Logs for September 2009

381 logs posted for September 2009.

Date Time Title Participants
09/01 Wee Hours Human Resources Aude, Bill and Danko
Morning When The Hummingbird Calls Elisabeth and Len
Morning A Dream Changed Eve and Gillian
Late Morning Fuzzy On The Details Cat and Gillian
Late Morning He's Alive Abby, Leonard and Peyton
13:00 A Sight For Sore Eyes Cat and Kinson
Afternoon Wounded Warsong Michael and Sarisa
Afternoon We're Not Friends Magnes and Tracy
Afternoon The Day Ice Met Might Jessica and Tracy
Late Afternoon The Myth Of Us Gillian
Late Afternoon Not Very New Age Miranda and Mortimer
Late Afternoon Here's Some Ice Cream, Don't Die Inside Please! Delilah and Magnes
Early Evening Putting Her Foot Down Eileen and Gillian
Evening A Grim Reminder Carrie, Corbin and Len
Evening Shadow on Water, Part V Feng and Mu-Qian
Evening Messages Abby, Thalia and Yamaguchi
Late Evening I Like Cake, Cigarettes, Canadian Firearms, Good Work, And You Leonard and Teo
Late Night The Fall of Man Deckard and Peter
09/02 Early Morning Mutual Foreplay and An Invitation to Dance Elisabeth and Mack
Morning Catching Flies Bill and Felix
Noon Because He Cares Aaron and Peyton
Afternoon Reach Out Colette and Helena
Afternoon I Gather You're Satisfied Ling and Wendy
Afternoon Burning At Both Ends Adam, Ash, Grim, Huruma, and Sam
Late Afternoon Let It Snow Maeve and Raquelle
Evening Solus Ipse Peter
18:00 The Trinity of Bright Ideas Cardinal, Elisabeth and Len
20:00 What A World Logan, Miranda and Mortimer
22:00 O' Death Cardinal and Mortimer
Night Statistically Significant Other Abby, Cardinal and Elisabeth
09/03 Very Early Morning Moby Bone 2: Boning for Justice Toru and Mortimer
Very Early Morning ...Is That It Then? Sabrina and Sam
02:00 His Girls Danko, Maeve and Raquelle
03:00 The Third Guest Diogenes and Raquelle
Pre-Dawn Doghouse Bolivar
04:00 Every Idiot With A Power Thinks They're A God Azrael and Cardinal
04:00 The Girls Are Gone Bolivar and Raquelle
Morning On The Same Page Again Adam, Kaylee and Sam
Morning What Must Be Your Marionette Diogenes and Maeve
Morning On The Road Again Diogenes and Diana
Afternoon Let's Play Dress Up Gillian and Magnes
Afternoon Unresolved Issues Aaron and Wendy
Late Afternoon A Guinness and a Job Andrew and Tamsine
Evening Exposed Felix and Khalid
Evening Why Settle For Taco Bell? Grim and Kaylee
Late Evening Lines Drawn in Sand Abby, Cat, Deckard, Eileen, Gillian, Helena, Joseph, Leonard, Peter and Teo
Night Or Something Abby and Deckard
Night Weight Of The World Helena and Teo
Night Blue Sky, Green Grass Eileen and Peter
09/04 10:03 Basic Office Work Cat and Maya
Noon Cop Talk Over Ice Cream Cassidy and Elisabeth
Afternoon Starting Early Andrew and Wendy
Afternoon When A Sandwich Just Isn't A Sandwich Len and Tamsine
Afternoon Half-Sail Ahead Joseph, Maxwell and Teo
Afternoon Security Work Andrew and Shard
Mid Afternoon A Moment of Happiness Abby, Claire and Magnes
Late Afternoon One Wish At A Time Abby and Hokuto
Early Evening Indiana Jones Meets The Matrix Abby and Alec
Early Evening Open Doors Helena and Joseph
Late Evening It's Only Paranoia If They're Not Out To Get You Elisabeth and Teo
Late Night It Just Is What It Is Cardinal and Elisabeth
