The Voice Of The People


caspian_icon.gif delilah_icon.gif emily2_icon.gif eve2_icon.gif gillian_icon.gif greg_icon.gif joanne_icon.gif keira_icon.gif lance2_icon.gif mira_icon.gif phoebe_icon.gif short_icon.gif sue_icon.gif tasha_icon.gif richard_icon.gif squeaks_icon.gif zelda_icon.gif

Scene Title The Voice of the People
Synopsis Citizens of the Safe Zone gather for an unconventional town hall…
Date September 27, 2019

WSZR Building

RADIO: {static}

RADIO: {static}

RADIO: {crackle}

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Citizens of the Safe Zone, don't adjust your radios. If you're receiving this, you're about to experience Fradio Free New York."

RADIO: {A horrible, electric guitar version of the Star Spangled Banner plays}

RADIO: Phoebe says, "For those of you unfamiliar I'm Phoebe Frady, Editor-in-Chief of the Safe Zone Siren. The so-called New York Safe Zone's only unbiased, independent news outlet."

RADIO: {background coughing}

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Tonight, with the cooperation of WSZR I am bringing you the voice of the people as we discuss the troubles that plague the so-called Safe Zone and the forces aligning behind these struggles."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "We're joined tonight by our studio audience of Safe Zone residents and well-known public figures. To my right is Joanne Dair, Mira Sadowsky, Greg Farkas, Sue Gandry, Delilah Trafford, and Gillian Childs of
the citizen-run Safe Zone Cooperative."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Tonight's town hall style discussion will be joined by radio callers. So if you have something to say, we'll give you a number a little later in the broadcast."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Our format will consist of several talking points, posed to the members of the Safe Zone Council who will each be able to discuss or pass on the topic, then we'll go to the floor to see if anyone has any thoughts of their own. Radio callers, you'll get your chances to chime in later in the program."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "So," {shuffling}, "without further ado, let's get to tonight's first topic."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "We stand now, five years from the end of the Second American Civil War. With that in perspective, what do you feel is the biggest challenge that America is facing? Joanne?"

RADIO: Joanne mumbles, "Christ."

RADIO: Joanne mumbles, "Uh."

RADIO: Joanne says, "I mean it's— it's not— there's no one major… uh… I mean the economy is like. It's bad, y'know? It's real bad. Twelve dollars for gas or some shit like that at the pump? An avocado literally costs as much as gold per weight I think. Do we have avocado banks? I feel like we should."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Mnhmm. Mnhmm. No, you're right. The economy is in shambles. Mira, do you agree with Joanne?"

RADIO: Mira mumbles, "Goddamnit."

RADIO: Mira mumbles, "Um."

RADIO: Mira says, "I mean— I guess? Jo stole my— she said what I was going to say, so maybe? I mean, we're rolling into winter and oil prices are the worst they've been in years, and there's no social heating programs in the Safe Zone."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "That's also a good point. The poor are always the first to suffer, especially in these frontier-like situations. Gregory?"

RADIO: {Awkward silence}

RADIO: Greg says, "Honestly? Those are transient problems. Financial faults can be fixed, over time, but societal ones take longer to recover than anything else. We still have a tremendous way to go on SLC-Expressive rights, especially in the face of the UK's draconian governance. They may have been quick to lend financial aid to the United States, but that comes with strings. Or is it controversial to say rope?"

RADIO: Phoebe, after a moment of silence, adds "Wow."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Okay, that's… certainly an issue, sure. You could say it's what divided the country in the first place. Us and Them. Sue?"

RADIO: Sue clears her throat. Then, after a moment of composing her thoughts says, "Poverty, even in a place like the Safe Zone where distribution of wealth is what it is, still ranks as my number one problem nation-wide. More than half of the country is in shambles, the other half is barely standing. Sure, you have your Detroit success stories, but that's not all of us. The center can't hold like that."

RADIO: Phoebe hmms softly. "I see a trend here, yeah. Ms. Trafford, do you have thoughts?"

