Deep south. Butte La Rose or also Butte A La Rose. Where you sit on your porch and rock in your chair at night, listening to the various night creatures sing, move, hunt and live. Deep south, where crayfish boils, alligator etouffe and drawled out words are the norm. Deep south where Baptism is strong and if one can give the gift of sight, turn the blind into seeing, the crippled into walking, heal a wound with only the laying on of hands, it's a precious gift, a commodity that is fiercely guarded.
Abigail Beauchamp was such a commodity. Raised in the deep south, Louisiana was her home. Where you keep a shotgun near the front door and occasionally you might get a gator that goes walking across your lawn. Where the local church is small, everyone knows everyone's business, and if you miss a day of church, well, they come looking. Going since the week after she was born, Abigail looked, walked, talked, acted no different than anyone else in that town. Who could know that deep within the young woman as she grew from precocious and perky blonde toddler to young woman, that her life would take such an unexpected turn. Abigail was a god-fearing young woman, but an unremarkable one. She endeavored to help people, had a dream of becoming a nurse or a doctor as a young woman, especially after an encounter with a bird that had broken its wing when she was twelve. She wanted to fix the bird, make it better, but her mother told her "sometimes God has other plans."
That stuck with her.
Abigail's desire to help others translated first into a medical path, pursuing a nursing degree when she was out of high school. It was while she was following this calling that she met the man who would change her life. Kain Zarek and James Muldoon were in Louisiana on business in 2009 when a twenty year old Abigail Beauchamp ran into them in the same whiskey bar she'd waitress at after classes. Zarek was a charmer, but Muldoon even moreso. Though there was a substantial age difference between the two, Abigail hit it off almost immediately with the charming and debonair Muldoon and Muldoon fascinated by the whiskey-slinging believer. For several nights they maintained a friendly, if flirtatious, relationship that would end with Muldoon's work in Louisiana. It would seem like Muldoon would leave Abby's life forever when he returned to New York for work, but, as her mother would say, sometimes God has other plans.
It was the death of Dean Beauchamp in 2010 that changed Abby's life trajectory. Her father was shot by an unknown gunman and left for dead on the side of the road. Police spent weeks working the case, but a local detective managed to track down the killer — a known criminal from New Orleans named Thomas Zarek. Thomas was arrested for Dean's murder and sentenced to life in prison. Shortly thereafter Abby dropped pursuit of a nursing degree and returned home with her mother for a year before going back to school to pursue a degree in criminal justice.
Abby graduated in 2015 with a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and a desire to become a police officer. She entered the police academy in late 2015 and graduated in 2016, becoming an officer in her hometown of Butte La Rose before transferring to New Orleans.
In 2017 when James Muldoon entered her life again, having returned to Louisiana to deliver the news of his colleague Kain Zarek's death to his father Thomas. The strange coincidences of fate that drew Abby and Muldoon back together again pulled them even closer together. Muldoon would learn of Dean Beauchamp's death at the hands of Thomas Zarek, and Abby would learn that Thomas' son had died some years later in a traffic accident. The two shared their grief, and then their hearts, and when Muldoon could no longer extend his stay in Louisiana, he asked Abby to return to New York with him and transfer to the NYPD. If one meeting with Muldoon was coincidence, two was that plan of God's she'd heard so much about.
Abby moved from Louisiana to New York in the winter of 2017, joining the NYPD's 18th precinct. In the time she came to know Muldoon's employer, a brash and headstrong New York State Senator named Isaac Faulkner, as well as the host of other individuals within the Linderman Group. She and Muldoon's relationship moved along rather quickly, and by 2018 the two married and were expecting their first child, Kathryn. In 2019 they welcomed their second child, Dean, into the world.
In 2020 Abby's career took off as she found herself promoted to Homicide, now working alongside detective Isabelle Ashford-Khan.