BROOKLYN — A satellite campus of the Winslow-Crawford Academy in Toronto will open its doors in September on Brooklyn College’s campus. Unlike its parent campus which serves middle and high school students, the new private school will serve students in grades K-6.
The founder and director of the Winslow-Crawford Academy for the Gifted in Toronto, Peyton Whitney, will serve as the director in Brooklyn, as she has relocated to the New York Safe Zone.
The school is currently accepting applications for the 2018-2019 school year for both students and staff. While the parent school catered mostly to SLC-E adolescents, the new Brooklyn campus will accept any students, so long as families are supportive of SLC-E individuals.
Tuition will be about $8000 per student though there will be discounts for multiple-student families and scholarships made available for those in need. The cost of the tuition will be subsidized by the parent academy in Toronto as well.