RADIO: Delilah says, "What can I say that hasn't been said? Social issues need addressed and so do economic ones. I think that the big picture just needs to think smaller. We're concerned with the entirety of the country's economy, but really shouldn't we be concentrating on regional economic issues first? If you look at it like a house of cards, there's no way to build up if there's no base, obviously. You hear about settlements making it work, and yet we're still here trying to be the same thing we used to be."

RADIO: Delilah says, "There's no going back to what we all remember. We have to make something new. Our children don't remember anything else and we owe it to them to create something that works."

RADIO: Phoebe makes a noise in the back of his throat, then soft hmming. "I think that's an astute observation, Delilah. Miss Childs, you're a well-known public name. What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing America today?"

RADIO: Gillian says, "Asking about the entire country is difficult, as I don't have much say in what goes on outside the Safe Zone. My person belief is that education is the first step to better our situation and the situation that our youngest citizens especially face. I have met too many children who could not read because their education lapsed during an important part of their youth due to the lack of schools during the war. And it's not just those youngest who suffered, but our young adults, who can not get into college because they did not recieve the level of education necessary while the country was focused on wars."

RADIO: Phoebe makes a series of rapid hmms. "Absolutely, absolutely. Schools are the heart of American exceptionalism, you're right. Tasha Renard-Lazzaro, your father's the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security if I'm not mistaken. I imagine you have a biting insight straight from Kansas City!"

RADIO: Tasha laughs softly. "My briefs are much worse than my bite, Phoebe. And if I had any insight from Kansas City, I don't think my father would appreciate me airing them on your broadcast. I'm sure you understand. As for the question at hand, our needs in this nation are much too complex to boil it down to one problem. We need to address multiple problems on multiple levels, and there's no one size fits all solution. That sort of thinking won't solve the problems we face. Us or them, black or white, yes or no sort of thinking is exactly what we don't need. As my fellow councilmembers have said, a lot of that has to do with education, on fundamental basics as well as on human rights."

RADIO: {shuffling noises, audience chatter}

RADIO: Phoebe says, "That's a very political answer, Ms. Lazzaro, are you going to be running for Mayor when Caroline's term is up?" Phoebe chuckles. "Okay, let's reach out a little bit to the studio audience. We've heard from the people who have our interests, ostensibly, at heart. Now let's hear from the true stars of tonight… the people."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Yes, you the uh… the blonde who's hand just shot up. Someone bring her a mic."

RADIO: Tasha says, "…ostensibly?"

RADIO: Emily takes a moment to come onto the mic, a moment of static before she begins speaking clearly. "Quick shoutout to the SZC members who've stood through having to answer for the entire country's problems instead of just NYC's. I thought this was supposed to be a town hall, not an antagonistic sophist trying to pry answers about the state of the country from unsuspecting council members who just want to see the Safe Zone thrive."

RADIO: Emily pauses long enough to let that hang, but not long enough to let anybody cut her off. "… Anyway. I know physical infrastructure work is underway. Getting people solid electricity and water supplies is important. But so is making sure people can stay connected with each other — both here, and outside the Safe Zone. Are there plans in the works right now to increase cell coverage, or install more mobile hotspots?""

RADIO: Phoebe literally claps, once, and loudly. "Look at this, now see, this is someone who needs to write for the Siren. Somebody who isn't afraid to stand up, speak truth to power, and ask the hard questions like why we're still searching for signal when Yamagato Industries is busy rolling out non-union robot workers!"

RADIO: "Speaking of which," Phoebe says, "I see miss Wilhelmina Falkenrath — of Yamagato Industries — in the audience. Do you have anything to add, Ms. Falkenrath?"

RADIO: "That's not…" Emily starts and sighs, presumably right as the microphone is requested away.

RADIO: Zelda clears her throat as she comes to the mic. "To start with, I would like to applaud the young lady who came before me, and agree with her sentiments — I commend the Safe Zone Cooperative members who have gracefully accepted these hostile questions." Her British accent is particularly clipped today. "I would first like to thank Gregory for his statements on SLC-Expressive rights. Coming from the UK myself only recently, I can tell you all first hand how awful it is to live under those draconian policies." She takes another breath, clearly not finished.

