Security Tightens In New York City
Date August 12, 2010
Relevant Logs Down in Flames, Part I, Down in Flames, Part II, Down in Flames, Part III

NEW YORK, New York — In response to the August 12 terrorist attack on Staten Island's Reclaimed Zone, security all around New York City is being intensified. Freeway passage in and out of New York City will be the subject of roadblocks and random mandatory vehicle searches. Further scrutiny on Staten Island will commit a 24-hour checkpoint on the Arthur Kills bridge leading in to Staten Island from Jersey City. All travelers seeking to drive into Staten Island will be forced to present identification on entering Staten Island and reason for travel.

The New York City curfew is being lowered until further notice from 11:00pm to 9:00pm. People without proper clearance found out on the streets of New York after curfew will be subject to fines, interrogation by law enforcement and possible incarceration.

Mayor Sylvia Lockheart states that the curfew change — while negatively impacting businesses — is forced by the violent attacks perpetrated by groups like Messiah. The curfew change will remain in effect until further notice.

Mayor Lockheart warns New York City residents to also expect random baggage searches on public transportation buses and at subway stations citywide.

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