NYC Mayoral Debate With Glenn Beck


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Also Featuring:

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Scene Title NYC Mayoral Debate With Glenn Beck
Synopsis The New York City mayoral candidates have a sit-down with Glenn Beck, on Fox News Radio.
Date January 25, 2010

Fox News Radio

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Good evening, New York. This is Glenn Beck, and tonight I have the— I have the great honour of hosting the first mayoral debate for this great city of New York, the city that's suffered the most in the past years, tragedy upon tragedy inflicted by the enemies of America, but here— here, America is strong, and it has heart. And these three people, they all believe they have what it takes to bear that standard high. Do they? Well— haha— that's what we're here to decide tonight, isn't it?

From the great city of New York, welcome to the debate.

Let's meet the candidates first, first— welcome, welcome and thank you, all of you for coming, and all of you at home for tuning in.

First, we have Sylvia Lockheart - a Republican candidate, she's CEO of Lockheart Enterprises, a major aerospace company and military contractor, she is also chair of Hartford Oil Inc, so she's not lacking in experience in leadership roles, certainly! She's a vocal supporter of charities such as the 'Midtown Survivors Initiative', and causes like 'New-Yorkers Against Unregistered Evolved'. Her husband, Byron Lockheart, ran in the last election. Thank you for coming, Miss Lockheart, we're very happy to have you here.

The other major Republican candidate we have with us here today is Jennifer Chesterfield, President of the Hartford, Connecticut chapter of the DAR. She serves on multiple charity boards, including the Lights of Midtown and the Reclaimation and Rehabilitation Society, working round the clock to help those who suffered during the explosion in 2006. Also, she recently registered with the Linderman Act as one of the 'Evolved-Americans' in our midst. We're very glad to have you here, Miss Chesterfield.

Lastly, we have Marcus Donovan. He's a Democrat, folks, but let's not hold that against him too much, haha - as the former Chief of the NYPD in Brooklyn, he knows what it's like in the streets and the trenches. He's also registered as one of the Evolved."

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "It's a pleasure to be here Glenn, I like to think that Byron is proud to be watching me here right now."
Fox News Network: Jenn says, "Thank you for having me Mister Beck, I think this will be a very educational evening."
Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Thanks for having us all here, it's a, ah, real treat to be on Fox News, let me tell you."
Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Alright, then, let's get this show on the road. We'll be asking a series of questions on this first part of the debate, and you'll each have three minutes at most to make your position clear. If there's a need for rebuttle, we'll go back for one more minute each. I've got a stack of questions here, haha, and I doubt we'll get through them all, but we'll see how far we can get, right?

Alright. First, then— Registration, the big hot-button issue in the city, the country, hell, the whole world right now. Now, I know you're all proponents of the Linderman Act to some degree, a bit of a surprise there when it comes to Mister Donovan admittedly, given his work with the ACLU, so I'd like to ask you— why? Why do you think that Registration's the answer? And how do you think you can convince the protestors that it is?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Yeah that's about the first question I expected. Ah, look— we're all sort've like kids taking our first steps out there. This whole thing, it's all pretty crazy for all of us. I know myself, waking up one morning, being able to see through my apartment walls like I picked up X-Ray specs from the back of some comic book? It's kind've hard to believe. We're all making those first really confusing steps towards sanity. It's not like gun control laws, where we know what to expect from a gun, how to get it, where to get it, and how to control it. These are people— living, breathing people— maybe your sons and daughters, you know? We have to play this delicately, but we also have to play it smart.

Now the ACLU's got a good head on their shoulders, they're trying to look at ways to make this whole registration thing as painless as possible for us all, you know? There's a fine line between privacy and security, and we have to figure out where that is. I don't think anyone knows where to draw the line yet. We're trying things, making mistakes, and learning from them. Registration's gonna be needed, in some way. You can't have a guy— somebody like the Midtown man— who's got a dangerous ability just go unchecked. But it shouldn't stop at local and federal agencies knowing where the atomic man is living. There needs to be education in this system, there needs to be funding given towards places like the Suresh Center, where the Evolved can go and learn about themselves, without feeling the pressure of needing to hide. Teach control, teach understanding, and then maybe people won't be so afraid of the idea of registering their abilities.

