Logs for November 2019

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56 logs posted for November 2019.

Date Time Title Participants Storyline
11/02 Evening Ghosted Elaine, Seren, and Trask
11/04 Mid-Morning An American Elm Corbin, Emily, Lance, and Liza Uncharted Territory (Dendrolatry)
Late Morning Lost Spirits Emily, Liza, and Mann Uncharted Territory (Dendrolatry)
Morning Parabolic Cosmos Ryans and Squeaks
11/06 Early Afternoon Forgotten Spirits Corbin and Lance Uncharted Territory (Dendrolatry)
Early Afternoon Hello Neighbor Carver and Zachery
11/07 Afternoon Loose Lips Sink Ships Huruma, Lance, and Niki
11/08 Noon Years Gone Cooper, Devon, Emily, Godfrey, Isabelle, Kaylee, Luther, Marlowe, Odessa, Roxie, Ryans, Shaw, and Silas ???
Noon Modern Family Realness Azami, Bolivar, Miguel, and Raquelle
Noon Matoatoa Huruma
Noon Copper I Walter ???
Afternoon Copper II Delilah, Julie, Niel, and Walter ???
Noon Water to a Rose of Jericho Sahara
Evening World's Fucked Eve and Zachery
11/09 Late Morning Mirror Mirror Elisabeth and Silas
Early Afternoon Be True To Yourself Emily and Raquelle
11/10 Afternoon Animal Stacking Hailey and Lance Uncharted Territory (Dendrolatry)
11/13 Morning Convoluted Delilah and Richard ???
Midday Don't Blink Ryans and Squeaks
11/14 Early Afternoon A Nyssa Sylvatica Ava. Lance, and Liza Uncharted Territory (Dendrolatry)
11/15 Afternoon Jumpscare Emily and Zachery
Late Afternoon Questionable Choices Emily, Julie, and Zachery
Late Afternoon The Space Between Us Emily and Julie
Early Evening Hot Toddy Emily and Teo
Early Evening Obi-Raquelle Cambria, You're My Only Hope Lance and Raquelle
11/16 Noon Day One Devon, Elisabeth, and Emily
Afternoon Bad Communication Skills Devon and Emily
Early Evening Visitin' Delilah, Elaine, Matthew, Robyn and Walter
11/17 Pre-Dawn Looking For Treasure Kara and Yi-Min
11/18 Early Morning It's Gonna Be Okay Avi and Emily
Afternoon Patching Up Dumortier and Zachery
Afternoon Rote Ling and Shaw
Late Afternoon Marked as Defective Richard and Zachery The Dragon
11/20 Early Morning Wait! Roxie
Late Evening It's Not the Answer You're Looking For Miguel, Raquelle, Renautas, and Richard The Dragon
11/21 Late Afternoon Cayenne and Honey Elaine and Rhett
Evening No Small Favor Kaylee and Luther
11/22 Late Morning Inconvenient Luther and Tae
Afternoon A Yarnball of Problems and a Helper to Untangle Them Emily and Everleigh
11/23 Evening Gone On Long Enough Carl and Kaylee
11/24 Afternoon Bohemian Meltdown Asi, Godfrey. Kay, and Marlowe
11/25 Afternoon Ethos Everleigh and Huruma
11/27 Late Afternoon Together Now Elaine, Faulkner, Niki, Roxie, Shaw, and Seren ???
Early Evening Real and Imagined Faulkner and Seren
Early Evening Booking Block Tango Elisabeth, Roxie and Shaw
Evening Two Goobs, One Pup Joaquin and Goober
Night Now, Turn Niki The Dragon
11/28 Late Morning That's You Adam and Niki The Dragon
Evening The Knightwing Asi, Marlowe, Monica and Richard
11/29 Early Afternoon Black Bird Friday Devi, Rue, and Seren
Afternoon Playing Sisyphus Gillian and Niki The Dragon
Early Evening Moments of Normal Elisabeth and Richard
11/30 Early Afternoon These Choices... Elaine, Elisabeth, Richard, and Robyn
Afternoon ...Will Have Consequences Elaine and Robyn
From To Title Participants Storyline
11/11 11/12 Middletown Press Kara
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