09/05 03:30 The Final Game, Part I Azrael and Cassidy
09:00 Cat's Confession Cat and Joseph
Late Morning What Dreams May Come, Part I Elisabeth and Hokuto
Late Morning What Dreams May Come, Part II Elisabeth and Hokuto
Late Morning What Dreams May Come, Part III Cardinal and Elisabeth
13:02 I'm A Hockey Man, Myself Cat, Leonard, and Maxwell
Early Evening Hello Azrael Elisabeth and Mortimer
Early Evening Booze And Politics Don't Mix Andrew, Cat, Cook, Delilah, Helena, Leonard, and Jay
Evening Covert Engagement Winters and Veronica
Evening More Than A Little Ink Len and Xiulan
Evening Like A Daughter To Me Adam and Kaylee
Evening A Meaningful Job Andrew and Peyton
Night Conspiracies, Murder and Gardening Cardinal, Jessica and Zuleyka
Night Yours To Give Away Deckard
Night Fever Dreams Felix
Night Completing The Triangle Eileen, Gabriel and Minea
09/06 Afternoon Clarifying Moments Are Not The Same As Moments of Clarity Carrie, Len, Minea and Veronica
Afternoon Weird Shit Karen and Vincent
Late Afternoon Learning To Skate Claire and Magnes
Evening Hot Mess Peyton and Wendy
Evening The Final Game, Part II Azrael, Cassidy, Coren, and Elisabeth
Late Evening The Final Game, Part III Coren and Elisabeth
Late Evening Let Alone Eileen and Raith
Night You Can Have My Absence of Faith Butch, Danko and Joseph
09/07 Early Morning Playing Along Danko and Joseph
Morning Bad Company, Part II Martin and Veronica
Morning F'ing Paulson Len and Veronica
Morning Oh Yes, YOU Get A Shiny New Prescription Bella and Elisabeth
Late Morning The Final Game, Part IV Azrael and Cassidy
Late Morning Broken In Sixteen Minutes Azrael and Cassidy
Afternoon Broken and Dirty Things Andrew, June, Peyton, Tuck and Wendy
Afternoon Clarity of Vision Caliban, Colette and Linderman
Late Afternoon He's So Burning That Couch Coren and Mortimer
Evening Moving Out Of Zugzwang Cardinal, Claire, Elisabeth, Gillian, Jessica, Peyton and Xiulan
Evening Gotta Start Somewhere Bill and Joseph
Evening A Normal-ish Life Veronica and Brian
Night Cowardice or Valor Abby, Deckard and Hokuto
Night Oh exploitable! Danko and Magnes
Night City of Angels Adam, Ash, Huruma, Kaylee, Sabrina and Sam
Night The World Reversed Magnes and Raith
11:30 Leave Nothing Unfinished Aaron, Gillian and Peyton
09/08 01:00 I Am Not Domesticated Cardinal and Elisabeth
03:00 Nobody's As Good As Me, Sugar Coren and Lola
Morning The Scent of Rain Balfour, Curt, Sophie and Veronica
Late Morning Lost In Blue Elisabeth and Rebecca
Early Afternoon Two Kings Hokuto and Magnes
Afternoon Cuffed Lola and Jay
Afternoon Inexcusable Adam and Sabrina
Late Afternoon Huge Leap In Logic Coren and Elisabeth
Evening Personal GPS At Your Service Jay and Peyton
Night Crazy Like The Rest Of Us Kaylee and Sabrina
Late Night Waiting Eve
09/09 The Small Hours Still-Waking Sleep ??? and Teo
Morning Sleep or Death Rebecca
Morning Itty Bitty Pieces Devi
Noon The Sinking City Nathan and Phoebe
Afternoon Battered Angel Elisabeth and Xiulan
Afternoon Boring Is Underrated Andrew and Kaylee
Early Evening A Direct Line Veronica
Evening Eeeee-vuuuuuh Brian and Kaylee
Late Evening That's No Schnauzer Bolivar, Jay and Wendy
Night Tone Deaf Leonard and Teo
Late Night Death or Sleep Rebecca and ???