I think Registration can work, I think it will work, but I don't think having an alleged mobster as the poster-boy for it's the right idea either, you know? What kind of message does that send? About us, about our country? Forcible registration, involuntry registration, those're all bad ideas. But that's also where the ACLU and I are butting heads. There comes a time, especially when you consider the capacity for harm some of these abilities have, that you have to just hunker down and take a hit to privacy. But I don't think that Registered evolved should ever— no matter their ability— be openly registered with their names, addresses and photographs on a website where anyone can find them, it's just—"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "Let me stop you right there, Marcus. You seem to have the idea of Registration confused with something a little less severe in consequences? The problems we're facing with Registration is that we are being too lenient. Marcus' idea of everyone volunteering and wishy-washy maybes and could be's isn't going to cut it in the world we're living in.

You can't expect to buy an assault rifle on the black market, carry it around under your jacket, and then complain when the police find it on you. It's the same thing as dodging registration, isn't it? You have the ability to set fire to a building with a thought, or derail a train because you sneezed and lost control of some magnetic field? That sort of person shouldn't be allowed near public transportation.

Think of your children as well. Think of the dangers that unmanifested Evolved face to our school systems? When we have children— like that incident in Tulsa Oaklahoma last year— where a young girl in school poisoned her homeroom teacher because she was unaware that she had begun secreting a highly lethal toxin from her sweat glands.

Marcus has a lot of soft ideas on Registration, but I think that no matter what we do with the Linderman Act, it can't stop there. Pre-natal screening for the Suresh Linkage Complex is the only route to go. We need to find better, more accurate ways of identifying the Evolved as early on as possible. Sure, they can get all the education they want about whatever it is they can do, but only after we make certain that they cannot hurt anyone."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "While Mister Donovan and Miss Lockheart do both seem to be on some… interesting sides of this debate, I think they've lost a little bit of the focus of what Mister Beck was asking us? The people of New York are scared, and right now they need security and reassurance. Now we've got bright programs like FRONTLINE out there to ensure our security, but the Registry is the strongest tool we have for doing some sort of good. I think right now, people need to see the possible benefits that Registration could afford. Thus, my plan to build an incentives package for willing Registrants, where they can seek to receive free education about their abilities, and how they can help this city with them. A lot of people are afraid of Registration, and unwilling because they don't see how it could help them. When elected, I've made it clear on my stance to offer special grants and fundings to the evolved, like we would offer to minorities looking to persue higher education. That, of course, is just a start to the—"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "I'm not sure where Miss Chesterfield thinks that money is going to spontaneously come from. The New York State economy— the nation's economy is bad off enoug without needing to have millions of taxpayer dollars funneled into incentive programs when we can't even keep the homeless off the streets and food in our citizens' mouths. The idea of affording them any sort of free ride is just—"

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "—sorry to cut you off, Miss Lockheart, I'm quite interested in your ideas there but we need to keep to the debate model. Maybe we'll come back to the question of where all the money the government thinks it's going to use in these programs is going to come from later.

For right now, let's move on to the next question. It's just two words - two words - and I want your thoughts on them. Staten Island."
Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Whoo— boy you sure know how to throw out the tough ones don't you, eh Glenn? Look, in all my years on the force, Staten Island was a rough patch of New York. It had it's small problems, but it wasn't nothing like what we've got going on there right now. The fact that it's taken the government three years to get off its collective laurels and do something about the situation down there is deplorable. I mean, that's some third-world stuff going on there, Glenn.

We've got this self-labeled neighborhood called the Rookery down there, and I've heard reports of everything from cage fighting to human trafficking going on down there. I think the best thing we've been able to do for Staten Island is start pushing organized crime out. What I really want to see is a return of law and order down there, get some cops down on the streets, make the people who've nowhere else to go down ther efeel a little more safe at night.

Staten Island isn't— can't fix itself. The government's finally rolled in, and they're fixing up hospitals and preparing to try and get the homeless squatters out of abandoned or seized homes. That's a good start, but where are they all going to go? We still have people in places like the Thomas Jefferson Trailer Park that're living— three years gone, now— in these tiny, improperly insulated trailers. We have elderly people in need of medical care down there who need help. What we need is to organize better shelters and temporary living arrangements. Staten Island has to be cleaned up, and that's going to take top priority if I'm voted in to office.

