08/17/19 -- Manifestation Leaves 1 Dead

August 17, 2019

NYC SAFE ZONE — The NYPD is reporting the first manifestation-related death in 2019. According to the report, filed August 16th, a registered but unmanifested minor caused the death of their father, Kevin Walcott, while they were driving along the Gowanus Expressway toward Red Hook. The minor, whose name has not been released to the public, manifested a fire-related power that consumed his body and set Walcott's vehicle ablaze. The burning vehicle was intercepted by NYPD SCOUT and the distraught minor was brought into police custody and later released to a relative pending further investigation by SESA into the incident.

Manifestation-related injuries are down to 16 since the foundation of SESA in 2014 and the instatement of voluntary registration and ability training. While accurate reporting of manifestation-related incidents is a developing area of study SESA outreach centers across the country are reporting record numbers of youths taking voluntary blood tests, registering before manifestation, and taking manifestation-safety training courses offered at most major SESA outreach centers.

Presidential candidate Frederick Medina, on the campaign trail in Detroit this week, used the Gowanus Expressway incident to promote his plan for a government-funded medical care program for SLC-Expressive citizens, allowing for free access to the ability-inhibiting drug Zodytrin. "We have a responsibility to Americans who are uncomfortable with their abilities, who do not feel they have sufficient control, to make Zodytrin available unilaterally regardless of registration status." Presently, Zodyrtin is only available for free at SESA outreach centers if the recipient is registered under the Chesterfield Act.

Senator Cendric Hesser of Montana, also on the campaign trail in his home state, warns caution against "concern for our Expressive brothers and sisters to open a door for bigotry and fascism in an already fragile country." Senator Hesser is a vocal opponent to the Chesterfield Act and while mentioning the Gowanus Expressway incident as "tragic" and offering his thoughts and prayers to those affected, did not directly speak about the incident itself.

The NYPD and SESA are continuing an ongoing investigation into the death.

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