Late Night Dziadzio Eileen
Late Night Tier-4 Ability - It Exists Diogenes, Isis and Jay
Late Night The Wind and The Sun Isis and Diogenes
Late Night Where It Hurts Bill, Danko and Felix
09/10 Midnight Not a Hooker Jay and Stephane
Morning A Good Deal Logan and Wendy
01:00 That Helpless Feeling Sucks Abby and Elisabeth
04:30 Why Yes I Am A Ninja Vampire Pirate Jedi Star Fleet Captain Abby, Alec and Elisabeth
Morning From LA to Ontario Len and Veronica
Morning We Could Certainly Ask Cat, Helena, and Maya
Morning Equality, Plain and Simple Praeger
Afternoon Don't Give Me Any Reason To Be Less Than Gentle Aaron and Bella
15:41 A Strand Of RNA Cat and Magnes
17:00 The Angel of Death Azrael, Cassidy, Coren, Elisabeth, and Lola
Evening A Quiet Drink Jay and Maxwell
Night No Reason To Get Excited Deckard and Teo
09/11 Morning Survivors' Curse Elisabeth and Kayla
01:00 He Is Dead Cassidy and Elisabeth
It's still dark out Red Eye Lola and Elisabeth
Early Morning What You Lovingly Desire Cassidy and Coren
Afternoon Of Prophecies and Illnesses Kaylee and Diogenes
Afternoon While There's Still Something Left To Save Abby, Elisabeth and Rebecca
Afternoon Dinner With a Madman Jay and Stephane
Early Evening Frank and Emphatic Danko, Joseph and Phoebe
Early Evening Alone With You Joseph
Early Evening Golden Snitch Ananda and Thompson
Evening A Moment Of Silence Cat, Carolina, Chuckles, Delilah, Doc, Helena, McRae, Risa, Shard, Sinjin, Stef and White
Evening Crazy Eights Mortimer and Lola
Evening Where The Rum Will Go Gillian and Winters
Late Evening The Not So Scary Door Kaylee and Mortimer
Late Evening Saucy Adam and Lola
Late Evening Enmity Between Thee and the Woman Danko and Phoebe
Late Evening Standard Procedure Carrie and Grim
09/12 Wee Hours Running On Empty Danko and Huruma
Wee Hours Slip Abby and Deckard
Morning Friendly Voices Felix and Joseph
Mid-Morning Peanut Butter and Boxers Adam and Lola
Early Afternoon Over Brunch Kain, Linderman, Lola and Mortimer
Afternoon Stripping Away The Mirage Grim and Len
Afternoon Saying What Needs To Be Said Carrie and Grim
Early Evening Good Tidings of Rye Bread and Cranberries Eileen and Deckard
Early Evening I Don't Want to be Switzerland Logan and Tuck
Evening They All End In Tears Adam and Tamsine
Evening Yer The Baby Of The Family Kaylee and Lola
Evening But We Still Need A Drummer Len and Teo
21:22 Burning Birds And Alley Cats Cat, Cook, Delilah, Elisabeth, Helena, and Leonard
Evening Multiplicity Cardinal, Deckard, Delilah, Logan, Miranda and Wendy
Night Are You In? Peter and Raith
Night I Will Be Gillian
Night Sold in Truth Eileen, Peter and Raith
09/13 Wee Hours Blueprints for Security Alec and Elisabeth
Morning Whole Lotta Crazy Kain and Lola
Noon On God's Green Earth Abby
Afternoon I'm Not... Ash and Kaylee
Afternoon Better Than Doing Nothing Kayla, Len and Tamsine
Early Evening Little Victories Aaron, Gillian and Peyton
Evening While You Were Out Minea and Mu-Qian
Evening First Fight? Claire and Magnes
Evening Lessons Unlearned Buck, Delilah, Doyle and Tommy
Late Night It Doesn't Feel Like Cancer Abby, Deckard and Rebecca
Late Night Heal Thyself Deckard
09/14 02:00 Jesus Wept Maya and ???