People need to know that they haven't been forgotten about, and damnit I'm not going to sit by and let a huge piece of New York City just rot away under my watch. If I have to go down there and spoon soup out at food lines for these people, so help me I will. But Staten Island can't be a criminal haven any longer."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "While I think Mister Donovan has the enthusiasm for the right choices, I'm often left to wonder if perhaps he would be more comfortable in a hands-on role, less so than legislative? I agree, Staten Island is a tragedy and one we've let go on too long. We need to clean up the waters around it, ensure that the piracy we've been seeing around the island's coasts is cut off, and utilize resources at our disposal — like FRONTLINE — to better restore order until the civilian law enforcement agencies can get situated.

We have strong support from the National Guard going in there now, and I feel that in time we may be able to put the disaster of Staten Island behind us. Now, I may be risking sounding too much like Mister Donovan at the present, but he and I do agree on a few points in regards to this, and I'll vocalize what he may have forgotten. The Linderman Group can not, and should not be allowed to finance the reconstruction of Staten Island. Daniel Linderman is a dangerous and, frankly, infamous individual that does not deserve the good reputation and support that aiding in the reconstruction of Staten Island would afford him.

His very own alleged criminal ties make me question whether or not we would be trading one organized crime racket for another down there. Now I know miss Lockheart may have some issues with this, since if I am correct, Mister Linderman has put forth a significant amount of campaign contributions to her cause—"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "Excuse me? I— my campaign finances aren't exactly what's at question here Miss Chesterfield. Need I bring up the fact that you and your late husband were both former business associates of Daniel several years ago, and you had made your own donations to his organization? The question here is Staten Island, and the answer to that question that I think everyone is missing is who exactly are we going to get to move back in to that area? Staten Island has become a refuge for the homeless, and right now we're struggling to find places— like Mister Donovan Said— to put our own refugees from the explosion of 2006.

I have proposed, and will continue to support, legislative actions to relocate refugees from the bomb to Staten Island, giving restitution to those who lost land or homes on the island during the exodus, and turning Staten Island into a borough not like it once was, but a place for fresh starts. Restore the infrastructure of the island, and allow the displaced and homeless to—"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Wait, are you actually suggesting a ghetto? Are you seriously suggesting a ghetto for the homeless of New York City? I—"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "I wouldn't use the word ghetto mister Donovan, that's your word, not mine. I simply think—"

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "I'm sorry Miss Lockheart but moving en masse the people of New York's displaced and homeless to a refurbished Staten Island is—"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "Where else do you recommend they stay? We're years away from the reconstruction of Midtown? Is it easier for you to sympathize with them when they're freezing to death on the sidewalks outside of your condominium? Or do you just passively forget that—"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Ladies, easy now. Don't make me get out from between you two. Look, I don't think this is exactly the footing we want to get off on, if we—"

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Ahem. C'mon, folks, we're all professionals here - or I hope so, for New York's sake - so one voice at a time, let's calm down here."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Here's the important question as far as I'm concerned, getting down to the nuts and the bolts— all of you've proposed various projects and ideas for the problems here in this great city, but the big question is— how are you going to pay for it all? Donovan, why don't you lead us off. I know the Democrats always have such great ideas for how to pay for their pet projects."

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Ha Ha did I say I'm glad to be here on Fox News, yet? Because I so am."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "And we're glad to have you, Mister Donovan!"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Ah, look, we're always going to butt heads over financing. But as it stands right now, we've got swarms of special interest groups — like the Linderman Group — that want a piece of the Evolved pie. We're all going to need to buckle-down a bit, and I think what that means for the State of New York, is looking at how we're budgeting ourselves and cutting unnecessary programs. We already have billions of dollars being funded in for the Midtown Restoration project, and I think a lot of the cost could honestly be mitigated, if we just look in our own back yards.

Volunteer groups can help cut costs tremendously, especially volunteer groups consisting of the Evolved. One registered telekinetic can do the work of dozens of crane operators in a day. This is what I'm talking about, a creative use of our finances to pay as little as possible for as much net gain as we can make. I've outlined a plan to help spread the tax burden for the reconstitution of Staten Island and New York on the wealthiest 1 of New York City. If the likes of Daniel Linderman and Miss Lockheart here want to donate to the cause, they can do it the old fashioned way— on their tax returns. I know that isn't going to make me the most popular man down on Wall Street, but we have to ease the burden off of the middle class, because New York is hemmorhaging small business' right now, and we're letting conglomerates and corporations take too much root."

