Aleksandr "Sasha" Kozlow

Registry of the Evolved Database

File #25 Nov 2009 05:51

Name Aleksandr "Sasha" Kozlow Aliases Skoll
Alexander Suvorov
Status Unregistered Evolved Ability Healing
Gender Male Race/Eth. White; Russian
Birthdate Unknown Age 32
Height 6' Build Athletic
Eyes Blue Hair Light Brown
Residence Ryazan, Russia
Employment Doctor
Parents Iosif Kozlow †
Yustina Kozlow
Siblings Tania Kozlow
Marital Status Single Children Unknown
First Seen Need for Apology Last Seen N/A
Profile A former medical officer with the Russian military, Aleksandr "Sasha" Kozlow participated in the Second Chechen War at Grozny where committed vicious human rights violations, using his ability to torture enemy combatants and civilians alike — something that eventually drew the attention of Kazimir Volken's Vanguard. When given a choice to either join the organization or be shot in the back of the head and disposed of in a ditch, he took up the codename Skoll and agreed to use his military connections to help Volken acquire the nuclear warheads Hugin and Munin.
Aleksandr "Sasha" Kozlow
portrayed by

Michael Fassbender
Table of Contents


Sasha Kozlow is a staff-controlled NPC. Please contact Ellis for details.


Date Log Other Participants
Summer 2007 Suka Logan
November, 2009
Date Log Other Participants
24th Need for Apology Abby, Felix and Teo
30th Finding Perseus Abby and Cat
In the Confrontation Between the Stream and the Rock... Abby, Cat, Ethan and Teo
December, 2009
Date Log Other Participants
9th Choosing to Act Abby and Caliban
10th Unfinished Business Abby, Felix, Teo and the rusalka
17th Illusion Proof Cat and Felix
19th Birds from the Cage Abby, Anya, Cat, Elisabeth, Felix, Francois and Teo
22nd Storming the Katschei's Castle, Part I Ethan, Francois, Grigori and Teo
January, 2010
Date Log Other Participants
24th The Strangest Pictures We Have Seen ???
31st Dobroye Utro, Do Svidaniya Daphne and Noriko
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