MASSACHUSETTS — In coordination with the United Nations, scientists and SLC-Expressive specialists from the Commonwealth Institute of Massachusetts are being sent to Japan to coordinate with local efforts to prevent the nuclear meltdown of the Fukashima Daiichi reactor which was heavily damaged in Friday's catastrophic earthquake.
Doctor Jean-Martin Luis of the Commonwealth Institute said in a press release that "The Institute is eager to put aside the political and societal boundaries that have divided Japan from foreign SLC-Expressive individuals. Our work in Japan will not only show that those born with super-human abilities are not meant to be feared, but can also perform miracles of science and save countless lives."
Luis went on to discuss how he feels the Commonwealth Institute's involvement in Japan could help repair the reputation of the SLC-Expressive in light of tragic events like the Midtown explosion and the 2010 riots in New York.
"I feel that the lives saved in this endeavor will begin to mend old and new wounds alike," Luis said in his press release. "We will discover newer horizons where cooperation and collaboration can lead to greater heights of innovation and progress for all humanity."
The Commonwealth Institute was once an independent scientific consulting corporation purchased by the Department of Defense following the destruction in New York in 2006. Now, the Commonwealth Institute is the leading international think-tank involving research into SLC-Expressive individuals and their abilities.
Famed geneticist Doctor Mohinder Suresh lends his expertise to the Commonwealth Institute. He is scheduled to deliver a speech on the topic of SLC-Expressive individuals and his father's original research into their origins at Japan's Keio University next month. The speech has been indefinitely postponed due to the crisis in the country.
CALIFORNIA — Scandal has rocked the WNBA with the announcement that point guard for the Los Angeles Sparks, Heather Richardson, fraudulently registered as a Non-Evolved under the Linderman Act when mandatory SLC Registration for Evolved and Non-Evolved was enacted in late August of last year.
Richardson was one of twelve WNBA players subjected to a random panel of blood tests for the Suresh Linkage Complex last month as part of the WADA's restrictions on SLC-Expressive players in professional sports.
Richardson's attorney has claimed that she is un-manifested and registered as a Non-Evolved for fears of being banned from the sport due to a clause in laws established in 2007 that prohibits un-manifested SLC-Expressive players from participating until they manifest and are able to demonstrate that their ability does not give them an "unfair advantage" over non-evolved players.
The WNBA currently only has two registered SLC-Expressive players. Carolina Wilkins of the San Antonio Silver Stars who is registered Tier-0 and Alyssa Schoff of the Atlanta Dream who is a registered Tier-1 plant empath. Despite allowances for SLC-Expressive players, no other professional players in national leagues are presently playing.
For falsifying her Registration, Richardson faces significant fines from the WNBA on top of monetary penalization and possible jail time for subversion of the Linderman Act, pending her trial. Her attorney has stated that Richardson plans to fight the charges against her and has enlisted aid from the ACLU with accusations of discrimination against SLC-Expressive players in professional sports.
Despite several attempts by the NFL at getting an SLC-Expressive only football league off the ground, there are as of yet no Evolved-Only professional sports teams in the United States and no formal plans for any to begin in the foreseeable future.
WASHINGTON — Repairs on Seattle's iconic Space Needle are nearing completion following a December 2010 terrorist attack by Humanis First that killed 27 and caused millions in damages and has left the structure closed to the public.
Concerns had risen following the December blast that the structure had been too severely damaged for repairs. Strong community outcry to preserve the Space Needle and charitable donations from several non-profit organizations have helped keep the Space Needle in Seattle's skyline.
Mayor Michael McGinn of Seattle proudly commended to work of the construction teams that repaired the damaged building. Mayor McGinn along with CEO of the Maxwell Development Corporation Daniel Warrington Knight dedicated the Space Needle memorial park outside of the structure to those who lost their lives in the terrorist bombing.
"This tragedy has united the people of Seattle," Mayor McGinn said during the dedication ceremony on Wednesday morning. "We have persevered as a community and the iconic skyline of our city will remain unchanged despite efforts of enemies of peace and freedom to scar our home with their violence and intolerance."
COLORADO — Colorado state police made a grisly discovery Wednesday morning in the town of Idaho Springs, 20 miles outside of Boulder. A concerned resident of the town called in to the Colorado state police to report the sounds of gunshots coming from a neighboring residence just after 7:00 in the morning, said police chief Martin Woldin.
Police arrived at the residence of Patricia and Scott Hollis to discover the couple and their three children dead in what appears to be a murder suicide. The Hollis family had been struggling with the discovery of un-manifested SLC-Expressive genes in their children when they were mandatory Registered in accordance with the updated Linderman Act in 2010.
Details of what went on at the home have not been released to the media yet and are still under investigation. Neighbors of the Hollis family state that following their children's registration that Scott Hollis had become increasingly irritable and withdrawn.
Last month he withdrew his children from the Ashfield Heights Middle School to privately school them, citing concerns for his children's safety in the public school system given their Registered status as SLC-Expressive.