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "While I'm not sure where Mister Donovan is going to be getting his figures from, there is a certain level of acceptance the people of New York are going to need to face— not in the light of looming tax increases like Mister Donovan wants to burden us with, but that corporate America may be where we need to turn. Special interests and corporate financing companies have been interested in retaking portions of the city for years. Imagine a plan, where a global 500 company like Sony, could adopt a block in Midtown, or a city block on Staten Island. For certain rights and portions of ownership of that city block for advertising purposes and commercial endeavors, they uphold and maintain it, revitalize it.

I'm not talking about having your new comdominiums having large neon Sprint logos on the sides of them or anything of the sort, but I'm saying that we do need to look into alternative financial sources, where we would normally be taking from the people of New York City."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "And by certain corporate entities, she of course means the Linderman Group. Miss Lockheart is a shrewd businesswoman, that much is obvious, but it's no surprise and no big secret that— if elected— Miss Lockheart will only help increase the levels of financial involvement that Daniel Linderman will seek to gain on Staten Island and across New York City. How long until every neighborhood is owned by him, how long until every instutiton has his hands in it?

I do not mean to sound alarmist but Miss Lockheart's plans for this seem— suspect? What we need to do is not see burden where we should be seeing opportunity. We've all agreed that the homeless and displaced in New York City is a large one. Work placement opportunities for those residing in temporary residences like Thomas Jefferson where they can help rebuild their own neighborhoods, be paid for it, and we're not only lifting up the middle class economy and helping them boost their own financial situations, but they're literally repairing their own problems, and helping the taxpayers of New York City in the process, by easing the burden on an already overburdened public works system."

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Oh I'm sure the labor unions loved hearing that one."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Speaking of labor unions - Mister Donovan, I have a question - if I'm hearing you right, you're advocating replacing normal workers, in your words dozens of them per Evolved… don't you think that would cause the unemployment rate to skyrocket? How is that— how is that possibly fair to the honest, blue-collar worker out there?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Ah— well— maybe you haven't looked out your window lately Glenn, but there's a whole lot of New York that needs fixing. When you're talking about a supplementary force of Evolved capable of spreading that burden of work around just a little bit, we're looking not so much as putting contractors and laborers out of work, but keeping some of those out of state contractors from muscling in and stealing jobs from the people of the city of New York, when that's really what this is all about. New York City. Isn't it?"

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Personally, I think that we have plenty of unemployed people just looking for jobs right here in New York that we could call upon instead of starting to replace them— but I suppose that's for the voters to decide, isn't it? Alright, let's take some calls…"

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Alright, we've got a caller. Welcome to the show, Mister…" There's a weighty pause, then a bark of laughter. "…Varlane! Officer Varlane, welcome back to the show young man. Or— sorry, is it still officer?"

Fox News Network: Magnes says, "No, Mister Beck, I resigned to pursue my college studies. Police work wasn't quite for me. First I'd like to say: Miss Lockheart, I can't honestly imagine why someone would vote for an angry oil tycoon with Hitler-esque ideals. So, what, you're gonna have Evolved babies thrown in a furnace and contribute to the polar ice caps melting? Been there, done that, and I did get a shirt. But my question for all of you is: If you could think of a clear cut alternative to registration, what would it be, and would you be willing to try it? Remember, registration doesn't stop crime, murder being illegal doesn't stop murder. But I do agree with education."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Didyou just suggest that murder should be made legal? I nevermind. The question's valid, I suppose, ladies, Donovan?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Boy they let anyone on the radio these days don't they?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Kid, you might have a career here at Fox if you keep that crazy act up. Ah— anyway, I think there was a question in there somewhere. There really isn't an alternative to registration, Mister Varlane. When you look at it, Registration has to exist in some form or another, in order to ensure a balance of public safety and security and also to ensure that the gifts these people have are given the proper respect they deserve.

In a perfect world we wouldn't have crazies who blow up cities or things like that, but you've gotta try and find a middle ground. Yeah, Registration as-is isn't the best, but like I said, we're all learning here. But, I've gotta be a realist, Mister Varlane, Registration's here to stay, but it's form's what'll matter most."

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "I think it's in the best interests of the reputation of this broadcast that I not further entertain the queries of a slanderous individual clearly in need of help. There is no alternative to Registration, with that I agree with Mister Donovan."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "For once Miss Lockheart and I see eye to eye. There is no alternative to Registration, and I think Mister Varlane could perhaps learnt o have better radio manners."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Well, we've got a quorum there, then! Like it or not, people, whoever you vote, Registration's here to stay."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "(OOC: Any other calls? :D )"

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Alright, we have… Miss Delilah Trafford. Go ahead, Miss Trafford."

