Volume Five: Nadir
Storylines » Volume Five: Nadir
Chapter One: "By Hook Or By Crook"
January 21st to March 26th, 2009
In an effort to save the world, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge was taken down by a storm… and in some ways, this helped make the world a little bit worse. Staten Island has always been a difficult borough since the devastating bomb of 2006, the refugees that fled there en masse sending it into a kind of chaos that could never be repaired, but recently a rumor of an Evolved cagefighting ring has begun to circulate as seedy, nefarious types offer powerful young Evolved the chance to make a few bucks and prove their worth. Some take the money, and some simply disappear… | ||
01/21 | Hospitality | Muldoon and Logan take a visit down to Old Lucy's where they acquaint themselves with Brian Fulk and Abigail Beauchamp. |
Upstairs, Two Doors Down | At the Happy Dagger, Muldoon and Logan discuss matters of illicit affairs, and their plans for the Rookery. | |
01/22 | Like Violent Strippers | Kain Zarek enlists the potential help of Jesse Alexander Knight and Flint Gordon to fight for money on Staten Island, and his co-conspirators Liu-Ye and Song-Ye assist in the "tryouts." |
The Ol' Reacharound | Kain then goes to Flint Deckard to use as a bookie, and Kain has other plans for Deckard's usefulness… | |
01/24 | A Cautionary Song, Part I | When a homeless woman runs across Logan in prospect park, she finds herself the victim of his schemes. |
A Cautionary Song, Part II | Logan and Muldoon introduce Cecile to the Monster of Staten Island | |
01/27 | Discreetly | Jack Discretely and Logan dispose of a corpse, discretely. |
Discerning Tastes | Kain hires the legal counsel of Nisha in order to ensure that if the heat comes down on Staten Island, Flint Deckard is the one to get burned. | |
01/28 | Catch of the Day | In the aftermath of the destruction of the verrazano-narrows, Jack, Logan and Muldoon pull one of the survivors out of the Hudson river. |
01/29 | Making the World Perfect Again | Logan and Muldoon enlist the help of a mental manipulator to wipe Sylar's memory clean, and turn him into exactly the puppet they need. |
01/31 | The Bad Touch | Deckard finally follows up on Kain's offer, and meets with Logan at the Happy Dagger to discuss business, hookers, and cagefights. The finer things in life. |
Take Away Everything | Meanwhile, Constantine and Muldoon make sure that their new guest is resting comfortably in the gloom of Staten Island. | |
02/01 | A Waste Of Time | Trask wakes up a prisoner and tries to find out what he's gotten himself into from his fellow inmate. |
Back On His Feet | As an amnesiac Sylar recovers, Muldoon puts dibs on a future unknown favor… | |
02/04 | Eve of Battle | One of the infamous cagefights is witnessed, as someone returns to his business. He is displeased. |
Tidy | Nisha passes on Truman's message to Muldoon. | |
02/05 | Filatov's And A Favour | Muldoon sends Charlie on an extra credit assignment: to locate one Ethan Holden. |
Would You Kindly Get In The Van? | Abby and Magnes are pulled into the party. At gunpoint. | |
02/06 | Jaws | Muldoon and Logan tell the previous unfortunate souls as to their new purpose in life. Healing and fighting. Respectively. |
Some Problems With No Problems | Charlie found his man. | |
02/07 | Where's Sergei? | Brian and Jezebel reflect on the missing status of a friend of theirs. |
02/08 | The Dying Warm | A sinister presence of Staten Island almost breaks free… |
02/10 | Before Dishonor | Staten Island's resident pirate steals himself a new boat. This cannot be good for anyone involved. Except for pirates. |
02/11 | How Many Periwinkle Vans Could There Be? | A question for the ages, definitely. Teo enlists the help of Zoe as to the vehicle that stole away Magnes and Abby. |
God Touch | Abby tries to learn more about her kidnapped fate from one of the residents of the Happy Dagger. | |
Death Wish | Felix enlists the assistance of an enemy in the ongoing search for Abby. | |
02/12 | The Origin of Second Lieutenant Planet | Magnes gets better, faster, stronger in preparation of his fighting debut. |
Old Ground | Teo breaks the news of Abby's disappearance to Brian. | |
Making A Name | Tavisha finally gets his break in the fighting ring. Unexpectedly. | |
