Waking The Demon



Scene Title Waking the Demon
Synopsis The usually carefree and jovial Senior Agent for the Company — well — he's pissed.
Date May 25, 2009

The Company's Firing Range

Helpless, my eyes are bleeding from the fear that's inside,
You sealed your demise when you took what was mine.
Dont try and stop me from avenging this world,
No voice to be heard.

As he loads the weapon, round by round is feed into the cartridge as his dark eyes peer through dark tinted ballistic glassic. He flashes back to the killing of Katherine Marks. Careless she was, but this was not about carelessness. He could have just walked away, instad he provoked the attack, provoked his agents in the line of duty and killed one of them.

Waking the Demon,
Where'd ya run to.
Walking in shadows,
Watch the blood flow.

He saw the look in Veronica Sawyer's eyes that first day he met her. That first day he arrived to the city. Sadness, anger, frustration all swirled together. He makes no bones about the fact that this is a dangerous job. But it's more than a job, it's a way to serve your country — the greatest country in the world. Hell, he wouldn't be so far out of line to say that The Company serves the world. Controversial? Of course. But what war that has ever been fought, has not been surrounded by controversy?

Theres not much longer so dont try and fight,
Your bodies weakening so walk to the light.
All those painfull times so alone so ashamed,
I'm not coming back there's nothing to gain.

Yesterday's visit with Nalani Hollingwood only proved to serve one thing. This joker is playing games with lives here. He slams the magazine into the weapon and cocks it back harshly as he takes aim to the sillouetted figure 25 meters away from him. Hollingwood may be a grade A bitch, but that goesn't give him the right to intrude upon her personal life without invitation. Technically, she's on his team as well.

Caution, there's just no limits to the boundaries you push,
I've warned you but still you just fuck with my mind.
There's no escape from this rage that I feel,
Nothing is real.

Shots ring out as the cowboy pulls the trigger, round after round firing across the expanse and into the targeted victim that hangs a short distance away. As he unleashes his vengeance he recalls his converasation with Veronica earlier in the day. The way she looked. Somehow, the asshole seems to be one step ahead of everyone.

Waking the Demon,
Where'd ya run to.
Walking in shadows,
Watch the blood flow.

It stops now.

Theres not much longer so dont try and fight,
Your bodies weakening so walk to the light.
All those painfull times so alone so ashamed,
I'm not coming back there's nothing to gain.

The gun is set back down on the stand after he puts it on safe and ejects the magazine. He waits while the sillouette is brought to him. He doesn't need to study the shot groups or anything. The series of shots fired draw an untidy line across the throat of the paper victim.

Breath for me,
Don't wake me from this slumber.
Stay with me,
Possession taking over

Len pops the magazine back into the weapon and holsters it and starts out of the range. He enters his jeep and picks up a cell phone. Not his own. Buy and toss variety. He punches in Veronica's old cell number. There's no telling if he kept the phone or tossed it, but we'll find out soon enough.

"I've heard you've been looking for me and you have a few th ings that belong to me. You can reach me now." He rattles off the phone number for his disposable phone before hanging up. Then he picks up his Blackberry and scrolls through his contacts and calls. "You're on a case. Meet me." he rattles off an address as he tears out of the parking log in his jeep.

Seems that Adam Monroe deciding to target his agents is the equivilant to..

Waking the Demon

Bullet for my Valentine - Waking the Demon

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