Fox News Network: Delilah says, "Hello! Thanks for having me. First, lemme thank mister Donovan for his activism for the displaced people- being part of a family that had been living for years in Thomas Jefferson gives me a unique perspective on it, and any help in that is appreciated. Unfortunately, normal people on Staten are facing a similar problem these days. They and those in Jefferson already live in ghettos, and both are overshadowed by crime as it is. Staten moreso, obviously! The only ones on the island benefiting or leading reasonable lives are the men running bars, brothels, those things. My question coming up for you all is to see how you have formed your perspectives on the Trailer Park and Staten Island; I think it is important that we all know where you might be coming from. Now, the question: You all have your own plans mainly for Staten, and in lesser degrees, for the people displaced by the damage- but which of you have been on Staten, and in these other places for any length of time, while also being on your own?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Well thank you Dee— can I call you Dee? Heh, thanks a lot for those words of support. Even before I considered this campaign, I knew that things were bad down in Jefferson, and in the other relocation centers around New York. I may have retired from the force, but I still walk the old beat whenever I can. I haven't been a foot officer in years, but I know Brooklyn like I know my own bald head. I talk to the guys who run Vice down in lower Manhattan, they talk about the things going on in Jefferson, and it really— it makes my skin crawl.

I haven't, personally, been out to Staten Island since the bomb. For good reason too, it just ain't safe out there, especially for an ex-cop, you know? But I've got friends, undercover buddies, one's who've gone out there and seen the thick and thin of it. They're people I trust, people I've known as many years as I've been able to talk, and they give me the word on what goes on down there. Some things, yeah, you gotta see it with your own eyes to understand, but Staten Island's one of those big, glaring problems that you can see the length and breadth of from across the water.

It ain't safe there, it ain't safe in a lot of New York, which is why I want to help the nYPD get back on its feet, and help bring security back to everyone— no matter where they live."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "Unlike Mister Donovan, I have made a few— unpublicised trips out to Staten Island. During the summer of last year, before my husband passed away, Mason and I went out to see what it was like with our own two eyes. This was, probably just a few months after the Narrows went down. I remember seeing first-hand some of the horrible things happening on that side of the city, seeing this— there was this place, I think it used to be a hockey ring. It wasn't open when we went by, but we'd heard that there was a group of people running cage fights out of that building.

I could hardly believe the level of severity and strife happening on Staten Island, which is why I've been actively supporting reclamation charities. One of which, the Beacon Society, has been offering financial assistance to the Lighthouse Orphanage, which is— and pardon the pun— one of the brightest spots on Staten Island. It's one of those small signs of hope out there, and I'd hate for the Linderman Group to be their only financial supporter.

So, yes, Miss Trafford, I have been out there. I feel for you— for your family— and I hope if I win this election, I'm able to turn things around for you— for them— for everyone out there who's suffering through this."

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "Well, as much as I'd love to be able to say I've been out to Staten Island, no— no I haven't made a public trip out there simply because of the fact that it is one of— if not the most dangerous place in the city of New York. It's a prime example of why we need a concise plan to reformat the grounds of Staten Island, and I don't think handing back depreciated properties to residents who have already written them off will be a plan for the future.

I'm sorry for you and your family, Miss Trafford, but the State of New York has already done as much as it can right now. The more money we put forth towards these temporary housing solutions, the less money is taken from other vital institutions in the city, the more tax strain is put on those who didn't lose their homes, but are nearly homeless from this crumbling economy we're balancing precariously on.

If I were in your position, I'd be doing whatever I can to get my family out of that temporary housing and on their own two feet. There comes a time when the responsibility for a family's well being is not longer the responsibility of the State, and becomes their own responsibility to make the best of what they've been given. Sometimes, people become complacent, looking for a handout when a little extra effort could simply suffice.

It's the same reason we have cutoff points for financial aid benefits like food assistance and unemployment— eventually people aren't just displaced they're taking advantage of a system's generosity— and I'm not saying your family is, Miss Trafford, but so many others are.

I can't imagine how many Refrain or Heroin addicts are living in those trailers off of government subsidies, when they could be trying to go out there and earn a living. Some times, you just have to know when to put your foot down."

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Whew. Wow, really?"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "I'm sorry, did you say something Mister Donovan?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Ha, no I— no. Never."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Haha, alright, folks, settle down. The next question is from a— Doctor Brennan. Doctor, you're on the air."