Fight To Win | And Muldoon conjures up a marketing pitch. | |
Die Trying | After making money on the back of Sylar's win, Ethan sees the uglier side of Kain's wrath and is dragged into the cage fighting win to work off his "debt". | |
02/13 | Grand Nationals of Backroom Illegal Gambling | Kain asks around about this new guy in the ring. Cards are played. |
New Neighbor | Ethan and Magnes have time to get close. | |
02/15 | One For the Money, Two For the Show | Cally gets on the wrong side of the Rookery. |
Healing And Dealing | Abby is brought someone to heal. Where she'll go after that, is anyone's guess. | |
02/16 | The Kidnapping Magnet | Cat, Felix and Elisabeth brainstorm on where Abby could be, and make some accurate assertions. Field trip? |
02/18 | Scumbags | Cardinal tells Deckard what he knows as to the Periwinkle Van. |
Getting Dangerous | Nina vs. Magnes. This can only end one way. Blood and tears. But mostly blood. A lot of blood. | |
02/19 | No News Is Bad News | More ponderings on the case of a missing healer. |
The Search for Cally | More ponderings on the case of yet another missing blonde woman. | |
Two Seconds | Someone is more trouble than they are worth, so Logan finds her a better arena. | |
Russian in the Rusted Cage | Eve receives a dream that paints a picture cages and those working within it. | |
02/21 | Eye For An I | Deckard and Cardinal, and Teo and Eileen, all want the same thing and go to the Happy Dagger to look for it. It doesn't end well. |
Exodus 21:24 | The aftermath of Logan and Deckard's confrontation, during which Abby explains some truths to Cardinal. | |
Perfect Circle | Teo and Eileen have questions for Logan, and everyone gets answers between the lines of mostly polite conversation. | |
02/22 | The Green Mile | Ethan goes into the ring a victim, and comes out a fighter. This wasn't in the program. |
For Flint | There's only one person Teo knows of who can and will get Deckard out of his latest clusterfuck. | |
02/23 | Hold On | Abby tries to reassure Magnes that help is coming. |
Strange Flesh | With the help of his sibling, Deckard escapes the Happy Dagger after being tended to by Mu-Qian. | |
Predatory | Seeking out Kain Zarek, Huruma finds entrance into the bloodthirsty cage of the Pancratium. | |
When Fear Compels Us | Logan confronts Abby. | |
02/24 | One Finger, or Two | Magnes discovers just who exactly his adjacent cellmate is. |
02/25 | Jesus Walks | Logan sends Jack after Teo. |
I Know Him | Colette, Tavisha and Brian come upon a body on the beach. | |
Gentle into that Good Night | Tavisha and Colette bring Tavisha to the Filatov Clinic. Things get worse before they get better. | |
02/26 | Everywhere You Turn | Logan blames Bebe for the incident with Abby, oblivious to the presence of a secret listener. |
Poor Thing | Bebe fills Logan's prescription at the clinic and Eileen sets her plan into motion. | |
02/27 | Method to Madness | Spooky shadow voices follow Logan back to his home. |
Fluids | The Happy Dagger finds John Logan almost dead on the floor of his office, quite mysteriously. Too vindictive to die, he's seen to by their resident medic, and it's not as pleasant as it could be. If it could be pleasant at all. | |
Lassie Rides Again | Cardinal visits Abby at her new location and learns about the maim job she did on Logan. He's happy about this, and goes to update the cavalry. | |
Workshop, War Room | Coincidence finally brings Cardinal to cross paths with Teo. Soliciting Phoenix's help, Cardinal also meets Elvis. | |
03/01 | The Only Hero... | Jack, Rocket and Tavisha undertake a normal business day in the pirate industry. |
...Is A Dead Hero | And then cops, the Ferrymen, illegal Evolved fugitives, and moral complications occur in fantastic variety. | |
The Price of Freedom | Wounded, Jack is brought to Filatov's clinic by Tavisha, where Eileen sacrifices more than a needle and thread to save him. | |
The Sharp End | Logan tries to convince his business partner to negotiate with his abductee's unexpectedly aggressive friends. | |
03/02 | A Painful Truth | Abby's point finally hits home, much to Magnes unhappiness. |
Not Pleased | Bebe comforts her injured boyfriend. | |
Half-Hinged | Fedor agrees to help Teo free the Pancratium prisoners and brings one of his men aboard. | |