RADIO: Zelda continues, "As to the young lady's question about the cell phone coverage, I am happy to report that Yamagato Industries will be rolling out a plan to increase cell phone coverage next month, designed by Leroy Jackson and Marlowe Terrell."

RADIO: Phoebe makes a noise in the back of his throat. "Mnhmm. That's— very well said Ms. Falkenrath. I'm eager to see if this cell phone grid is as big of a success as our electricity grid."

RADIO: {A mixture of groans and claps from the audience.}RADIO: <WSZR> Lance says, "That's the biggest problem we're facing— too many people aren't facing up to the new reality of the world. All this talk about the division between Slice and En's, so-called 'American Exceptionalism', looking for foreign scapegoats to blame for what's wrong— it's all just botswarf. It's falling back into old patterns. The same patterns that tore us down in the first place. We need to come together, take responsibility for our failures and lift one another up rather than looking to lay blame and bring someone down. All our other problems will go down like dominos if we can do that."

RADIO: Phoebe makes a few noises that are hard to discern. "That's— well, that's certainly a perspective. Isn't it? I suppose the youth of this country has a view of things that looks beyond the city we've been given. I, for one, remember what New York used to be. To think that there's people out there who don't remember that? I mean… part of me wants them to be able to see it, you know? It makes me sad. What we lost."

RADIO: Phoebe mumbles something, then shuffles some papers noisily.

RADIO: Lance observes dryly, "Maybe you should stop looking at what you've lost, and look at what you still have, then."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "I suppose that brings me to my next point, and if you in the audience want to chime in you'll have your chance soon. We'll be getting to callers after this too."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Focusing on the ostensible Safe Zone, we've seen an uptick in some really heinous crimes as of late. Human Trafficking is at an all-time high, and I haven't seen anything from the Military Police that indicates there's a plan to fix any of that. To protect the people endangered by the failure of the city government to provide that basic need."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "But then, there's also the foot shortages investigated by SESA that hasn't gone… anywhere? We're still rationing. The power outages, years after the restablishment of the grid. There's still gunfights throughout the Safe Zone. Gunfights, listeners. I'm sure you've heard them. That's not even addressing Staten Island."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "But, as the young DJ is clear to point out, nobody wants to be the one to lay the blame. He sure doesn't. So, who seems to be responsible for this? At its heart, who is responsible for the state we're in? Is it President Praeger? Is it out community? Or…"

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Is it our corporate overlords?"

RADIO: {Chatter from the audience.}

RADIO: Phoebe says, "That's right, the next topic is about the owners of the Safe Zone, our absentee parents, Yamagato Industries."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Has Y—"

RADIO: Tasha coughs. "There's only so much the military police can do, but I would like to remind you and our listeners that the NYPD will be returning soon, so some of these issues are being addressed by our city as we
speak. It's not like we're sitting idly by and letting all this happen. We have limited means and resources, and as Mr. Gherkin said, we are building and it takes time."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Okay, okay."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Thank you Miss Lazzaro."

RADIO: Tasha says, "You're welcome."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "But the question is, given Yamagato Industries track record, should the people of the Safe Zone petition for a public option for our infrastructure needs? We didn't choose Yamagato, the government did. Do we wait and see what they can do, or do we consider our other options? Praxis Heavy Industries is working hard rebuilding the wasteland of California, maybe they'd do better? Or is there another option? Do we even have a choice, in the Land of the Free?"

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Ms. Dair, you're first."

RADIO: Joanne blurts, "What?"

RADIO: Joanne stammers, "Uh— you— okay. Okay."

