lou
Healer For Sale Or Rent Abby, Deckard and Wu-Long
The Scars Are Merely Hidden Alexander, Sonny and Teo
Holding The Gates Of Dawn Hagan, Huruma, Isabelle, Porter and Rupe
Sweet Naïvety Abby, Eileen, Elias, Odessa, Sylar and Wu-Long
Special Craig and Sylar
Anything But Grace Sonny, Sylar and Zachery
01/05 Time to Upgrade Laura and Rupe
Make My Mark Odessa and Sylar
Absconding Assholes Elias and Deckard
Choke Chain Abby, Deckard and Teo
Partners in Crime... fighting? Darius and Elisabeth
Silence, is Golden Gerald and Nalani
The Thin Blue Line Elisabeth and William
Eensy Weensy Alcoholic Brian and Helena
Conspiracy Theorists Maria, Sydney, and Brian
Rent Asunder Bennet, Hana, Helena and Teo
You Were Leaving Hana and Helena
Hydra Drake, Kazimir and Yvette
Sleeping Over Abby and Niki
Chinese and Boys Eve and Jezebel
Falling Away With You Kaydence and Matt
A Meeting in the Dark Alexander and Elisabeth
Agnus Dei Amato and Lucrezia
The Whetting Stone Rupe and Huruma
Ping-Pong! Lou and Leah
Catching A Drink Niki and Elisabeth
Conscience and Cognition Amato, Drake, Hans, Kazimir and Lucrezia
01/06 The Woods Are Lovely Dark And Deep Abby and Niki
Simpatico Darius and Elisabeth
Pounding the Bricks Elisabeth, Cat and Darius
Pride Goeth Before The Fall Abby and William
Raines Revealed Abby and Claude
Attitude Eileen and Ethan
Yoda I Am Not Conrad and Teo
I Have A Cunning Plan Jezebel and Tony
Strangers in Vans Colette and Conrad
Conversations over TakeOut Elisabeth and James
Atlas Pondered Matt and Rickham
Gems Of Wisdom From The Drunken Sage Sonny and Teo
Namaru Porter and Rupe
Serendipity Ben, Brian, Cat, Dina, Elisabeth, Hana, and Helena
We've Got Bodies Baxter and Elisabeth
Exit Wounds Ben, Cat, and Helena
The Creeper Stare Alert Dantes, Marla and Teo
01/07 Choosing Your Enemies Dantes, Eileen, Sylar and Teo
If The Light Fails Tamara and Teo
Checking on the Housebound Elisabeth and Trask
My Way Mohinder and Sylar
Scorched Earth Policy Ben, Cat, Conrad, Edward, Helena and Teo
Caught Flat-Footed William and Elisabeth
Do Not Want Delilah and Montag
We Shall Surely Hang Elisabeth and Darius
The Hand Untaken Kazimir, Mohinder and Odessa
Give Me A Sunset Abby and Sylar
Heal The Body, Heal The Soul Abby, Helena and Teo
Footservants and Family Alexander, Lucrezia and Teo
Addendum Abby and Sylar
Famous Monsters Sylar and Wu-Long
The Silence of the Angels Hana
01/08 First, Do No Harm Abby and Sonny
Please Learn To Ask For A Lawyer! Abby, Jessica and Elisabeth
Pissy Partner Day Darius and Elisabeth
Figures Abby and Julian
The Chicken Or The Egg Danny, Lou and Minea
Courtesy Call Amato, Lucrezia and Kazimir
Fool Me Once Amato and Lucrezia
Fool Me Twice Dantes and Kazimir
Say It Like You Mean It Alexander, Sonny and Teo
Almost Ash Christian, Dantes, Minea and Teo
Unregular Women For An Unregular Bar Abby and Isabelle
Tuning In Julian and Rupe
The Meet Meat Conrad and William
Executive Rights Cat and Kain
One Last Look Maria and Matt
Tinkerbell Brian and Leah
What Did You Think I Wanted? Elisabeth and Trask
From Emo To Absurd Conrad and Helena
Something Sinister Eileen and Lucrezia
Dead Ends Deckard and Sylar
Our Own Fate Eileen and Sylar