03/03 | Mutual Friends, Mutual Acquaintances | Logan tells Eileen that the Pancratium is prepared to negotiate. |
03/04 | Tonight | …and Eileen passes the information along. |
Coliseum Diplomacy | Bloody terms for the Pancratium's prisoner release are pitched. | |
Playing by the Rules | A brutal arena combat between Ethan and Tavisha is unexpected interrupted by a woman who loves both, much to the chagrin of two otherwise uninvolved Linderman employees. | |
Inconvenience | …who then have to pull Eileen's fat out of the fryer. | |
03/05 | Coliseum Diplomacy, Part II | Terms accepted with a few alarming twists. Nobody is shot. |
03/06 | Entreaty | Teo and Eileen ask Tavisha to fight for the freedom of the Pancratium fighters. He was planning on it anyway. |
03/07 | Thank You | Cat brings Hiro in to help with the warehouse raid. |
03/08 | A Very Frail Thread | From what Cardinal can tell, Abby really isn't doing so good. |
Time to Leave | Ethan and Delphine make a pact. | |
03/09 | Bowling for Muldoon | Negotiations done, the raid is still on. A small army talks war. |
03/10 | The Tucker Family Reunion | Broken families are a dime a dozen on Staten Island. |
Inventory | Constantine discovers that some of that poison medication Eileen used on Staten Island's most notorious pimp went missing. Funny old world. | |
03/11 | Learn Something | Once again, Ethan and his old comrade square off in the ring again, overseen by Muldoon and Teo even as… |
Singing In The Rain | …Logan comes to Eileen for payback… | |
Nobody Expects... | …and the warehouse full of Pancratium prisoners goes up in flames. | |
Close To The Chest | Constantine and Teo find the havoc wrought on the clinic and the young woman they had left alone inside it. | |
03/12 | Bloody Legacy | Tavisha's Hunger awakens and Nina is unlucky enough to bear its horrifying brunt. |
Godspeed | Out of the chaos, Abby and Cardinal meet in the flesh for the first time and are privvy to telepathic and telephonic check-ins. | |
03/13 | John vs John | Cardinal is still angry with Logan. |
03/14 | Bought And Souled | Tuck asks for the shadowmorph's help in finding his son, while Bebe innocuously checks out the wares. |
Beating Heart | Ethan escapes and makes good on his promise to Delphine. | |
03/15 | Fear And Loathing | This time, Deckard comes to Logan for payback. |
No, You | Teo comes asking questions of Logan about Eileen's mishap, and absconds out a window with Logan's cane after receiving no answers he likes. | |
Little More Than a Man | Constantine watches over Eileen's comatose body. | |
03/17 | Pay Up | Homeland Security apprehends Tavisha. |
03/18 | Made Broken | There's a flaw in the watchmaker's argument. Some things truly are built to break. |
03/19 | The Giving Curse | Teo watches over a comatose Eileen when they receive a gentleman caller. |
03/25 | Wolves and Warriors | Someone's at the door, or nearly so. Bai-Chan worries; Brian promises security. |
03/26 | The Spiral's Completion, Part I | The Monster finds his way to the Lighthouse. While he goes to find what he came for, his new friends try to reap the benefits of chaos. |
The Spiral's Completion, Part II | The Monster attacks the Lighthouse while others distract the protectors downstairs. Unlike them, he doesn't come for money or guns… he's after the children. | |
Chapter Two: "The Brill Paintings"
October 4th, 2008 to March 20th, 2009
A set of five prophetic paintings are stolen from the Linderman Collection. Myriad are the people who want to have them; one by one the paintings are relocated, but not necessarily reunited, as those who possess them try to unlock their significance in advance. | ||
10/04 | Dangerous Waters | While chasing down leads about Kazimir Volken, Judah Demsky uncovers a deceased painter with the powerful ability to foretell the future. |
10/14 | She's Got A Cat | Kain Zarek travels to the Linderman Archives in order to retrieve five paintings on request of Daniel Linderman himself. |
02/08 | Priceless and Significant | The speedster Daphne Millbrook unwittingly steals and sells five prophetic paintings that show the future of the world. |
02/14 | An Artsy Endeavor | Rupert Carmichael discovers the nature of the five missing paintings, and enlists some help in finding them and discerning their meaning. |
