

teo_icon.gif teo2_icon.gif ghost_icon.gif

Scene Title Messaggini
Synopsis Three Teos texting, which was my other log title idea, but this sounds like some kind of delicious digitized pasta.
Date April 19, 2019

The Internet

An indistinct but vast space.

Teo (Sicily):
Are you guys up

Teo (1/2):
Yeah I'm up. Is everything ok
Where are you

Teo (Sicily):
Everything's fine. I'm still in Palermo
Dee and Walter are also ok
I just wanted to ask if you guys got your own SSNs?
Social Security Numbers if that wasn't obvious

Teo (1/2):
I'm still using yours
I think ghost got his own one. Registration would have sorted that shit out, since the government knows about travelers now

Teo (Ghost):
What the fuck is wrong with you dipshits I'm trying to sleep

Teo (1/2):
It isn't even midnight
I can come over with a baseball bat
Or would you prefer exsanguination

Teo (Ghost):
Love to see you try
Some of us have jobs

Teo (1/2):
I do jobs, I just don't have the synaptic connectivity and neurophysiological resilience of a fucking infant
Hell I have contract work next week.

Teo (Sicily):
I'm going to marry Delilah and I need my SSN for the marriage license. I think having 2 marriage licenses with the same Social would be a bad idea. One day the bureaucratic clusterfuck of America will be over, or at least a less apocalyptic bureaucratic clusterfuck. I'll settle for a humdrum global recession anyday

Teo (Ghost):
Do you actually know what 'neurophysiology' is?

Teo (1/2):

Teo (Sicily):
I don't want to be accused of fraud or bigamy.
You don't even need to be a licensed attorney to know that could get old quick

Teo (Ghost):
Neither of us care about your job.
You're kind of gay, man

Teo (1/2):
I don't think that's a good idea
You're not 'kind of gay,' you just lean hard toward men when it comes to emotional attraction

Teo (Sicily):
1. I'm not asking for permission
2. I don't need a dissertation on my sexuality, or either of yours, or literally anybody's.
I love her
3. Ghost is in love with Hana

Teo (1/2):
I guess maybe our type is just emotionally unavailable people.
But my point is, Delilah isn't. She deserves someone who would give her their whole heart. She's smart, brave as a lion, independent. Legs for poetry

Teo (Sicily):
You think I don't know that? We talked about it.
She wants an open marriage.
Are you and Francois ok?

Teo (1/2):
We aren't talking about my marriage. We're talking about your marriage, which is hypothetical and not a good idea
We're fine

Teo (Sicily):
I'm just going to apply for a new SSN.
What happened?

Teo (1/2):
I think there's something to be said for both traditional marriage and our fucking inability to actually pull it off.

Teo (Sicily):
Non รจ dissuasivo.
But I'm sorry, whatever happened.

Teo (1/2):
Don't talk about it like it's done.
If you fuck things up with Delilah, you'll regret this for the rest of your life

Teo (Sicily):
Well don't talk about mine like it isn't. It's our choice, you're not involved
And I wasn't talking about it like it's 'done.' Nothing in New York is ever 'done'
I heard Magnes Varlane is back. Liz too. Which i just found out no thanks to either of you assholes.
Maybe it's about time you two stopped managing your relationships with 'endings' like the only two options are time-travel as absolute anesthesia or misery as perpetual self-torture. Those two things aren't even two ends of the continuum. There's literally all of life you're missing, while you play ninja or whatever 'jobs' is
SLC-E abilities made you two motherfuckers so lazy, it's unbelievable
Most of us don't have the luxury of avoiding every potential painful mistake by turning depersonalization into an actual superpower.
We just do our best
And live with the uncertainty of being wrong and the imperfection that still comes with getting it right.
In every timeline and every reality
I hope your DNA encoded compulsion to run away in every imaginable sense of the phrase, and exhausting all those possibilities, your increasingly creative experiments with cowardice isn't what ultimately activated Walter's fucking superpower
PS this is why I need to raise my son.

Teo (1/2):
Eileen's back and I can't find Gabriel

Teo (Sicily):

Teo (1/2):
She has blue eyes
Liz has a kid with Rick, and also a corporate apartment with Rick
I think Hana is dating John logan
Eve's dead
But maybe she's a time traveler, more of those showed up. Apparently now they're so common that they've entered into the lexicon of seemingly ordinary 19 yo girls
Abby moved back to New York (nurse not time traveler)
Marry whoever you want. Cry if you want to. It's your birthday
But maybe you should fucking think about why some of us don't talk about the hard shit in life as if it's easy enough for everybody to do

Teo (Sicily):
That's not what I'm trying to do, ok
Grazie big whoop I'm making my own decision, like I fucking said
When did ghost stop replying?

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