Purgatory Kazimir and Sylar
Of Salami, Stocks and Saurkraut... Opal and Lou
01/09 Totally Fucked Alexander, Lucrezia and Teo
Easy Eileen, Kazimir, Lucrezia and Sylar
The Presence of Angels Teo
Alike Hana and Teo
A Good Classic American Weapon Cat and Conrad
Just Bones Cat and Zachery
Leper Tackling Abby, Brian, Deckard and Leah
Malaise Delilah and Montag
In Darkness Colette and Conrad
You Seem Familiar Brian and Helena
Missing The Obvious Brian, Cat, and Helena
Even Lesbians Grow Old Ross and Zachery
Brothers In Arms Amato and Elias
Approaching Thunder Peter
01/10 Retched Sonny and Teo
Give Her A Drawer Elisabeth, Helena, and Trask
It's That Kind Of Day Isabelle, Nalani and Reese
Chivalry Is Dead Sonny and Teo
Numbers And Information Augmented Cat, Gillian, Helena and Brian
Why Do You Even Come Down? Abby and Magnes
01/11 Your Mission... Cat and Anne
The Codger And The Poppet Claude and Helena
The Reverse Of Washington Irving Cat, Helena
Caring Communities Ben and Brian
Chesty Abby, Isabelle and Nicolas
Matthew 15:24 Abby and Brian
On the Edge of Oblivion Elias
Didn't Think You Were Capable Of Cursing Abby and Niki
Compromised Deckard and Ethan
Soiled Hands Odessa and Wu-Long
01/12 A Very Large Codfish Baxter and Lou
Split Personalities Desree and Brian
And Then He Woke Up Sylar and Kazimir
Let Me Show You Around Ben, Helena and Teo
Circling The Powderkeg Anne and Teo
What A Way To Start The Night Brian, Desree, Isabelle, Nalani and Nicolas
The Lion and the Wolf Ethan, King and Rico
Black Moonlight Eve, Gillian, Kent
01/13 Line In The Sand Elisabeth, Jessica and William
A Little Closer To The Goal Abby and Jessica
Someday There Might Be Trust William and Elisabeth
The Enemy Of My Enemy... Ain't My Friend Jessica and Teo
We're Getting Better at that Interdepartmental Cooperation Thing William and Matt
Atonement Elisabeth, Trask, Darius and Abby
Home Jeeves, Er Darius! Abby and Darius
Muster II Abby, Christian, Deckard, Felix, Minea, Sonny and Teo
By The Way Deckard and Teo
In the Shadows of Angels' Wings Kazimir, Odessa and Sylar
Just A Bad Day Abby, Ben, Huruma, Isabelle, Lou, Nicolas and Vivienne
Seeing the Invisible Kameron, Cecile and Lou
From Bad To... Eve, Gillian and Kent
...Worse Eve, Gillian, Kent and Peter
To Abide In Amato and Eileen
Betrayal in Three Acts Amato and Odessa
Teacher Dear Claude and Elle
01/14 To Die At Sea Edward, Gillian, and Teo
Try Somewhere Else Abby and Brian
Apologies, Anger, and Audacity Elisabeth and Teo
Constitutional Crisis? Cat
She Remembers Flowers Helena
Out Of The Devil's Water Sonny and Teo
Running Into Strangers Desree, Nicolas and Brian
Alpha Helena and Teo
Move Away Abby, Alexander and Teo
Beer and Chit-Chat Nicolas, Abby and Roselyn
Innocent But Guilty Darius, Elisabeth, Trask and Niki
Need A Heart, Get A Heart Abby and Paul
Innocence Lost Abby, Bolivar, Darius, Jessica, Niki, Elisabeth, and Paul
Cops and Robbers Deckard and Felix
Breaking Point Colette, Felix and Judah
Jigsaw Edward
Stolen Moments Ethan and Odessa
Nothing Now Felix and Teo
01/15 Final Orders Ethan and Wu-Long
Woolgathering Claire and Rupe
Said The Spider Eileen, Lucrezia and Teo