02/16 | Prophetic Aggravation | Isabelle travels to SoHo following a trail of information about the paintings, and comes to discover one is in the possession of the most dangerous man in chinatown, Liu-Ye. |
02/17 | Amateur Night | Hagan isn't the best cat burgular in the world, and Laura really isn't ever going to let him live down this brush with thievery. |
Hard Times For Dishonest Men | Richard Cardinal has a problem with some missing paintings. Gilbert Tucker has some problems with Kain Zarek. Both these issues have related ends. | |
Antipode | Isabelle Ashford continues her search for the paintings, which brings her to Staten Island, and the nefarious brothel of Logan to meet with Song Ye and Liu Ye. | |
Godsend Bargain | Having returned to the present time, Hiro Nakamura arrives at the Linderman Archives imploring for the assistance of the archivist Zoe Porter in detailing information about the missing paintings. But what is it that Hiro already knows? | |
02/19 | Boo | Hagan approaches the wild Huruma and the haunting Miles of _shedda-dinu about the Brill painting he was unable to acquire. |
Favour For An Old Man | Daniel Linderman directly approaches his archivist, Zoe Porter about tracking down the missing paintings before anyone gets their hands on them. | |
02/20 | Spiral | Isabelle finalizes her deal with Liu-Ye, and _shedda-dinu gains access to the first Brill painting. |
02/21 | Perfect Circle | Teodoro Laudani and Eileen Ruskin unexpectedly stumble upon one of the Brill paintings in the possession of John Logan. |
02/22 | Qui Es In Caelis | Hagan brings Huruma to make one more attempt at getting the painting out of Morningside Heights, and Hagan learns just who it is he works with. |
02/23 | A Wheel to Run In | Linderman asks Eliot for a favor regarding the Brill Paintings and Zoe. |
02/24 | A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood | Zoe tracks down the painting entitled "Our Father" to a man in Morningside Heights, however it would appear that someone got to him before her. |
03/13 | Arisen | In the Bronx, Zoe Porter and Eliot enter an illegal auction to recover the missing painting, "Arisen." |
03/19 | Twelve | The final Brill painting is revealed in an auction on Staten Island. |
03/20 | Plus One | New occupants finally move in to Enlightenment Books… |
Chapter Three: "Becoming Nobody"
February 17th to March 16th, 2009
The NYPD, the FBI, Homeland Security, the Company, and a Chinese criminal organization all converge upon the tracks of one unfortunate soul who leaves several peculiar crime scenes in his wake. Everyone wants him for something, but in the end, only one organization can actually have Tyler Case… | ||
02/17 | Be Somebody | A down on his luck man is running out of time to save his life from the Triads. |
02/18 | Blood and Trust | The head of the New York Triads, Chang Ye is found savaged outside of his own residence, leaving the surgeon Cong Bao-Wei to tend to the patriarch. |
It Starts With A Body | NYPD-SCOUT Detectives Kaydence Lee Damaris and Ezra Grimes uncover a grisly murder in Chinatown with the assistance of veteran homicide detective Richard Myron. | |
02/19 | Comic Book Theorists | Detectives Grimes and Damaris visit Zachery at the Harlem Morgue to pull up information on their first victim, and they come up with a list of creative, but fruitless perps. |
02/20 | Whatever The Case May Be | The _company gets involved with Tyler Case, and the race to catch this mysterious man only becomes more heated. |
02/21 | Be Unrepentant | Tyler Case tries his hardest to fix his money problems, without being aware that no amount of cash can make things right again. |
02/27 | Surrealism | Agents Winters and Sawyer run into Flint Deckard in Chinatown, only to have fate drop Tyler Case into their laps… |
02/28 | Good Cop, Hot Cop | Elisabeth Harrison is called in to join an investigation that is slowly pointing many accusing fingers in many different directions, and Richard Myron is brought along for the ride. |
The Devil Himself | Elisabeth and Myron's investigation into the events of February 18th lead them to an unexpected answer. | |
03/02 | Old Blue | Agent Winters and Agent Sawyer go undercover to search for Tyler Case. |