Fox News Network: Brennan says, "I have to first say, that one has to respect the three of you for wanting to take over this position. Mayor of New York city is, one can imagine I'm sure a very thankless job that not many would want given the state of the city of late and the seeming non stop events that seem to befall our lovely city and Mayor Bianco had done a good job with what he has had during his reign. Thank you Mr. Donovan, Mrs. Chesterfield and Ms Lockheart for being willing, able and ready to take this position. May the best person for the city come out on top and do right by us all.

My question, and thank you for making yourselves available for answer it is this. We have a variety of outspoken and very active groups within the city who oppose registration, are opposed to evolved individuals, the treatment of said individuals for the positive and the negative. Calls of unfairness like what occurred at the St. Johns Cathedral when doling out much needed vaccinations to the citizens of the city who were registered citizens who complied with the laws instituted post two thousand and six. Obviously, with whomever's election to the seat of Mayor of the city, you'll have this issue - some say problem - placed into your lap. Phoenix, Humanis first to name the more prevalent two or even the band of people both evolveds and not who have joined together to resurrect a community in summer meadows who have managed to do what the government has not been able to devote resources or funding towards. These are operating groups within our city for the better or the worse. How are you proposing, or even planning, hoping to deal with these groups to either reign them in, remove them from our city or even help them. Not that Humanis First needs help."

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "Terrorist organizations like PARIAH have been, and always will be, a threat to national order. There are organizations like them born every day for every reason you could imagine. But I will say, simply and flatly, that I will have a zero tolerance policy for any civic-rights or activist group that sees fit to break the law or endanger the people of New York City to further their own agendas. Zero Tolerance."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "Miss Lockheart's enthusiasm is refreshing, but I agree that violent organizations are a bit difficult to put into the proper context. Some groups, Phoenix especially, has taken a bad rap in the media as of late. They are— primarially— an Evolved rights activist group— and they will hopefully stay that way. PARIAH, and groups of that vein, have always been militant and thankfully they are largely gone. Humanis First, and bigoted organizations like them, will face— as Miss Lockheart stated— Zero Tolerance. I don't think anyone in this room sympathizes for cold-blooded murderers.

As for how to solve the situation of violent organizations like that, the answer has already been afforded to us by the Petrelli administration in the form of FRONTLINE. I have, and always will be, a proponent of an Evolved-armed civilian defense force, and I feel that a group like FRONTLINE, supplementing the fine New York Police Department, will be what the world needs. Faces we can trust, and people we can look up to who lead by example and take the security of New York and its people seriously.

But activist groups, ones that are peaceful and have something important to say— I say we listen to them. You never know, they might have ideas we can all learn from, even if we don't always see eye to eye. Learning and understanding goes both ways."

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "That's a hard question to answer, Doctor Brennan. Activist groups and terrorists, there's a fine line to draw between them. When you start putting guns in the hands of people with agendas or axes to grind, people start getting hurt. When you add Evolved into the mix, more people are going to get hurt, until eventually you have something like the Narrows coming down, or the attack at the FRONTLINE ball.

These groups, you know, they have to be handled on a case-by-case basis. People have the right to disagree, they have the right to protest peacefully, but the moment you start picking up a gun or brandishing some ability against a government official, you've crossed that line from activist to terrorist. It doesn't matter why you're doing it, no matter how noble the cause. If you're hurting someone, because you disagree with their ideals or the way they run things, you're the bad guy.

People can defend themselves, sure, but you don't turn your weapons on your own people. It doesn't matter how we divide ourselves; us versus them, at the end of the day we're all still Americans. The minute we forget that, and start drawing lines around each other and trying to find battles to fight, is the minute we start losing the ideal of cooperation that's got this country as far as it's managed to drag itself so far.

To all the people listening out there, from the Phoenixes of the east coast, to the Californian Evolved Front; don't turn a war of words into a war of weapons. It won't make a better future for any of us."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "I'm sure the terrorists will listen to you, Mister Donovan. Moving on, we have the— wait, the King of— again? Charlie, for the love of—"

Fox News Network: Raith says, "Glenn, Glenn, hold on! I'm serious this time!"

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Uh huh. That's what Clinton said the last time he tried to get some legislation passed— haha— alright, let's hear it, but my finger's on the button, smart guy."