Early Morning The Sound of Solitude Diogenes
Early Morning So Simple, Yet Not Diogenes and Kaylee
Afternoon/Late Afternoon Knowledge Is Pain Delilah and Magnes
Late Afternoon Steaks and Fortune Telling Ash and Tzigane
Evening Pragmatism Eileen and Gabriel
Late Evening A Need For Information Brian and Kaylee
Late Evening Magic Tricks for Children Douglas and Eileen
23:00 Cop Out Abby and Leonard
Midnight Friends First Abby and Teo
09/15 Wee Hours The Great Escape Rebecca
Wee Hours There's A Hole In My Head Where The Rain Comes In Deckard and Mu-Qian
Early Morning Can We Have Machine Guns? Alec, Cardinal and Elisabeth
Early Morning If He Sets Bombs, I Blame You Cardinal and Elisabeth
Noon Be Merciful Harlow and Joseph
Afternoon Especially With Kids Involved Carrie and Elisabeth
Early Evening Just A Game Logan and Wendy
Late Evening Butt In The Chair.. Or No Drink Kaylee, Lola, Mortimer, and Sabrina
Night Refrain From Rapture Winters and Mandy
Night But I Said No, No, No Magnes and Odessa
Night Drinking, Dancing, Cursing Baptists Abby and Scotch
Late Night My Girl Blue Jay and Mandy
09/16 Wee Hours Too Much To Ask Aaron, Gillian and Peyton
Morning What's In A Name? Hokuto and Tzigane
Late Morning Someone Who Knows The Truth Doyle and Kaylee
Early Afternoon Pincushion Abby and Megan
Afternoon Meanwhile, in Evil Headquarters... Diogenes and Isis
Afternoon Catharsis Aaron and Bella
Afternoon With a Little Help From My Friends Adam, Eileen, Lola and Odessa
Late Afternoon Bad Company, Part III Brian and Martin
Evening A Hierarchy Of Needs Adam, Helena, Jericho, McRae and Peyton
Night Owls Looking for Mice Cardinal, Judah and Tamara
Night Little Kings Of Little Hills Cardinal and Teo
Night What Happens to Bad Girls Eileen, Ethan, Odessa and Raith
Midnight Chasing Ghosts Eileen and Peter
09/17 Small Hours The Faustian Bargain ??? and Teo
Still Small Hours Sitting on the Dock Scotch, Minea and Lola
Early Morning Through the Cracks Butch, Danko, Felix and Joseph
Morning Stalemate Odessa and Peter
Mid-Morning New Digs Lola and Odessa
Afternoon Candy Delivery Abby, Cassidy and Coren
Afternoon Wendy Hunter: Drug-Crazed Bitch Aaron and Bella
Afternoon I Need To Talk To Your Mother Cat and Gillian
Afternoon When a Thief Becomes a Grifter Lola, Mortimer and Christina
Late Afternoon Dream Of Me Cassidy and Coren
Early Evening Even Score Eileen, Odessa and Raith
Early Evening Bamf! Delilah, Helena, and Scotch
Early Evening The Unlucky Gillian and Jenn
Evening Lullaby Aaron and Gillian
Evening We Rise Together Delilah and Helena,
Evening Southern Conflicts Abby, Adelaide, Lola and Scotch
Night Wanting Odessa and Peter
Night Remnants of Understanding Gabriel and Peter
Night Invitations Eileen and Eve
Night One Marine Two Marine Ananda and Danko
09/18 Morning Russian Fucking Roulette Mortimer
Afternoon Useless Leland and Teo
Afternoon A Bird In The Hand... Lola and Peter
Afternoon Free-running Chaos Jay, Kase and Lola
Late Afternoon Paris Promised Adam and Odessa
Evening Spiderwebs Adam and Huruma
Evening Calling Spirits Cat, Gabriel, Helena and Peter
Evening Her Knight Cassidy and Coren
Evening Not Giving Up Cardinal and Gillian
Night Reality Check Eileen and Raith
09/19 Small Hours In The Barracks Leonard and Teo
Very Early Morning Midnight Smack Aaron and Peyton