03/03 | Chunky Salsa | Felix Ivanov is brought in to join the case, and his debriefing with Myron and Rebecca Nakano turns up some spicy details. |
03/05 | The Right to Remain Silent | Deckard is arrested by Ivanov and Harrison for questioning in the mysterious case of Tyler Case. |
03/06 | Phone Call | …and Deckard uses his one phone call to communicate with the one person who might be able to help him out. |
Open and Shut | Detective Daubrey and Felix Ivanov handle Flint Deckard with rough gloves. | |
03/08 | What Did Forensics Turn Up? | Harrison confides about her case in Catherine Chesterfield and finds that her clues gain little traction thus far. |
Say The Word | Officer Harrison takes her own time with Flint Deckard, and manages to get some information about Tyler Case out of him. | |
Can You Tell Me If She's Alive? | Officer Harrison turns to Minea Dahl on information regarding Tyler Case. | |
03/09 | A Dick By Any Other Name | Rebecca Nakano breaks the case wide open with a startling revelation to Myron and Ezra. |
Dead or Alive | The Triads up the bounty on Tyler Case's head, and change the rules of the game. | |
Highly Trained Agents | Agents Winters and Sawyer question Deckard about Tyler Case, and call in special assistance to wipe Deckard's memory of the event. | |
03/10 | Introspective Retrospect | Katherine Marks is brought into the loop that NYPD is looking for Sawyer by Minea Dahl. |
Talking Veronica Sawyer | Katherine asks Elisabeth why the NYPD is looking for information on Veronica Sawyer. | |
This Is Increasingly Baroque | Elisabeth and Felix have a conversation about possibilities again. | |
Piss Poor Planning | Katherine alerts Veronica that NYPD has DNA evidence placing her on the scene of the last Case incident. | |
03/12 | Greasing Wheels | Katherine comes to tell Elisabeth what HomeSec is going to be doing — and it's not taking over the case, though it's annoying enough. |
Be Quiet | Tyler turns to an old friend of his sister Libby for help, and he gets something else entirely. | |
03/13 | No Rest for the Non-Wicked | Cat and Elisabeth discuss details surrounding the issue of Tyler Case. |
Clear Cut | On a trip out to Brooklyn, Myron and Elisabeth discuss the complications of Tyler Case, and interrogate an old family friend. | |
Your Hubris is Showing | Agent Winters and Agent Sawyer track down Cong Bao-Wei and question him about Tyler Case. It's hard to say just how came out on top… | |
A Real Sweetheart | Veronica sawyer follows up on the lead presented by Bao-Wei, and ends up finding more and less than she expected. | |
03/14 | You're a Freelancer | Cat attempts to hire Richard Cardinal to look for Tyler Case, if it's not too late to find him… |
03/15 | Check the Pet Shops | Officer Harrison and Agent Ivanov get far less information out of Bao-Wei than the Company managed to… |
03/16 | Memento Mori | …meanwhile, Detective Ezra Grimes unearths a skeleton from the Case family that walks all on its own. |
Just Be... | The hunt for Tyler Case comes to a dramatic and deadly close. | |
Be Alive | After failing to save Tyler Case from his fate, Detective Ezra Grimes goes out to meet with Libby one more time… | |
Chapter Four: "By Design"
January 30th to March 31st, 2009
When Senior Agent Roger Goodman is brought in to aid in the restructuring and management of New York's Primatech branch, no one is truly aware that this maneuver is a part of a far greater scheme designed to bring down the Company once and for all. Everything he does, everything he says, and every promise he makes is all for a greater good, a greater cause. Nothing here is coincidence, everything is by design. | ||
01/30 | Negotiations | Senior Agent Goodman negotiates with Carmichael for the release of Brian Fulk into his care at the _company, and arranged for Helena Dean to be delivered to Moab… |
The Whole Truth | Delivered to the Company, Brian is awakened by Agent Goodman, and is told about his destiny. | |
01/31 | And Nothing But The Truth | In a meeting with Roger Goodman and Mr.Thompson, Brian Fulk finds out the truth about his life, and that the life he knew is a lie. |
02/09 | Who Dares, Wins | Company Agent Hugh discovers that he shares a startling likeness and genetic similarity with a dead Vanguard operative, and Roger plans on using this likeness to hunt down Ethan Holden. |
