Wo Hop Restaurant
Wo Hop
Owner Unknown
Employees NPCs
Hours of Operation 24/7
Current Status Open for Business
People Come Here For… Cantonese/Chinese Dining

Situated in the basement of 17 Mott Street, the Wo Hop Chinese Restaurant caters to an Americanized Cantonese/Chinese menu. The restaurant was established in 1938, and is the only 24-hour Chinese restaurant in New York City. Wo Hop is an ecclectic restaurant, featuring the faces of celebrity guests plastered on its walls and some of the cheapest — and by many restaurant reviews most savory — Chinese food in all of New York City, topping even major Chinatown restaurants like the Golden Luck Dragon.

Known to its staff but kept a secret, Wo Hop is a front for the major New York Chinese Triad known as the Ghost Shadows. The ground floor and rooms above Wo Hop serve as meeting grounds and leadership placements for the Ghost Shadows operations

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