November 8th, 2020
WASHINGTON, KC — Authorities in Kansas City have reported that former presidential hopeful Frederick Medina along with his wife Heather and his son Gregory have disappeared from their Washington, KC home sometime during the night. According to local authorities, Medina ordered his security out of the house at sunset and had his secret service detachment drive off of the property. One security personnel, who spoke with the Tribune under a promise of anonymity, stated that Medina had been acting irrational for several hours prior and was involved in several arguments with his wife regarding their son.
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have mobilized to find Medina, who is believed to have fled his home in a black pre-war Ford Explorer. Earlier today, FBI Special Agent Daniel Partington spoke with the Tribune stating that there was no indication of violence at the Medina estate and no evidence indicating forced entry. Medina's SUV was found 22 miles from the estate where it is believed he and his family may have switched vehicles. A registered SLC-E psychometer with the FBI was called in to further investigate the scene and has indicated that the Medinas were alone at the time of their departure from their home but would not comment further on the case.
The FBI is not presently declaring this case a kidnapping, but are evaluating all evidence as it comes to them. Anyone with information on this case is encouraged to contact the Department of Homeland Security immediately.