August 20, 2018
The Safe Zone Siren
In the wake of yesterday's scheduled maintenance on the Yamagato power plant, rolling blackout periods throughout the Safe Zone have been reported to run overlong. Rather than three hours, each scheduled blackout on Sunday lasted for six hours — or twelve hours, in the case of Phoenix Heights and its two blackout periods. Early reports from today indicate the issue remains ongoing. The power plant manager, Jun Ozawa, could not be reached for comment, nor any other power plant personnel; a Yamagato Industries spokesperson assured the problem will be resolved as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we advise all residents to keep a close eye on perishable food, conserve any gasoline or battery power you may have, and in neighborhoods with running water, be aware the pump system supplying it may be affected by these outages but the community hand pumps are not. We will report on any changes in the situation as we become aware of them.