The New Guy Murdoch and Elisabeth
Fixer-Upper Deckard and Sonny
The River Cat, Edward and Helena
Civil Disobedience Elias and Odessa
Literary Deckard and Leah
Just Another Day In The City Maria and Megan
Under The Rug Eve, Gillian, Hana and Kent
Yours to Remember Sylar
By The Sword Kazimir, Sylar and Wu-Long
Painters Odessa
Almost Got'im Kazimir and Odessa
Just Another Night Abby, Alexander, Elvis, Isabelle, Nicolas and Roselyn
01/16 Sandwiches and Paparazzi Kameron and Lori
For Loved Ones Eve
Circles Within Circles Elisabeth
And Then A Cage Comes Down Eileen, Kazimir and Sylar
Past the Mission Amato and Lucrezia
Not A Special Snowflake Abby and Ben
The Healer Protocols Abby and Helena
Defenseless Girls In Parks Kameron, Marla, and Porter
It's Been A Tough Week Cat and Elisabeth
Failure To Communicate Abby, Teo and Vinnie
Give Me Liberty, and Give Them Death! Elias and Amato
01/17 Cangiare Amato
Turning Inward Eve, Hana, Sonny and Teo
Sounds Like A Good Start Cat and Grace
Paint me Strength Colette and Grace
Waitin' For The Bus Cat and Colette
How To Find An Invisible Man Abby and Claude
Met A Girl Brian and Helena
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss Drake, Ellinka, Hans, Kazimir, Rico
Someones Going To Be In Trouble Abby, Alexander and Lucrezia
The Wyse Seyth Sonny and Teo
Bowling for Dinner Roselyn and Nicolas
Walking Home Hagan and Laura
A Drink With a Walking Stiff Felix and Rami
Rumble on the Bridge Minea, Deckard, Roselyn and Nicolas
Halfway Deckard
The Least Likely Thing To Say Matt and Jessica
Shopping for Misunderstandings Kameron and Lori
How to Break a Hero in One Easy Step Jennifer, Magnes and Ygraine
01/18 Womanizer Womanizer Deckard and Ethan
All That Makes Us Human Continues Bolivar and Ewan
It's All In Your Head Abby and Magnes
Prelude to Armageddon, Part III Drake, Edward, Hans, and Rico
Old Lucy's Recruitment Center Isabelle and Nicolas
See What Happens Deckard, Ethan, and Lucrezia
Final Exam Bryan, Gwendolyn and Rami
The Audition Abby, Roselyn, Nicolas, and Isabelle
Meeting The Big Man Nicolas, Rupe and Isabelle
Out On A Limb Darius and Elisabeth
First Night on the Job Roselyn, Nicolas, Grant, and Ben
Patience Brian and Desree
01/19 Two Is Company Sylar
Your Invitation Hana and Teo
Our Lady Of The Capricious Lucrezia, Teo and Eileen
DIY, Star Wars, and Memories Alexander, Cat, Conrad, and Ygraine
Everyone Has Limits Colette and Conrad
Heal'em While They're Down Abby, Deckard and Magnes
Call Me With A Drop Of Faith Abby, Jessica and Niki
White Knight Deckard and Teo
A Family Brought Together Roselyn, Nicolas, Abby, and Opal
Keystrokes Matt, Sabra, Montag, and Libra
01/20 A Morning Flotilla Abby and Teo
The Birds and the Bees Eileen and Lucrezia
Disturbingly Human Sonny and Teo
Hit You or Hug You... It's A Toss-Up Felix, Elisabeth and Marla
Crumpets And Tea Elisabeth, Ethan, and Helena
Gimme Gimme Gimme A Man After Midnight Abby, Ben, Brian, Helena, Isabelle, Magnes and Teo
Inquiring Minds Nicolas and Roselyn
Since I Knew You Were Coming, I Baked a Cake Molly and Matt
01/21 Caffeine Felix and Teo
Hospitality Abby, Brian, Logan and Muldoon
Upstairs, Two Doors Down Logan, Muldoon and ???