02/10 | ...If It's Not One Thing | Roger Goodman makes a dynamic first impression on Minea Dahl and sets her up for recruitment into the Company. |
02/11 | Great Responsibility | Minea is invited to Biomere Research, Inc. and undergoes an interview by Goodman for recruitment into the Company. |
Backswing | Goodman and Carmichael meet again to discuss their plans, and the Senior Agent makes it clear that Hana Gitelman, Noah Bennet and Claire Bennet are individuals worth focusing their combined efforts on. | |
Cat and Mouse | Carmichael and Homeland Security raid the New York Public Library in an attempt to capture Phoenix, but instead Carmichael finds the leftover works of one Edward Ray | |
02/12 | Routine Stigma | A recruitment attempt on an employee of Biomere doesn't go quite as Goodman had hoped. |
So That's Where You Are! | Agents in Training Minea Dahl and Brian Winters meet in the cafeteria, and revelations are had. | |
Purple Elephant | Winters undergoes the unique training methods of Mr.Thompson in his path to becoming an Agent. | |
Dig Deep | Agent Winters finds his training tested at the hands of Thompson and the Company. | |
02/13 | The Hollow Men | When Matt Parkman calls on Roger Goodman for intelligence on Staten Island, he instead finds himself thrust into the Lion's Den, head first. |
02/16 | WAKE UP | Teodoro Laudani and Hana Gitelman contemplate Goodman as a possible source of information regarding Helena Dean's situation. |
Red Herring | Goodman and Carmichael discuss their recent activities, and Goodman makes a strong case for the apprehension of Hana Gitelman and Noah Bennet. | |
02/17 | Failsafe | Following the discovery at Phoenix's former headquarters, Carmichael and Goodman discuss Doctor Edward Ray, Hiro Nakamura and plans for the future. |
Dr. Bianco's Drive-Thru Face Clinic | The Mayor's Son, Sonny Bianco, finds company with the Haitian and Matt Parkman in order to make the DHS agent a new man. | |
02/19 | Trust or Punishment | Minea Dahl is moved from Agent-in-Training status and given an important assignment. Meanwhile, Roger Goodman receives a surprising phone call. |
There Is A Time For Everything | Teodoro Laudani meets with Colette Nichols-Demsky and Trent at the Casthedral of St.John and discovers secrets about Colette's sister Nicole. | |
02/20 | Hit And Run | Hana follows through with a plan to get information on the kidnapped members of Phoenix. |
Whatever The Case May Be | Agent Veronica Sawyer reports to the New York branch of Primatech Research, and Roger Goodman for her first assignment, and to be partnered up with Agent Winters. | |
02/21 | Seedy Folk | Cover stories threaten to clash when Carter and Minea run into each other on the edges of the Rookery, leaving Zoey and Felix a little worse for the wear. |
02/22 | On The One Hand | Colette Nichols turns to someone she think can help her after leaving home, only to find out some histories are far deeper, and far darker than anyone cares to admit. |
02/23 | Hunter And Hunter | When Hana Gitelman lures Jonathan Carmichael into a trap, it becomes hard to tell which is the hunter and which is the prey. |
Who's Side Are You On? | Phoenix and Hiro Nakamura spring their ambush on Jonathan Carmichael. | |
02/24 | Help Wanted | After a little persuading, Carter gets himself set up in Tuck's pawn shop. It's a choice sort of wall to be on, for now. |
02/25 | A Storm Is Coming | Roger Goodman and Hana Gitelman discuss the future in clear terms, and Mr.Goodman takes a risk to ensure her safety. |
02/26 | Sharks | Noah Bennet approaches Roger Goodman at Biomere Research about what the Company agent is planning, and is given a once in a lifetime invitation. |
02/27 | In the Shadow of Angels | Freed from Primatech, Hana travels to the one place where she can discern fantasy from reality. |
03/02 | Rendezvous | Roger Goodman tracks down Gillian Childs and gives her a warning, and an invitation. |
03/04 | Not Without My Husband | Gwendolyn Wickham approaches Goodman about a change of assignment, and she is given the task of hunting down one of the surviving members of the _vanguard |
I Missed You | While Matt Parkman is away in Staten Island, Maury Parkman on order of Arthur Petrelli, kidnaps Molly Walker. | |