Early Morning Believing in Something Abby and Eileen
Morning Two Steps Back Veronica and Winters
Late Morning No Excuses Brian, Gillian and Helena
13:51 Is That Sudoku? Cat, Gillian, Helena, Jay, and Leonard
Early Evening If The Sun'll Rise Kase and Logan
Early Evening Good News For People Who Like Bad News Felix and Harlow
Evening Good For You Deckard and Eve
Evening Ruled by Secrecy Kaylee and Odessa
Evening Do You Waltz? Adam and Odessa
Late Evening Cardinal Snitches Abby and Cardinal
Late Evening A Very Bad Place Eileen, Ethan, Gabriel, Raith and Teo
09/20 Earliest Morning Damaged Eileen and Gabriel
Early Morning Doing Lines Abby, Leonard and Teo
Noon Fizzle Leonard and Teo
Late Afternoon Evolved Anonymous Stepping Out Adelaide and Leonard
Late Afternoon Hit & Run Delilah, Kase, Peyton
09/21 Early Morning A Day In the Life Adam
Late Morning All's Whale Delilah and Magnes
Sunset Swim, Does Baby Duck Gabriel and Teo
Evening The Elephant In The Room Bill
Evening Benefits Adam and Odessa
Night Cardinal's Razor Cardinal and Hokuto
Night Arrrr Deckard, Kaylee, Leonard and Teo
Late Night The Walking Shadow Eve and Peter
23:00 How Much Time? Kaylee
Late Night Lacrimosa Huruma
09/22 Late Morning The Ghost of Company's Past Len and Odessa
Afternoon Off The Books Len and Minea
Afternoon Look What The Cat Drug In Andrew, Grim and Kaylee
Afternoon No One Got Hurt Magnes and Bella
Afternoon A Finger, Pointing Leland, Minea and Murdoch
Late Afternoon One is Silver Delilah, Kase and Leonard
Sunset The Hard Way Danko and Joseph
Sunset War Economy Adam
Dusk Trade Offs Odessa and Peter
Evening Leave At Once, You Are Breaking And Entering Cassidy, Coren and Lola
Evening Taco Tuesday Aaron, Keene, Peyton and Wendy
Evening Speak Easy, Play Hard Adam, Bebe, Cardinal, Jay, Kaylee, Lola, Satoru and Tuck
Late Night Inertia Creeps Felix and The Nightmare Man
23:00 Run, Fools! Run! Abby, Cardinal, Kaylee, Keene, Thalia and Zuleyka
09/23 Morning Chemical Reaction Maya and Saul
Late Morning Lola's Got a Gun Lola and Adam
Early Afternoon Virgil And Dante Aaron and Bella
Afternoon Not Quite Dead Colby, June and Minea
Afternoon Murky Taxonomy Bella and Tamara
Afternoon Reluctant Soldiers Helena and Jay
Late Afternoon To Be Lost Again Colby, Minea and Veronica
Late Afternoon An Awkward Conversation Claire and Magnes
Late Evening I Think I'm Broken Katherine and Veronica
Late Evening How Does She Know Kaylee and Huruma
Late Evening Honor Amongst Thieves Deckard, Devi, Kase, Logan, Teo, Toru and Wendy
Late Evening Pants, Please Wendy
Late Evening It Could Be Worse Logan and Toru
Late Evening Don't Pick Deckard and Teo
Late Evening Honest Lives Cardinal and Deckard
Late Evening Come Clean Adam and Odessa
Night The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire Kase, Logan and Teo
Late Night Heroes and Martyrs Joseph and The Nightmare Man
09/24 Morning New Lead, New Hope Colby and Thalia
Morning A Place of Security Adelaide and Raphael
Afternoon Good Faith Gestures Eileen and Odessa
Evening Petty Theft and Happy Gypsies Ash, Leonard, and Tzigane
09/25 Early Morning Various Definitions Of Helping Cardinal, Gillian and Shard
Afternoon Head Shot, Low Blow Felix and Harlow
Afternoon Keep Talking Joseph, Khalid and Mona
Afternoon One For Three And Counting Bolivar, Minea and Murdoch
Evening Rahab Adam and Christina