RADIO: Joanne says, "Look, Yamagato's done a sight better than anybody else has. I mean the last fucking mayor of New York was a goddamn Firster, wasn't she? Same with the Chief of Police, Irons. We scraped the bottom of the barrel pretty hard, and I think we've come a long damn way with Yama in the last few years. I don't… I don't want this to become some corporate warzone."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Corporate warzone. Yes. Yes. No, I agree Joanne. I think that— Mira, you've had your hand up for about four minutes n— "

RADIO: Mira firmly and clearly enunciates, "My wife was a dedicated NYPD officer who fought and died to protect the people of New York during the riots leading up to the civil war. I've sat here and watched New York crumble. I never left. Never. I squatted in the ruins of Brooklyn before anyone came and tried to fix this." She's seething.

RADIO: "When Yamagato won their bid against Praxis Heavy, I saw that turn around happen instantly. They had recovery crews out before the foundations for the park were laid down. They were doing double-duty helping National Guard relief while plotting how to literally rebuild society. So maybe we should be thankful for what we have."

RADIO: "Not pining away for a memory of a New York that only existed for middle class men like you." Mira pushes her chair back with a clatter and walks noisily off stage.

RADIO: Phoebe starts to say something, but is talked over by Greg. "Yamagato Industries has the largest SLC-Expressive workforce out of any major global corporation, even Praxis Heavy. We want the most qualified people rebuilding our city, and we have them."

RADIO: Phoebe tries to talk again, but even Sue won't let him get a word in. "Yamagato has flaws, but they've done so much for this city. More than anyone else might even be able to afford to do. I think— Mira's passion is— we have to appreciate what we've gained back."

RADIO: Phoebe finally wrests control of the conversation back. "Thank you panelists. For— thank you for— yes. Miss Trafford. Yamagato, yay or nay?"

RADIO: Delilah gives Phoebe a scathing mom-face when he turns the question to her. "Tell me, Phoebe," an audible sigh, "Do you get off on insulting others? Is this a Thing? Because I thought this was supposed to be a discussion panel, not a Siren Wank-fest."

RADIO: Delilah says, "If you think Yamagato isn't doing enough good already, as Mira so lovingly put it— maybe you should go interview them for once? When was the last time you sat down with someone from the company? I can show you some calendar dates from when council members have, maybe even do your job for you. Yamagato is not some sort of Illuminati-Mason-Yakuza monstrosity. They and other industries are here to support us, even if it takes years."

RADIO: Phoebe is quiet for a moment before responding with, "Aren't they? Their founder, Kaito Nakamura, was a confirmed member of the Company. The only reason Yamagato Industries wasn't seized like other assets is because Japan's laws on corporations didn't permit it to, and Kaito did not use Yamagato assets in his work at the Company. But… I don't think it's fair to say they aren't a conspiracy-based organization. They might be the oldest one in the book."

RADIO: Phoebe clears his throat. "I'm digressing though. That's a topic for an article later. Praxis Heavy is Company-free, and yet they're shut out of the Safe Zone. Do you have thoughts on this, Miss Childs?"

RADIO: Delilah mutters. "If you think I don't know about the Company, I have an isotope in my neck to show you…"

RADIO: Tasha says, ""Wow, that's quite a little commercial right there for Praxis. How many times have you said their name in the last five minutes? They wouldn't be paying you under the table to talk them up, would they, Phoebe?" She murmurs then, "Apologies, Gillian. Go ahead."

RADIO: Phoebe splutters, "I am— I've— I have never taken money from Praxis Heavy, or— any corporate interest."

RADIO: Gillian's voice is a little raspier than normal when she speaks, obviously not pleased with where things are going, "I think Yamagato has done the best they could under the circumstances that they have had to work with. I believe maybe the Safe Zone opened up to too many, too fast, and we should have waited until we had more infrastructure was in place."

RADIO: Phoebe uses the time when Gillian is speaking to shuffle through his notes. "It's— yes. Very well said Miss Childs," sounds like he wasn't really listening to her. "I'm— ok. So— just to be clear. I've never been endorsed or profited from a corporate relationship. I— just we need to air that out. Right now. I'm fully privately funded. Thank you. Otherwise, that's libel and— anyway."

RADIO: Phoebe mumbles and seems distracted.

RADIO: Phoebe says, "So— so how about… the people here uh, you— the young woman int he back who stood up?"