03/06 | Only A Bad Girl Lies | Molly awakens at Pinehearst headquarters and discovers she has an unexpected visitor. In the end, the young girl finds that lying is not tolerated at Pinehearst. |
03/13 | Domino | Roger Goodman travels to Prague to track down an old acquaintance of the Company… |
Go Home | Victor Childs confronts Tavisha on Staten Island about who he really is. | |
03/17 | Pay Up | Dragging Felix Ivanov into his plot for revenge, Victor Childs draws Homeland Security and the Federal Government to Staten Island to capture Tavisha… |
Made Broken | …however once in Homeland Security's hands, they inadvertently awaken a terrible darkness slumbering within Tavisha… | |
The Survivor | …and only one man walks away to tell the tale. | |
03/22 | The Only One | Gillian finally acts on her prior invitation to come to _pinehearst. Meeting Arthur Petrelli, she learns about some of the _company's secretive actions and agrees to take on a role in Arthur's plan. |
03/25 | Divide the Light From the Dark | Claire finds herself faced with the terrible secret that is Arthur Petrelli. |
03/30 | Thy Will Be Done | Restored to power, Arthur Petrelli gathers those loyal to him to plan the next step of their operations. |
03/31 | By Design | The final part of Roger Goodman's grand design is put into place, with Brian Winters. |
Chapter Five: "Stormfront"
February 4th to April 7th, 2009
A fortress and a prison, the Moab Federal Penitentiary is the world's first super-maximum security prison designed solely to contain the Evolved. It is a dark, dirty secret of the American government, where dangerous Evolved vanish to without due process. But no one could have predicted the storm that would be created by gathering all of these people together, or just how much damage would come when lightning does finally strike. | ||
02/04 | Time's Up | Captured members of _phoenix are brought in to Moab, and they are reunited with Peter Petrelli |
02/05 | No Going Back | Peter is confronted by the reality of a prophetic dream coming true, while Helena and Alexander are confronted by the man Peter has become in prison. |
02/07 | Because Of You | In their cells, Helena and Peter discuss the merits of guilt, shame, and a future that cannot be. |
02/09 | Present Company Excluded | A new prison transport arrives, bringing with it a special agent of Homeland Security. Meanwhile, Helena begins to suspect that Peter is plotting an escape attempt. |
Say One Thing, Mean Another | Helena presumes to have a telepathic conversation with Peter, and the real words she exchange cut into the already broken man's heart. Little does she know, her confided thoughts are going to someone other than Peter. | |
02/12 | Castling | When the big-dog Vinnie arrives in the prison yard, he and Peter become violently acquainted, while Helena begins to suspect that not everything is as it appears in Moab. |
02/13 | Four Lights | Alexander and Peter are exposed to Agent Verse's unique brands of interrogation and mind-games… |
02/14 | A Kind of Fear | …and Helena soon discovers Agent Verse's other talents first-hand. |
02/15 | A Mark | Agent Carmichael re-captures the fugitive Julian. |
02/18 | Chin Up, Soldier | In the prison yard, Helena warns Alexander about Agent Verse and Alexander gives Helena a simple order. |
Chow | Now a prisoner of Moab, Julian Kuhr finds himself becoming acquainted with fellow inmate Robert Boxer | |
02/19 | Not Going To Kentucky | After a long absence from New York City, Knox returns to discover the city has changed, and friends of a man he once called a friend have been locked away. |
02/21 | You Have Not Been Forgotten | Knox arrives at Moab, and delivers his message as best as he can to Alexander's forehead. |
Curiously | Helena is subjected to another round of interrogation at the hands of Agent Verse, this time though the focus is not on Phoenix, but Matt Parkman. | |
Crazy People | Confined to Yellow Level for the night, Vinnie and Boxer converse through the ventilation system that links their cells. | |
02/23 | Who's Side Are You On? | Phoenix and Hiro Nakamura spring their ambush on Jonathan Carmichael. |
02/25 | Shell Shock | Alexander finds himself the victim of Agent Verse's unique gift. |
Monsters | New prisoners Shard and Stephen Canfield are introduced to Moab, and Helena finally discovers the identity of the man who delivered a message. | |