What the Grapevine Spilled Laura and Marla
Six Shooter Kisses Kaydence and Matt
Undefined Sonny and Teo
Happy Birthday Deckard, Hugh, Leah, Minea, Nicolas and Roselyn
Heartache Alexander and Teo
A Life To Get Back To Jessica, Niki and Kenneth
To Break Fenrir's Chain Drake, Ellinka, Ethan, Hans, and Rafe
01/22 Unpardoned Sonny and Teo
One Step At A Time Elisabeth and Niki
The Queens English Christian and Minea
F*** Me, We Cleared It! Elisabeth and Karen
Instead Of Egypt Christian and Teo
Have A Little Faith In Me Abby and Brian
More Than She Wanted To Know Alexander and Helena
Round And Round We Go Conrad, Helena, and Rafe
Like Violent Strippers Alexander, Flint, Kain, Liu and Song
How Bad Abby, Brian, Deckard, Leah and Teo
On Pawning Children Colette, Grace and Judah
The Ol' Reacharound Deckard and Kain
Deserted Minea and Teo
Off Hours Roselyn, Nicolas and Felix
01/23 Revelatory Reunion MacKenzie and Ygraine
Well. That's Interesting Abby, Jessica and Niki
Closer And Still Holding Elisabeth and Teo
Ten Years Colette and Grace
Confusion and Dismay William and Elisabeth
Good Dogs Deckard and Teo
Migration Gillian and Kent
Prelude to Armageddon, Part IV Abby, Alexander, Brian, Cat, Deckard, Edward, Elvis, Felix, Gillian, Helena, Minea, Monica, Teo, Ygraine
Meet James Stutzman Deckard, Edward, and Teo
I Don't Expect To Die Cat and Helena
Stormfront Matt, Elias, Abby, and Brian
Bludgeon Deckard and Rico
The Date Roselyn and Nicolas
You Meant Never Hana and Teo
01/24 Vespertine Eve and Teo
A Clockwork Deckard Deckard and Drake
Another Member Nicolas and Isabelle
A Cautionary Song, Part I Cecile and Logan
Woman's Work Minea and Elisabeth
Get Out Of Dodge Abby and Ewan
Big Brother is Watching Out Rami and Sabra
The Holy Fucking Grail Sonny and Teo
Remove The Cancer From The Soul Abby and Trask
A Cautionary Song, Part II Cecile, Logan, Muldoon and ???
Guns And Bubbles Elisabeth and Conrad
Of Cats, Canaries, and Ceilings Ben, Brian, Cat and Ygraine
Welcome To The Revolution Alexander, Cat, Helena, and Kinson
Tyr Amato and Rafe
To Shoot or not to Shoot Elvis and Anne
1/25 Eurotrash Sacha and Teo
Backpedal Sonny and Teo
Aftermath Amato, Lucrezia and Sonny
Roselyn's Welcome Roselyn, Nicolas, Isabelle and Rupe
The Warning Abby, Grant, Hagan, Nicolas and Roselyn
Looking Out For Some Friends Abby, Huruma, Isabelle and James
Early Evening At Headquarters Cat, Ygraine, Helena, Kinson, and Brian
Far to Fall Rickham and Steve
Compare And Contrast Abby, Gillian, and Helena
Twenty Questions Darius and Elisabeth
Pay It Forward Eileen and Grace
1/26 Strings Attach Themselves Sonny and Teo
Undeserving Abby, Felix, Judah and Tamara
Sharing Salma Cat, Ygraine, Conrad, and Kinson
You Go Zig, We Go Zag Brian, Elisabeth, Minea and Owen
Go If You Can James and Elisabeth
Good Boy James and William
Hear You Soon Kameron and Brian
I Still Love You Dearly Nalani and Rami
A Step Cat and Kinson
Mad House Party Abby, Alexander, Amato, Helena, Lucrezia and Teo