RADIO: Squeaks shuffles a little with the mic. "So. I read your part in the paper, and hear you sometimes here. And you talk a lot about how bad things are. All the grown-ups do. But most of them try to solve the problems, not make them worse." She pauses for just a second to take a breath. "But all you do is say it's bad and whine about people who try. So… why don't you… no. I challenge you to try. Put your money — corporate or whatever it is — stop the botswarf writings and help. For reals. More hands make less work."

RADIO: "I do not have— corporate— " Phoebe splutters. "My service is one of information handling. I already— I perform a necessary service for the Safe Zone, in keeping people informed. Not all of us have the money or power to make things right, and seeing those problems doesn't— it doesn't shackle us to being the ones to solve it. Miss."

RADIO: Phoebe says, still somewhat flustered, "I—"

RADIO: Squeaks says, "Your service is a joke. Get up and actually do something real."

RADIO: Zelda doesn't look so hot when she takes the mic, staring at Phoebe with a look that suggests that it's a good thing she doesn't have a power — or at least, didn't have one. "First, I would like to say that I am proud to work for a corporation like Yamagato. My coworkers care for this city and the people in it, and they love their jobs. I am happy to be part of their good work in this city. In this Safe Zone — which is far safer than the terrifying world outside of its walls." She shakes her head — she's not done yet.

RADIO: Zelda continues, "As to your repeated insistence on not taking corporate funding, I feel that you aren't being entirely truthful — you protest rather loudly, even despite the conversation actually moving on from that topic more than once." She glowers. "I would like to challenge you on that statement you have just made, Miss Frady. If you are indeed not funded by corporate interests," she continues, "then you would be more than willing to release the records of your finances to the public, so they and others may feel more confident in your rather uncomfortable-sounding refutations."

RADIO: Zelda holds the mic, glaring at Phoebe.

RADIO: Phoebe makes a noise that's somewhere between a meow and a yelp as he starts to talk. A few people actually laugh in the audience. "I, I— I don't have to engage with that. If Yamagato Industries is willing to make their financial records public I'll gladly do so in return to show that there's nothing— nothing to hide. Now— I believe— no— let's— let's change gears here."

RADIO: Zelda says, "Why is Yamagato to release their financial records in response to your insistence that you haven't accepted corporate funding?"

RADIO: Zelda says, "That sounds a lot like what aboutism."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Let's— I think it's time we let our callers… if they can find service… to talk to us. 914-737-9938, call in and let us hear your opinions on anything we've discussed tonight. That number again is 914-737-9938."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "And while we wait for our first caller…"

RADIO: Zelda says, "Your reluctance to provide proof to your statements suggests lying, Miss Frady!"

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Will someone take her mic, please!"

RADIO: Phoebe says, "We've— oh? We do? Uh."

RADIO: Phoebe shuffles paperwork. "We already have a caller. This is— oh wow. This is Richard Ray, CEO of Raytech Industries. Hello there, Mr. Ray, welcome to Fradio Free New York! What's on your mind?"

RADIO: Richard greets cheerfully, "Hi there, Phoebe. First off, let me say, big fan of WSZR, although— full disclosure, which I'm sure you know the meaning of— I'm pretty sure I have a business relationship with the station somewhere, so I might be considered biased. I'd need to look up the particulars, though. Thanks for forgetting about us earlier when we were talking about corporate overlords, although I suppose Raytech isn't a big enough fish to really be that — I appreciate not having to ask our lawyers things like the difference between 'libel' and 'slander' — I'll let the Nakamuras worry about that business instead."

RADIO: Phoebe, frustratedly, splutters. "Did you have a— was—"

RADIO: Richard says, "Anyway! I know you were really concerned about the state of infrastructure here in the Safe Zone, and I'm sure you know that we're working day and night up here in Jackson Heights on the new hydroponics facility to help with the food shortages. I know, it's not our usual thing, but I'm not going to stand by and let people starve in my home town. You'll have to be patient, though, because the thing about Rome was— it wasn't built in a day. Same with the Big Apple."

