Not Her Favourite Person


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Scene Title Not Her Favourite Person
Synopsis Audrey is up and about and taking charge of her investigation and that means moving Remi to some place more secure, much to Remi's dislike.
Date March 22, 2011


Hospitals. Dreary places unless you're in the childrens ward and even then, they're still dreary places if only because they're places for the sick. Where some come to die, come to receive bad news and sometimes, they're places of hope. Of birth, renewals, news of the positive nature.

Outside Remi's room, there's people talking. Frontline officers were pulled late morning hours, sent back to Officer Harrison and in their place, DHS agents who did the checking of individuals, denying of individuals and the like. In the last hour no one except nurses were let in. This of course was not the first DHS agent to have come through, inquired of Remi of events that she remembered at the gala, if she could ID the gentleman who attacked her.

But this is the first time, beyond the Gala, when this one has been through here. That's because Audrey herself had been one floor up until two days ago, a knife slipped into her gut by Eileen. By sheer luck or maybe through Audrey's sheer tenacity and iron constitution, it hit nothing major. Which explains the brisk ad businesslike knock on the door that is opened a fraction and the crisp "Ms Davingnon, are you decent?"

Remi has been rather dismayed by the lack of company. And the lack of those FRONTLINE officers who have been her nearly constant companions for the past few days. She even shared some of her lunch with one of them, a nice young man with a scar on his cheek, and told him about France. All the same, she's been quietly tolerating the solitude and the silence in her mind from the negation drugs, the television on at all hours to keep some form of background noise going.

Being a telepath for the last three years has made true silence uncomfortable to Remi, being so used to that nearly constant buzz in the back of her mind.

As the door is opened partially, the redheaded Frenchwoman turns, blinking sluggishly at the door. The painkillers are doing their job, at least, even if she has to be negated in order to be able to actually use them. Brows raise. Then, that thickly French-accented voice replies, "Oui, I am decent. Come in."

The silence is going to be a constant companion in the next few days, that's for sure, as Audrey eases her way into the room. Enough painkillers to deal with the stitchs across her abdomen, she waited at least two days before grasping back the reigns and yanking. Sylar. Her case. A bad case of the mines and the gimmies.

The door opens fully, admitting the sever bob'd blonde with the pale skin, freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose and cheese and perpetual scowl. "How have our agents been treating you Ms. Davingnon?" Audrey inquires, stiff backed as she closes the door behind her gently, leaving the both of them alone. "They haven't pushed you too hard with questions I hope?" Honey audrey, use honey.

"Well enough. Zey are not as friendly as ze Frontline agents were." Even while negated and drugged, with a bandage around her leg and wearing one of those lovely backless hospital gowns, Soleil Davignon has a way of looking the part of a refined Frenchwoman. And really, she wouldn't need to be negated if she was some place quiet. But then, this is DHS, and a telepath can be dangerous.

"Can I 'elp you with something, Madamoiselle…?" Remi raises her brows, making it clear that she expects a name and possibly a flash of a badge.

Ask and ye shall receive. Even when you don't ask. The badge, matching face on it and the name "Special Agent Audrey Hanson" Are offered up at a close distance for Remi to glance at. "They're not here to play nice with you Ms. Davingnon. Their job is to protect you and ensure that if or should the man masquerading as the midtown man make another run at you, that he will be severely hampered. To wit-" The ID is closed, tucked back, the but of her gun visible under her jacket.

"we're moving you to the eglinton hospital on Staten Island. You'll receive the same medical care there but with better security."

Audrey comes to stand beside the bed, regarding the french national supine in the bed. "DoEA will be talking with you and I will be conversing with you regarding the events of March 17th and from before in more detail than the ones who have handled it while I am convalescing. Your things will be fetched from your residence so that you do not lack for your personal effects and what you need while you are healing"

Straight and to the point, indeed. Brows raise as Remi listens to Audrey, crossing one arm over her chest to grab at her forearm. "Staten Island?" She asks this thoughtfully, brows raised. "I can understand zat, oui. I appreciate the measures being taken to ensure my safety." She offers a stiff nod. "I would like for my room mate to be able to visit me, oui? 'E is ze closest thing to family I 'ave, and it is quite stressful enough zat I 'ave to be in a 'ospital at all. It would be much worse if I would 'ave to go through zis process alone."

Then, she tilts her head toward Audrey. "I 'ave already told your men all zat I can remember about ze ball. I do not know what else I can 'elp you with, in regards to questioning."

"You told my men, but my men are not me and I haven't questioned you. There might be details that you remember that you didn't remember before" Audrey's digging out a notebook from the back pocket of her pants, in comfortable clothing so that she can flip it open after removing the pen and take a note. "You're roommate. Once you are settled in, we'll see to trying to arrange that. At the moment though, with a known shapeshifter who can assume the facade of just about anyone and those close to you without you knowing, we're going to be taking very little chances. He came for you at a very public function and went through a great deal of individuals to get to you. Right now, your safety is paramount."

There's more scribbling. 'We'll be moving you within the next two hours, Ms. Davingnon, going back the last two weeks, was there anything strange that you remember, anyone who approached you that doesn't normally deal with you? Any strange incidents that stick out in your mind? "

You say, "You told my men, but my men are not me and I haven't questioned you. There might be details that you remember that you didn't remember before" Audrey's digging out a notebook from the back pocket of her pants, in comfortable clothing so that she can flip it open after removing the pen and take a note. "You're roommate. Unfortunately, that is not possible. With a known shapeshifter who can assume the facade of just about anyone and those close to you without you knowing, we're going to be taking very little chances. He came for you at a very public function and went through a great deal of individuals to get to you. Right now, your safety is paramount. Access to you will be heavily restricted till we figure out why he wanted you"

There's more scribbling. 'We'll be moving you within the next two hours, Ms. Davingnon, going back the last two weeks, was there anything strange that you remember, anyone who approached you that doesn't normally deal with you? Any strange incidents that stick out in your mind?"