Craquelure Amato, Lucrezia and Teo
Murderers Quarterly Brian and Deckard
You Show Me Yours... Conrad and Minea
Bastard Squared Grant and Hagan
Haggle Eileen and Rafe
No Takebacks Sonny and Zachery
Weezyanna Abby and Teo
1/27 Worst Lunch Ever Abby and Victor
All God's Children Are Evil Amato and Teo
Like A Woman Scorned Felix and Lucrezia
Unrealistic Expectations Nalani
Backup Plans For Backup Plans Abby, Ben, Jessica and Niki
Meet Your Fellow Dinu Nicolas, Porter, Huruma and Roselyn
Fireflies Colette and Tamara
I Will Find You Trask and Elisabeth
Just Plain Cantankerous Bolivar and Kayla
Felix Ivanov is Stuart Redman Felix and Judah
Cantankerous And Aloof Bolivar, Felix and Minea
Discerning Tastes Kain and Nisha
The Night Before Normandy Felix and Elisabeth
Discreetly Jack and Logan
Bad Terms Alexander and Teo
Quartz Sylar
Sufferance Felix and Teo
Fighting 101 Claude and Anne
1/28 Ship of Death Deckard, Hana, and Rico
The Parting Glass Alexander and Teo
I've Been Preparing For Days Cat and Elisabeth
Endgame - Suffer the Children Brian, Drake, Elisabeth, Minea, and Owen
Endgame - Resonance Alistair, Brian, Conrad, Scott and Ygraine
Endgame - Tripwire Alexander, Brian, Carmichael, Cat, Ellinka
Endgame - To Die At Sea Brian, Deckard, Hana, Monica, Rico, Teo
Endgame - Conflagration Brian, Elias, Elvis, Felix, Hans, Kazimir, Odessa and Sylar
Endgame - ...And All That Could Have Been Abby, Anne, Brian, Carmichael, Eileen, Eve, Gillian, Helena, Kazimir, Lucrezia, Rafe, Sylar and Trask
Been Many Things Ethan and Lucrezia
Almost Teo
No Sleep Till Brooklyn Abby
Dreaming's Rescue Eve and Gillian
Catch Of The Day Jack, Logan, Muldoon and Sylar
My Many Faces Brian
Assume the Worst Abby, Deckard and Teo
Where Are Your Loyalties? William and Elisabeth
The Warmth Of The Company Abby and Jessica
The Perfect Image of Peace Constantine and Eileen
The Best Laid Plans Angela, Edward, Haitian and Nathan
I Ran Cat and Kinson
1/29 It's Not Impressive Abby and Cat
At What Cost? Cat and Elisabeth
Hell and High Water Anne, James and Sonny
Not A Cyborg Anymore Abby, Sonny and Teo
Making the World Perfect Again Danika, Muldoon and Sylar
Release Kameron and Brian
A Favor Between Friends James and Elisabeth
Yesterday Rico
Giving Back A Cat One Life Abby, Felix and Teo
Jet Flyin' and Limo Ridin' While Stylin' and Profilin' Porter and Fedor
1/30 Negotiations Carmichael and Goodman
The Definition of Duty Felix and Rami
The Whole Truth Brian and Goodman
Butterfly Bandages Lucrezia and Sonny
1/31 Proper Representation Deckard and Nisha
And Nothing But The Truth Brian, Goodman and Thompson
And The Hits Just Keep On Coming Cat and Elisabeth
To Do What's Right Abby and Matt
The Bad Touch Deckard and Logan
Just the Thing Ethan and Lucrezia
Cheese at Tiffany's Kaydence Lee and Matt
Take Away Everything Constantine, Muldoon and Sylar
A place to Hide Brian, Isabelle and Anne
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