02/26 | Two Fists | New Moab inmate Shard connects with Helena Dean in the prison yard. |
03/01 | Present Tense | After his encounter with Agent Verse, Alexander is dumped back into the yard without his memories to help him make sense of the situation. |
03/03 | Is This The Real Life | Satoru Lawrence has spent a long time here at Moab, but it's the first time he's spent with Robert Boxer. |
There's No Place Like Home | Helena is subjected to Agent Verse's worst mental torture yet, but finds she has unexpected strength within her… | |
03/05 | Mr. King Would Like a Word | Satoru gets to know the local celebrity, who discusses prison life with Helena. |
03/06 | Dislocated | Niki Sanders is apprehended and brought to the Moab Federal Penitentiary under mysterious circumstances. |
03/09 | Blonde Bombshells in Prison | Helena becomes acquainted with her new company in the prison yard. |
Once the Spider, Now the Fly | Moab Federal Penitentiary gains a new inmate from Carmichael's quest to bring in all of those responsible for the destruction of the Verrazano-Narrows. | |
03/10 | Dosage | Agent Verse insists that Peter Petrelli's suppressant dosage be increased. |
03/12 | Smack My Bitch Up | Helena and Jessica engage in inappropriate prison yard activities that result in people getting hurt. Some things never change. |
03/14 | Welcome Home | After being caught by police on a robbery, Django Reed is sentenced to the remainder of his life in the Moab Federal Penitentiary. |
03/15 | The New Girl in Town | Lucrezia comes out to socialize with the other inmates. |
Sons of Scotland | Satoru meets the newest addition to the Moab family. | |
03/16 | Making New Friends | There's a brief scuffle between Satoru and Django in the yard at Moab. |
03/17 | I Know Why the Jailbird Sings | Helena and Django share music and the possibility of rescue. |
03/18 | Jailhouse Prom Queen | Lucrezia passes on a message, and Jessica tells Helena what may be expected of her. |
Arbeit Macht Frei | Django and Satoru more or less patch up their differences. | |
03/19 | There's Always Hope | Django, Helena, and Satoru chat about life in Moab — and the imprisonment of Peter Petrelli. |
03/22 | Minutes Over and in Moab | Cat and Fedor do a flyover to photograph the prison while the heedless prisoners have recess and talk about politics. Sort of. |
03/23 | The Wind Cries | Doyle is presented with a new responsibility for his good behaviour and given a new pet. |
03/26 | Messages By Magpie | Eileen uses her ability to contact prisoners in Moab. |
03/27 | Like Family | Helena answers Alexander's questions about his past, particularly about Teo. |
Face It | Elle weasels her way past Moab's system in order to spend a few minutes alone with Peter. | |
03/28 | The Lie | Agent Verse corners Niki in her mindscape, and coerces her to finally give him some of the information he seeks. |
03/29 | Big Sister is Watching | Elle's pre-inspection visit to Jessica's cell ends with an unexpected plea for help. |
04/02 | Hooked on a Feeling | Satoru and Django get into a fight, with a surprise twist ending. |
04/07 | And the Wind Began to Howl | An interruption to Brooke's everyday monotony is also the gust front of an impending storm. |
Here, Kitty Kitty | With the help of Jessica and others, Helena starts a prison yard fight so she'll be booted to Red Level, the better to talk to Peter. | |
What Time They Had | Helena finds Peter in Red Level; she tries to explain to him that she loves him and that help is on the way. | |
When Lightning Strikes, Part I | Phoenix makes an attempt to rescue their comrades from the Moab Federal Penitentiary, but the ultimate outcome of their breakout is far from expected. | |
When Lightning Strikes, Part II | The venture into Red Level is practically a trip into the past — familiar faces come left and right out of the woodwork, some to help, some to hinder. | |
When Lightning Strikes, Part III | Even as Phoenix and its allies undertake a jailbreak in 2009, eight prisoners of the same facility in 2019 arrange for their own escape. One person with the ability to manipulate space and time stitches the two moments together, offering an opportunity that simply cannot be passed by… | |