RADIO: Richard says, "I'd like to publically thank Yamagato for giving us some material assistance in the project, since it's our first large-scale infrastructure project as a company, but more than them I'd like to thank the people of Jackson Heights for welcoming us into their neighborhood. It's a great part of town with some great people, and I'm happy to be offering them both employment and — hopefully in the near future — a ready food supply."

RADIO: Phoebe, stammers. "Yes— that's— hydroponics that's— quite wonderful."

RADIO: Phoebe, stammers. "Thank you Mister Ray for that— insight."

RADIO: Phoebe, clearing his throat, says "We've got— another caller. Caspian Dussault. Welcome to Fradio Free New York, Mr. Dussault, what's on your mind?"

RADIO: Caspian says, "Um…hello? yes, good evening. I'd just like to let you and your listeners know that there are several independent contractors in the safe zone that can assist with pretty much all electricity needs. You and your listeners have probably seen the construction going on at Red Hook Market, and I'd like to let people know that we're on schedule to have the whole place running on solar before the first of December, with plans to branch out into the surrounding neighborhoods shortly after. My crews have been doing well and it's the installs, so I just wanted to tell people that counting on Praxis, Raytech, or Yamagato aren't your only options. there are guys out there, like me, we who can help, too."

RADIO: Phoebe mutters, cutting off anything else Caspian might have said. "Okay can— we not have people just calling in to advertise their businesses? That's— lovely. We have another caller. This is… Erina Crumb?" Phoebe is already making a noise in the back of his throat.

RADIO: Caspian says, "Don't hang up on me you— {click}

RADIO: Erina Crumb says, "ahem Greetings Safe Zoners! Erina Crumb, former Duchess of Genovia! I must say Q, you seem awfully interested in Praxis Heavy.. were you aware of their ties to a blonde immortal by the name of Adam Monroe? It sounds like he's a got you by the tit"

RADIO: Greg mutters, "Genovia?"

RADIO: Joanne mumbles something about Princess Diaries.

RADIO: Erina Crumb says, "yes Genovia"

RADIO: Gillian whispers, "oh dear."

RADIO: Tasha says, "…is that…?"

RADIO: Delilah stifles herself with a cough.

RADIO: Phoebe interjects, "Okay— you— must have this confused with Phoebe's Corner. Our conspiracy theory stuff is Sunday nights. I'm sorry but this is… okay. Next caller."

RADIO: Erina Crumb says, "How about their illegal experiments..? What about their army… you seem awfully interested in Dear Ms. Nisatta's work and I'd, Hey, HEY HEY, GILL-"

RADIO: Phoebe exhales loudly. "Our next caller is…"

RADIO: Phoebe says, "It—"

RADIO: Phoebe says, "No, tell her to hold on I'm saving her for the end."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Yes, ah, our next caller is… Keira Ryans. Welcome to Fradio Free New York, Ms. Ryans, what's on your mind?"

RADIO: Keira clears her throat. "Hi there, Phoebe. I read your articles a lot, they're all pretty interesting."

RADIO: Keira says, "Conspiracy theory bull, but interesting. I just want to say, you sound like a very angry, sad person. Do you need a friend? You seem lonely and angry."

RADIO: Keira says, "You should find a hobby. Have you considered learning to box? Hitting things is very therapeutic."

RADIO: Keira says, "Alternately, you could learn to knit. I find that creativity can help channel my anger. It's going to be cold this winter, and you're mad about the lack of power, so how about you make some scarves for the cold
people you're trying to defend? Actions speak louder than words, Phoebe!"

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Thank you, but we're full up on crazy."

RADIO: Keira says, "Pot, meet kettle."

RADIO: Phoebe says, "Okay, I think we're done with the call in portion except— is she still on the line? Alright, I think it's time we hear from the face of New York's Safe Zone… Mayor Caroline Short."

RADIO: Caroline says, "Phoebe, I've been listening along tonight. It sounds like a lively cross section of the community is engaged and participating. I know this wasn't scheduled, but… I wanted to call in and talk to the people of New York, personally, after some of the things I heard."