"Madamoiselle 'Anson," Remi interjects, "you are asking me to go to another 'ospital, away from ze one I 'ave been doing just fine at. I 'ave a minor phobia of 'ospitals; what you are asking is zat I go into a place zat is…what are ze words…mentally traumatic for me…and with no moral support." She raises her brows. "Surely zere is a way zat you can check before allowing anyone in."

She goes quiet for a moment, blue eyes turning down toward the pen that scribbles notes over the surface of the paper. "Strange incidents? Non…not zat I can recall." She tilts her head to one side. She could metion that she has reason to suspect that her family has ties to the Company, but…that seems a bit inappropriate to tell to a government employee. "I introduced my room mate to a man, a 'blind date', so to say…I 'ired Redbird Security to 'andle my 'ome security, but it seems I should 'ire zem for more zan zat…nothing out of ze ordinary, 'owever."

"There will be counselors made available who can help you through this traumatic time Ms. Davingnon and help you deal with this minor phobia. We are not making this move lightly nor are we taking the threat to your wellbeing lightly. the DoEA and Homeland have both decided on this move. You will have the necessary moral support, emotional support and physical support while you recover from your injury.'

Adurey's scribbling again, terribly efficient, even if at one point there's a grimace as she shifts in spot. "As for checking, that would be nigh impossible as the only way to do such is that everyone have an evolved test done at your door and anyone positive would be denied entrance and given that your roommate is SLC positive, it means that he would be denied entry. We still have to talk to him regardless as he was present at the incident in question"

Audrey looks up from her notes, regarding the redhead. "You hired Redbird Security Solutions to guard your home?"

A frown is present on Remi's face. The look suggests that she is used to getting what she wants, and doesn't like it very much when she doesn't. It seems that Audrey is losing the favor of the Frenchwoman, who quietly reaches over to grab a chocolate from a basket that her room mate brought to her, popping it into her mouth and chewing with a frown. "I understand. What of when I am released? I was told by ze doctors 'ere zat I may be out of ze 'ospital as soon as Friday." She tilts her head toward the blonde.

"Oui. I saw an advertisement, and so I 'ired zem to improve my 'ome security. Zey 'ave yet to set anything up, 'owever." She shrugs noncommitally, taking out another chocolate. Yes, she is purposely not sharing. Her chocolate.

"That's not up to me where you are placed once you are released, but up to the DoEA who have to speak with you yet as well regarding your registration issues" Remi picks up a chocolate, eats it purposefully and Audrey doesn't blink an eye, not a sweet tooth it seems. "What prompted you to hire them upon seeing the advertisment? Have you had any threats or any break ins? Any suspiscions that there have been others going through your home?"

The woman's frown only grows deeper as the issue of registration is mentioned. Oh, that. Yeah, that's a bit of an issue. Her head tilts toward Audrey. "I do not see any issue with registration. I was unaware zat I could do such things." This is offered with another noncommital shrug from Remi.

At her next question, an almost cattish smile forms on her face. "Honestly? My reasons are much more innocent, in a way. Ze man 'o runs ze place 'as an absolutely immaculate ass. It was more an excuse to be able to look at it." She offers a drugged-sounding giggle, now reaching for her fancy sparkling water and taking a sip.

'That's not my purview Ms. Davignon, that belong to the Department of Evolved Affairs." The shrug, the frown and proclaimed innocence ignored in favor of the topic regarding Redbird. Aren't their noses in everything and apparently Remi likes the owners ass. That is not scribbled down. "I'm going to leave you be for now, the doctor and nurses will be in to get you ready for transfer and you'll be settled in soon enough on Staten Island. We'll notify your roommate as to where you will be moved. You can likely expect the same exemplary and outstanding service here, there and I will make a note that you wish to speak with some counselors while you are staying there to help you. I will visit you there once you're all settled in Ms. Davingnon. Is there anyone else you want us to notify your relocation to?"

Remi purses her lips, frowning at Audrey. Not her favorite person in the world right now. "Please inform my Personal Assistant, Ygraine FitzRoy, as well, and where I shall be taken. She worries a fair deal, and I do not wish for 'er to do so." Either that, or she wants her personal assistant to worry very much. "And per'aps ze leader of Frontline, Madamoiselle Elisabeth 'Arrison." Because all of those people will surely be unhappy to hear that she's been taken by the government to Staten Island.

Audrey didn't take the names so much to tell the people where she's going. Oh they'll be notified that she has been moved to a secure location for the womans safety. Harrison might have the clearance to find out. Audrey wanted additional names who were familiar with the dancer and knew her. Might have seen something, as an impartial viewer, that happened in the dancers life that might shed light as to how Sylar came to find her. Audrey has a good idea why Remi was wanted. And it probably wasn't just because the woman had so called directional telepathy.

"I'll see what I can do. You should rest Ms. Davingnon. As I said, they'll be getting you ready soon enough" Audrey nods her head to the red head, turning towards the door and taking her own careful steps so as not to pull at her own wounds. She's got more people to see, arrangements to make with regards to the investigation. Shit to explain away. Like why two midtown men were present at the function when by all rights, to the public, he's dead.

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