07/12/2020 -- Spontaneous Mutations Spark Scientific Debate

July 12, 2020

Article by Patricia Nellis

The origins of the Suresh Linkage Complex is a hotly debated topic among the international scientific community. While no definitive source for this protein chain has been identified, forensic archaeology has dated SLC-Expressive humans as far back as the 2300 BC. Expressives have been a part of humanity for almost as long as humanity has stood upright. But the evidence of their presence has not been easy to track until the modern era.

Since March of 2020, the global population of registered SLC-Expressive people has jumped a startling 14%, including an increase in "Mosaic" or multi-ability Expressives. This number includes a host of spontaneous manifestations from previously SLC-N individuals, which prompted fears of faulty test kits worldwide. However, in the months that followed a more startling discovery was made.

Genetic samples of over 1,000 SLC-N people contained in labs around the world were now different to new samples taken from volunteer donors from the same pool. Some time between when the samples were taken (the oldest dating back to 2014) the genetic makeup of the individuals mutated to suddenly express the Suresh Linkage-Complex. The results of these double-blind tests were verified by eight labs worldwide, including World Health Organization.

The 2020 mass manifestation has upended the common understanding of SLC-Expressiveness. It was previously believed to be reliable to perform blood tests for the Suresh Linkage-Complex prior to manifestation and prenatal testing is practiced worldwide. Governments around the world are now re-evaluating how they are handling Registration and it has elevated the topic of SLC-Expressive registration to the forefront of social conversation.

The long-term implications of this mass mutation go beyond contemporary societal challenges. While mutations are common in nature, they often occur over a prolonged period of time measured in generations. For thousands of human beings to undergo a genetic mutation in such a short period of time implies with near certainty the existence of an external catalyst. Scientists at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in the United States have posed a theory that this mass mutation may be the result of the electromagnetic storm that transmigrated the globe at the end of February 2020.

A widely popularized belief states that SLC-E numbers rose in a sharp spike following the 2006 solar maximum, leading to a boom of manifestations through late 2011. However, the catalyzing factors behind this increase are neither well understood or agreed upon. In 2005, Doctor Chandra Suresh popularized the term "Evolved" in his work titled Activating Evolutions. In Activating Evolutions, Suresh postulates that "Evolved Humans" emit a low frequency electromagnetic field that is subtly different from the field emitted by "Non-Evolved" Humans.

Suresh's magneto-theory was later refined by his son and convinced war criminal Mohinder Suresh. Mohinder Suresh's questionable work with SLC-Expressives advanced global understanding of the conditions that are unique to Expressives, but remain forever overshadowed by his participation in the attempted genocide of millions of SLC-Expressives in the years leading up to the Second American Civil War.

In recent years numerous corporations and scientific communities have spun off dedicated research into the nature of SLC-Expressive abilities and magnetic fields, though restrictions on such experimentation in many nations and the secretive manner in which many private corporations handle these discoveries have stymied a concerted understanding of the drastic changes happening worldwide.

Five months out from the start of this population surge and the world is still searching for answers. Scientific International will continue to cover the research of this developing milestone in the understanding of human genetics, both SLC-Expressive and Non-Expressive.

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