RADIO: Eve has joined this channel.

RADIO: Caroline says, "Now, criticisms of Yamagato's work aside… yes, we're struggling. But life's been a struggle for this country for years, even before the war. Our SLC-Expressive citizens know that equally well."

RADIO: Caroline says, "The Military Police have done as good a job as they can with the resources they have to police the Safe Zone, and I would like to personally commend Major Matthew Olson on his work and the tireless work of the 91st Military Police Battalion."

RADIO: Caroline says, "But I would be remiss if I didn't bring up the elephant in the room.

RADIO: Caroline says, "I'm talking, of course, about the NYPD.

RADIO: Caroline says, "Now, we're planning to hold a press conference about this in a couple of weeks. But I'm not most mayors, and I don't like keeping things impersonal like that."

RADIO: Caroline says, "I want to talk to the people, as closely as I can."

RADIO: Caroline says, "So, I want to take this opportunity tonight to inform you that the NYPD will be returning to New York City in the summer of 2019."

RADIO: {Commotion.}

RADIO: Caroline says, "In addition, the NYPD's former SLC-Expressive specialist team, NYPD-SCOUT, will be returning in full force."

RADIO: Caroline says, "And, I'd like to take tonight to formally introduce you to the upcoming Chief of Police for the New York City Safe Zone…"

RADIO: Caroline says, "Marcus Donovan."

RADIO: {Multiple voices speaking at once.}

RADIO: Caroline says, "Marcus— Marcus as you may remember, is a decorated former member of the NYPD. He was nearly elected mayor of New York City back before the war, and he is an SLC-Expressive citizen who has a vested interest in the city of New York pulling back from the brink of the war."

RADIO: Caroline says, "I think we all would have been better off had Marcus won, and I think it's high time we give him the chance to show us what the NYPD can be. Not the NYPD of old, not the racial profiling, no the corruption, not the indiscriminate violence and complicity with war crimes."

RADIO: Caroline says, "Like that bright young man said earlier, we need to build new. We need to start fresh. It's time we start listening. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Phoebe."

RADIO: Phoebe mumbles a few things. Then, "I… ah, y-yeah. It's— of course, it's an honor Mayor Short. I— it's good to hear the NYPD will be back in service sooner rather than later. It's…" Paper shuffle. "Well, I…"

RADIO: Caroline says, "You're a gracious host, Phoebe. Thank you again, New York. We'll talk again soon."

RADIO: Phoebe mumbles something to himself, papers shift again. "I think we're all about out of time. I'd like to thank my panel, the Safe Zone Cooperative, for coming out tonight and—

RADIO: {static}

RADIO: {static}

RADIO: {static}

RADIO: {static} —dy's knocking should I let him in

RADIO: Lord it's the devil would you look at him

RADIO: I've heard about him but I never dreamed

RADIO: He'd have blue eyes and blue jeans

RADIO: Well somebody's talking he's whispering to me

RADIO: Your place or my place well which will it be

RADIO: I'm getting weaker and he—{static}

RADIO: {static} — ith continued diligence. In national news, President Allen Rickham has indicated that the Justice Department will indict all foreign members of the Biomere and Renautus Corporation for their role in Pinehearst's illegal genetic modification on unwilling and unknowing participants.

RADIO: The President spoke on the White House lawn today and outlined his plan to persecute members of the Pinehearst Company to the fullest extent of the law. Vice President Kaylee Bellamy spoke with reporters after the President's address, indicating that the actions of the Pinehearst Company would take years, if not decades, to fully prosecute. But that while the wheels of justice may turn slowly, they will not stop turning.

RADIO: The Rickham administr— {static}

RADIO: {static}

RADIO: {static}

RADIO: {static} —his is Jolene Chevalier, and you're listening to Night Jazz. That was Mammal Hands with Kandaiki. Up next, more Mammal Hands with Boreal Forest and Hourglass. This is Night Jazz, modern Jazz, at night on WSZR.

RADIO: {pop}

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