Evening Crawling to a Close Gabriel
Night Evening Stroll Nicolas and Isis
Night More Equal Than Helena and McRae
Late Night Run Lola Run Lola and Adam
09/26 Mid-morning Breakfast Beer Elisabeth and Minea
Night But Not A Word Was Spoken Abby, Adelaide, Aude, Cardinal, Cat, Delilah, Douglas, Eileen, Helena, Leland, Leonard, Magnes and Teo
Night The Church Bells All Were Broken Abby, Delilah, Eileen, Felix, Joseph, Leland, Mona and Teo
22:00 In One Piece Cat, Delilah, Douglas, Eileen, Helena, and Leonard
23:33 A Caged Gift For You Cat and Elisabeth
Night Figure Out Tomorrow When Tomorrow Comes Abby and Joseph
Late Night A Hospital, Is A Hospital, Is A Hospital Abby and Deckard
09/27 Pre-Dawn Kill The Villain Felix, Leonard and Teo
Pre-Dawn Do Not Touch Douglas, Eileen and Gabriel
Morning Fractured Abby, Deckard and Joseph
Morning Jurisdictional Squabble Elisabeth and Naomi
Afternoon Do You Remember The Purple Spiders? Katherine and Minea
16:46 He Won't Be Awake Cat and Elisabeth
Evening I Just Need Your Name Adam and Liu
Evening Lesson Learned Veronica and Brian
09/28 Morning She Knows Bella and Rebecca
Morning Just A Little Bit Of Pixie Dust Cardinal and Elisabeth
Afternoon Tiresome Business Carrie, Corbin and Sabra
Afternoon Playing Hooky Bella and Elisabeth
Afternoon Fighting Over Statues Elisabeth and Katherine
Afternoon Witness Cooperation Joseph and Judah
Early Evening Welcome and Grace Joseph and Leonard
Early Evening Meanwhile Adam and Cardinal
Early Evening Sounds Reasonable Bella and Deckard
Early Evening Three is a Crowd Brian, Diogenes, and Isis
Evening Apples to... Kaylee and Odessa
Evening I'll Take Care Of Everything Kaylee and Sabrina
Evening A Good Use Peyton and Raphael
Late Evening Head Start Adam and Odessa
Late Evening You Still Want In? It's All Hands On Deck Cardinal, Elisabeth, Leonard and Mack
Late Evening You're So Good To Me Doyle and Kaylee
Night Let Down Deckard and Teo
23:52 Going Outside To Play Cardinal, Cat, Douglas, Elisabeth, and Helena
09/29 Early Morning Consult Eileen, Ethan, Kaylee and Teo
Early Morning Memories and Meetings Kurt and Adelaide
Afternoon When You Were Young Len and Odessa
Evening Bandwagon Deckard, Delilah and Magnes
Late Evening Asking The Wrong Person Cardinal and Claire
Night Evolved and Conversations Kurt, Adelaide, Cardinal and Wendy
Night Tangled Webs Andrew, Brian, and Veronica
Night Suicide By Cop (Sort Of) Cat, Helena, and Leonard
Night Lie By Me Felix and Leland (?)
Late Night Social Contracts Cardinal, Peyton and Wendy
Late Night Money Mission Breifing Adam, Isis, and Nicolas
09/30 Early Morning Breakfast and Heels Kurt and Odessa
Morning One Down, More To Go Elisabeth and Leland
Late Morning One Dead Bastard Elisabeth and Len
Afternoon Photogenic Len and Sabrina
Afternoon I Need a Fix 'Cause I'm Goin' Down Deckard and Joseph
Evening Role Reversal Katherine and Veronica
Evening Redheads Are Coldblooded Brian and Isis
Evening Night Owls Alia, Nicolas, Leonard and Kurt
Late Evening Victims Logan and Magnes
Night Could Be Worse Caliban, Linderman and Logan
Late Night Smooth Criminal Isis and Nicolas
22:30 A Soul For A Soul Abby and Adam
23:00 I Think I Killed Him Abby, Adam, and Felix
23:00 Ginger-Ale Peyton, Minea, Lola, Scotch and Shard
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