Fox News Network: Raith says, "I believe you. My question, I suppose, rides on the coattails of the last one. I have no doubt that all the candidates are aware of the crime rate in New York City. Certainly, Mr. Donovan is aware. But tell me, what do you plan to do about the rise of vigilante groups in the city? I don't mean organizations like Phoenix or Humanis, but small group of honest citizens who understand that at the end of the day, some of us are more than just Americans. Some of us are criminals. What will you do about those groups when it is an inarguable fact that in many places, these groups provide citizens with the security that the NYPD cannot? Will they also get 'Zero Tolerance,' despite the valuable service they provide?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "Ahahaha! That's a joke right? This is a joke, like that time I got Punk'd by Ashton Kutcher? Haha, oh man, oh man. Alright— no. No I don't think Vigilantes do anything but raise the bar on criminal threats. Honestly, they're just as bad as the criminals they put away half the time. If they were really invested in making a difference, they'd take the time and dedication to join the police, or the coast guard, or the national guard, or FRONTLINE if they've got the military background and are Evolved.

Vigilantes are dangerous, unaccountable, and they don't take into account the burden of proof. So, consider this the one and only time I ever agree with Miss Lockheart here— I have zero tolerance for vigilantes."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "Mister Donovan responded to that rather eloquently. This city doesn't have a place for people that are going to be making things more complicated and more dangerous than it already is. Each and every instance of violence in the city only begets more violence. FRONTLINE is here to do what the police can't effectively handle.

Vigilantism, it will never be the answer."

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "I don't think I need to waste any more of the audience's time on that rather straightforward question, now do I?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "You remind me of my ex-wife, you know that?"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "Excuse me?"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "What? I didn't say anything."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "*restrained laughing*"

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Ah" Laughter, "no comment on any of that, I don't think— alright, alright, just time for a few more calls. Miss Wendy Hunter, you're on the air."

Fox News Network: Wendy says, "Thank you Glenn, It's always a delight to hear you. you never cease to amaze me, anyways. My question…" Long pause. "What will you each be wearing, if you're elected, to your mayoral inauguration!"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "*fitful laughing*"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "Haha, now see, this is the kind of question I think Miss Chesterfield is perfectly qualified to answer."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "E— excuse me?"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "Nothing, dear, nothing. I think what's more important than what I'll be wearing to my inaugriation ceremony is the pride I'll be bearing for the city of New York. Besides, I'm admittedly a bit poor with fashion choices, I think my publicst has a stylist on call for that occasion actually, Miss Hunter."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "I'm—"

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "If I said one of those t-shirt tuxedos as a joke, I'm afraid someone might believe me!"

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "I really— don't have an answer for that."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "I hope you" Laughter, "don't literally mean you'll be wearing /nothing/, Miss Lockheart? Haha—I'm joking, I'm joking."

Fox News Network: Wendy says, "aww, i'm disappointed. I'm sure there's a ton of stylists who'd just love to dress you both and Mr. Donovan…" Another long pause. "I think you'd look pretty hot in that tuxedo shirt."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Alright, folks, that's about all the time we have. I'm sure that these issues'll be argued at length in the days to come, but you heard their answers here first. Any closing statements, folks?"

Fox News Network: Lockheart says, "I think that, in the end, the people of New York will make the educated and proper decision for their future, and for the city's future. I hope that, when the dust settles and this protracted campaign is over, and we finally have a new mayor for New York City, that they step up— no matter the difficulty— and be willing to make the hard choices on day one that can lead this city back to its place as one of America's shining jewels."

Fox News Network: Jenn says, "While the three of us all have our different opinions on the direction this city should head, I think it is up to the people of New York to truly consider what future they wish for themselves, and consider the long-term consequences of their elections. We have survived a long Bianco administration, and he led us well through the transitionary changes of the Evolved revelation, but I think it's time we all accept and embrace change, and realize that we are all capable of it."

Fox News Network: Donovan says, "New York's been through a lot of things in its years. It's seen more strife than it rightly should have, but whoever gets elected at the end of this long campaign trail— I think it'll be for the better. New York's a tough girl, and she'll weather this new storm just like she has all the others in the past. This city's got an unstoppable spirit, and it's that spirit the next mayor's gotta' exemplify. For this generation, and all the ones to come."

Fox News Network: Glenn says, "Thank you all for coming, and thank you for listening, New York. I'm with America, and I'm Glenn Beck. Good night."

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